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May 11, 1984 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1984-05-11

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, May 11, 1984 - Page 3
FBI begins probe of mayor's corporation
By ERIC MATTSON law" relating to Third Party Services, a company acknowledged that he wants to get even with the
that fixes, sells, and leases medical equipment. The company for being fired.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation iA reportedly Ann Arbor News reported the FBI probe into the Touzani applied for and received limited immunity
looking into allegations that an Ann Arbor firm - allegedly stolen circuits this week. in the case, but he can still be prosecuted outside of
purchased last year by a partnership that included ANTHONY SAID TPS is cooperating fully with Southeastern Michigan, according to U.S. Attorney
Mayor Louis Belcher - bought stolen computer cir- the FBI Viriginia Morgan.
cuit boards before the mayor's group bought the Meanwhile, TPS faces a civil suit filed by the in- Anthony said he doesn't know how long the in-
company. stigator of the stolen equipment investigation; vestigation will take.
FBI official John Anthony confirmed that the William Touzani. According to court records, Belcher could not be reached for comment.
bureau is investigating "possible violations of federal Touzani said he was unlawfully fired from TPS and

Two anti-Nazi protesters arrested
during a rally last March were senten-
ced to do volunteer work and pay a total
of $270 in court costs this week in 15th
District Court.
Marcella Silveri, who had been
charged with assault and battery after
she threw a flashlight battery at a
police officer, was ordered to pay $180
in court costs and do 72 hours of volun-
teer work for an approved non-profit
Doyle O'Connor, who had been
charged with resisting arrest and ob-
structing a police officer, was senten-
ced to pay $90 in costs and work 36
Three other anti-Nazi protesters'
cases are still pending.
The "five were arrested during a
neo-Nazi demonstration at the Federal
Building last March.
- Eric Mattson


Hats off DOUG McMAHON/Daily
Members of the Wayne State baseball team stroll past a helmeted Michigan dugout in Fisher stadium Tuesday. For
details on the double-header see page 20.

* U.S. judge

Lynn Johnston, a member of Stop-
Tow of Ann Arbor and an avowed
political activist, sued the city because
she said the towing of cars with more
than six parking tickets violates the
constitutional right of individuals to due
But Mel Laracey, assistant city at-
torney, disagreed. He said the system
"provides about as much due process
as you can give."
District Court agreed with Laracey,
dismissing all of the charges in John-
ston's lawsuit except one earlier this
In her complaint, Johnston sued the
city, the police department, Brewer's

Towing Service, and three District
Court judges after her car was towed in
January of 1983.
She claimed that towing the car
violated the right of due process
because the order to tow was made
through the Treasurer's Office - the
executive branch - when it should
have been made through the judicial
branch. Johnston said that the city
"holds your car ransom" without going
through the courts.
BUT JOINER ruled that since the
city warns that a car may be towed af-
ter it has accumulated more than six
parking tickets and allows each ticket
to be appealed, the law allowing the city
to tow does not violate due process.
Joiner also ruled that Johnston can-

not sue Brewer's since it merely follows
the order of the city, and she cannot sue
the police department since it is not
separate from the city.
The charge still pending involves
Johnston's allegation that state judges'
pension plans benefit from high parking
fines, making it nearly impossible to
appeal the fines, much less win the case
in court.
JOHNSTON asserts in her complaint
that judges "sponsor rude and abusive
treatment of accused parking
violators," which is "designed to
discourage and prevent accused
parking violators from prompt and
proper access to the state courts."
See ANTI-TOWING, Page 15

The searc
top position
sity continu
Board of Tr
The prop
service, a
hired to hel
university a
ts and obs
sity," said B
son Barbara
She called
services wi

Washington firm searches for MSU president
PETE WILLIAMS investment. "It was something that publicly," she said. "I think the closed "My personal opini
h for a new person to fill the needed to be done," Sawyer said. meeting was healthy because members stick around for thes
at Michigan State-Univer- If its proposed selection procedure is could speak more freely and be more Bradley, president o
ed this week as a proposed accepted, the firm will study prospec- candid." Graduate Students."
for selecting the new tive presidents and suggest qualified Richard Lewis, dean of MSU's that his wife wants t"
was presented to MSU's candidates. An ad hoc, committee of College of Business, told the trustees in town."
trustees has been formed to review the their meeting last Thursday that, "It is
usteewas submitted by firm's proposal and the suggestions for imperative that the search process be Bradley said tha
I Search and Assessment a new president. confidential." . rde aitat
Washington, D.C. firm The major concern at last Thursday's On Wednesday, Lewis corrected his reduced activity at th
p pick the university's new board meeting was the secret meetings remark, saying that only the names of September was unne
held by the ad hoc committee, Since it prospective candidates should be kept
JOB WAS to survey the does not represent a quorum of the secret, in order to encourage ap- "if Mackey decid
nd come up with judgemen- trustees, the committee is not required plications of qualified persons. Board would appoint
ervation about the univerI to hold open meetings. "There is no reason for the process, over his duties," hesa
3oard of Trustees Chairper- Sawyer said that the closed meetings per se, to be confidential," he said.
bado rsesCare- worked out well and that they were Current MSU President Cecil Bradley said t
Sawyer. "re duw tivy."ere crethrsUgneidebruary Brdly
the consulting firm, whose "really productive." Mackey, who resigned in February af- ministration could r
It was a matter of convenience. All ter five controversial yars, has not said president until Septe
Al cost $15,000, a worthwhile of what we said could have been done when he will leave office.

ion is that he won't
ummer," said Ron
f MSU's Council of
What I've heard is
get the hell out of,
t because of the
e University in the
successor before
des to leave the
t someone to take
he current ad-
manage without a

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