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July 17, 1984 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1984-07-17

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actress Blooms
with solo show

By Robin Jones
will present one of the world's most
renowned Shakespearean stage ac-
tresses, when she performs here for the
first time as part of the Ann Arbor
Summer Festival.
Claire Bloom, that magnificent
British leading lady of stage, film, and
television, will present portraits of
Shakespeare's heroines exploring
various scenes, history, and meanings
of his characters in her one-woman per-
formance of These Are Women.
Bloom is familiar to American
audiences as Lady Marchmain in the
television adaptation of Evelyn
Waugh's Brideshead Revisited. She
also appeared as Katherine of Aragon
in Henry VIII and as Queen Gertrude in
Hamlet for the BBC television series.
Born in London, Bloom made her first
stage appearance with the Oxford
Repertory Company at the age of six-
teen. Her first major role came a year
later, when she played Ophelia at Strat-
ford-upon-Avon opposite the alter-
nating Hamlets of Paul Scofield and
Robert Helpmann. Her performance in
Peter Brook's production of Jean
Anouilh's Ring Round the Moon, also
starring Paul Scofield, led to the role of
Theresa in Charles Chaplin's 1952 film,
Villella dar
he speaks a
days with t:
(Continued from Page 10)
"I realize that I was the raw material
for genius and that those were the best
25 years of my life," Villella said.
Perhaps the most impressive tribute
to the late Russian choreographer was
a Balanchine arrangement of Igor
Stravinsky's Apollo. Though Villella
admitted that he no longer dances
professionally and that Sunday's per-
formance was "pure self indulgence,"
his dancing expertise is anything but
history. His graceful strength and un-
derstanding interpretation was a tribut
e not only to Balanchine, but also to
The four dancers in Villella's com-
pany Sunday night were also a credit to
the performance. Ric Abel and Kim
Vickers in their performance of Con-
certo Barocco showed an ability to
tastefully and rhythmically deliver
what might have been seen as laborous
and nearly impossible by less skilled
The last arrangement, John Clif-
ford's Fantasies, was performed by
Sheri Little and Paulo Manso de Sousa
along with Abel and Vickers. In this
dance, the artists use a series of in-

Limelight, her performance in which
made her an international film star.
Since then Claire Bloom has divided
her career between England and the
United States. Her films include
Limelight (1952), Richard III (1956),
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
(1965), Charly (1968), and A Doll's
House (1973).
Her most notable stage roles have in-
cluded Shakespeare's Juliet, Ophelia,
Viola, Miranda and Cordelia at the Old
Vic. In London's West End she has ap-
peared as Sasha in Ivanov, Nora in A
Doll's House, Rebecca West in Rosmer-
sholm, and Mme. Ranyevshaya in The
Cherry Orchard. In 1974 she won three
major English theatrical awards for
her London portrayal of Blanche de
Bois in Streetcar Named Desire.
In New York, she has had the leading
role in A Doll's House, Hedda Gabler,
Rashomon, Vivat! Vivat! Regina and
thesstage version of Henry James' The
Turn of the Screw.
She has also written Limelight and
After, an autobiographical book
published by Harper and Row in
American and Wiedenfield and
Nicholson in England.
Performances of These Are Women
are at 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday
nights at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
For ticket availability and further in-
formation, contact the Power Center
Box Office open Monday-Sunday 12-7
p.m. or call 763-0950.
.ices while
bout his
.he ballet
triguing and difficult moves toward a
graceful switch of partners, completing
the fantasy for two - and then all - of
the characters involved. Manso de
Sousa deserves specific notice for his
well-chosen role in the dance. His
ability and stage-presence, while not
overshadowing the rest of the company,
gave the arrangement a much-
appreciated excitement and vitality.
Villella's Ann Arbor debut is off to a
good start, and the few spectators who
have become involved thus far have a
greater insight into Villella's world of
ballet. Hopefully, with his master's
classes and full performances during
the week, many others wil also get that
CALL 764-0557

Claire Bloom, star of numerous cinematic and theatrical productions,
presents These Are Women, a salute to heroines of Shakespeare, Thursday
and Friday nights at Lydia Mendelssohn.
Liza Minelli admits
problems Withdrugs
NEW YORK (UPI) - Actress Liza the former first lady after she was
Minnelli, saying she has "a problem helped in overcoming a problem with
and I am going to deal with it," checked alcohol and drugs.
into California alcohol and drug Elizabeth Taylor, Johnny Cash, Tony
rehabilitation center, the Betty Ford Curtis, and Robert Mitchum have all
Clinic in Rancho Mirage. been treated at the facility.
Allen.Eichhorn, a spokesman for Eichhorn said Minnelli was slightly
Minnelli, said the actress missed her injuried in a taxi accident recently and
final scheduled performance in the later checked into a hospital to have a
Broadway play The Rink, and flew to growth removed from her neck.
California Friday to begin treatment. Her replacement in The Rink,
"I have a problem, and I am going to Stockard Channing, went into the
deal with it,"' Eichhorn quoted Minnelli musical at Saturday's matinee, sooner
as saying. She was accompanied by a than planned. She was originally
doctor, her sister Lorna Luft, secretary scheduled to begin her run in the show
Roni Agress and friend Pam Lewis. Monday.
The Betty Ford Clinic was founded by
Tuesday, July 17, 1984
7:00- 10:00p.m.
6 weeks
537 SAB - Phone 763-4025
SHOP HOURS: MON. - THUR. 3 - 11 P.M.
FRIDAY 11 A.M. - 5 P.M.

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