Page 12 Friday, July 16, 1982
Clampett leads British
TROON, Scotland (AP)- Bobby Clampett beat the nerup to Watson in the U.S. Open and one of the pre-
tougher of the two Troons, the fearful back nine, with tournament favorites here.
a birdie on the final hole, completing a spectacular, 5- "I couldn't make anything happen. I couldn't make
under-par 67 that staked him to a 2-stroke lead a putt. And my interest level was about the same.
ythe 111th British Open And that unusual for me. But when you're not hitting
yesterday in the first round of tgood shots, it's hard to stay up.
Golf Championship. "I lost my timing when I had the flu over the
"A phenomenal day. Definitely one of the top five weekend and I haven't got it back."
rounds I've ever played," the curly-haired, 22-year- BUT HE DECLINED to count himself out.
old American said. "The scores, generally, are high. With one good
AND SOME of his more famous countrymen con- round, I'd be right back in it.
sidered ita massive understatement. His assessment seemed accurage. The scores,
"Sixty-nine on Troon today was a terrific score," generally, were very high, indeed. Jerry Pate, who
said U.S. Open title-holder Tom Watson, who com- won the Tournament Players Championship, for
piled that total on his journey through blustery winds, example, took a fat 81. Lee Trevino, twice a winner of
biting cold and occasional drizzle. "A 67. That's per- this event, made an 8 on the Par-4 10th hole and
"It's tough out there," said defending champion finished with a 78.
Bill Rogers, who had a 73, a highly-respectable effort ranIk PRICn hEropimabwor e, 5ye-oniliwho
under the dismal playing conditions. 'I feelgood ran 7t one Eroan Tour mon wning st
about shooting a 73. It's a good score today. shared second with Watson at 69.
" I DON'T KNOW where in hell those other guys Ken Brown, a lean and laconic Scot, Bernhard
were playing. They had to be on a different golf Langer of West Germany, who chased Rogers to this
course. Those are incredible scores." title a year ago, and Des Smyth of England were
Almost as incredible but on the other side of the another stroke back at 70.
coin was the 77 posted by an unhappy Jack Nicklaus, The weather was the major factor in the long, gray,
a 5-over-par effort that left him 10 shots back. gloomy day. The winds gusted and blustered to 20
"I just wasn't with it," said Nicklaus, holder of a miles per hour. The temperature lurked in the 40s. A
record 17 major professional titles and a deeply steady rain greeted the early starters, but later gave
way to occasional drizzle leaking from leaden skies.
respected, almost revered figure to the golf-mad FOR A SHORT time, however, it was all sunshine
Scots who cheerfully ignored the inclement weather and roses for Arnold Palmer, that legendary, 52-year-
and, in their massive numbers, clogged the highways old who ranks as golf's most-loved figure.
for miles around in their journeys to the Roayl Troon Calling on the half-remembered skills from another
Golf Links stretching some 7,067 yards along the gray era of golfing greatness. Palmer eot it 4-under-par at
waters of the Firth of Clyde. one stage then made the turn to the back nine, which
"I JUST DIDN'T paly well," said Nicklaus, run- plays straight into the teeth of the prevailing winds.
The Michigan Doily
... shoots 67
Bo saysv
can stop
drug use....
DETROIT (AP)- Michigan
football Coach Bo Schembechler
says coaches can do as much as
anybody to discourage the use of
drugs by athletes.
"I think you're just fooling:
yourself if you don't think drugs
are available on a college cam-
pus as big as ours," Schem- -
bechler said Wednesday.
YOU CAN get anything you
"We're going to address our-
selves to that. I think we've got to
concentrate on it."
Schembechler reminded the<
weekly luncheon meeting of the
Detroit Sports Broadcasters
Association that he dismissed
l five players from the squad two
years ago-including then-:
starting quarterback B.J.>
Dickey-for drug-related ac-
"IT'S THERE. Bill McCartney
(the former Michigan assistant
who was recently named coach at
Colorado) ran into it when he got
off the plane," Schembechler
aid. r
Big Ten still Big Two
Even though Iowa represented the Big Ten in the Rose
Bowl last season, the Big Two is anything but dead.
At least that's what pre-season college football magazines
seem to be saying. Street & Smith, Game Plan, Football Ac-
tion, College Football-The Professor's 1982 Guide To Win-
ning, Athlon's The Really Big Ten and Pigskin Preview have
all hit the newsstands and all pick Ohio State and Michigan to
finish one-two in conference play.
MICHIGAN IS predicted to top the conference in Football
Action and Athlon's The Really Big Ten. Ohio State is the
choice of Street & Smith, Game Plan, Pigskin Preview and
College Football-The Professor's 1982 Guide To Winning.
Illinois is picked third in all six publications. After that, the
magazines tend to differ in their selections although all place
Northwestern in the cellar.
College Football-The Professor's 1982 Guide To Winning
lists odds for the Big Ten race. They are as follows: Ohio
State (5-2), Michigan (7-2), Illinois (5-1), Wisconsin (6-1),
Purdue (6-1), Minnesota (6-1), Iowa (10-1), Indiana (20-1),
Michigan State (50-1) and Northwestern (1,000-1).
MICHIGAN WAS ranked in the Top 20 of all the magazines
(Athlon's did not have one). The highest the Wolverines were
ranked was sixth by Football Action. The lowest they were
rated was 17th by both Game Plan and Pigskin Preview.
A few Michigan individual players were also singled out for
attention by the magazines. Anthony Carter was named First
Team All-American on all the magazines that chose such a
team, except for Pigskin Preview which accorded that honor
to Tennessee's Willie Gault.
Also earning First Team All-American honors for
Michigan was Keith Bostic who was chosen by Street &
Wolverine performers given honorable mention status
were linebackers Robert Thompson (Street & Smith) and
Paul Girgash (Pigskin Preview), and quarterback Steve
Smith (Game Plan).
How the
Steet' smith Game Plan
I. Washington Pittsburgh
2. Pittsburgh Alabama
3. Nebraska Nebraska
4. Penn State Arkansas -
5. Alabama Washington
6. North Carolina SMU
7. Georgia North Carolina
8. SMU Georgia
9. USC Penn State
10. Clemson Florida
11. OhioState Oklahoma
12. Arkansas USC
13. Brigham Young Clemson
14. MICHIGAN Ohio State
15. Miami, Florida Missouri
16. UCLA Texas A&M
17. Houston MICHIGAN
i. Arizona State Texas
19. Texas Auburn
20. Oklahoma Arizona State
'experts' see
Football Action
Penn State
Arizona State
Miami, Florida
Ohio State
Texas A&M
the Top 20
The Professor's 1982
Guide to Winning Pigskin Preview
Pittsburgh Alabama
SMU Pittsburgh
Washington Nebraska
Alabama North Carolina
Nebraska Arkansas
North Carolina Washington
Georgia Georgia
Ohio State PennState
Notre Dame Clemson
Texas OhioState
Oklahoma Florida
Mississippi State Oklahoma
Arizona State Arizona State
Florida USC
Clemson Miami, Florida
Arkansas Illinois
Southern Mississippi Notre Dame