The Michigan Daily--Friday, July 16, 1982-Page 11
Tigers break record
with 11-run inning
Tigers scored a record 11 runs against
the Minnesota Twins in the first inning
last night.
The Tigers sent 14 men to the plate in
scoring the most runs ever in one inning
against the Twins. Detroit held the old
mark of 10 runs in the sixth inning June
13, 1967, at Metropolitan Stadium in
Bloomington, Minn.
LOU WHITAKER led off with a single
off Jack O'Connor and Chet Lemon
followed with a double, scoring
Whitaker. Larry Herndon singled
Lemon home and Lance Parrish
followed with another single before
Mike Ivie popped out.
Enos Cabell doubled to drive in Her-
ndon and chase O'Connor. John Pacella
relieved and was greeted with an RBI
single by John Wockenfuss that made it
4-0. Tom Brookens blooped a single to
center, scoring Cabell.
Alan Trammell hit into a fielder's
choice and Brookens was safe at second
on shortstop Ron Washington's error on
the play, loading, the bases. Whitaker
forced Trammell at second as Wocken-
fuss scored the sixth run.
Lemon walked to reload the bases
and Herndon doubled to clear them.
Finally, Parrish hit a 434-foot two-run
homer to left-center to complete the
scoring. _
Brewers 8, White Sox 4
MILWAUKEE (AP) - Jim Gantner's
RBI single capped a three-run fourth
inning and Jim Slaton pitched 7 1/3 in-'
nings of four-hit relief, leading the
Milwaukee Brewers to a 8-4 victory
over the Chicago White Sox in the first
game of last night's doubleheader.
The Brewers took a 4-1 lead with their
three-run fourth against Dennis Lamp,
6-4. After Ted Simmons singled and
Gorman Thomas walked, Roy Howell,
Marshall Edwards and Gantner lined
RBI singles.
The White Sox made it 4-2 in the fifth
against Slaton, 7-1, when Mike Squires
doubled and came around on grounders
by Vance Law and Aurelio Rodrigues.
Blue Jays 5, Rangers I
TORONTO (AP)- Consecutive home
runs by Barry Bonnell and JesseBar-
field and the hot hitting of Alfredo Grif-
fin backed the eight-hit pitching of
Dave Stieb as the Toronto Blue Jays
defeated the Texas Rangers 5-1 last
Stieb, 8-10, recorded his 10th com-
plete game, tying him with Oakland's
Rick Langford for the American
League lead.
Loser Rick Honeycutt, 4-10, lasted
just 2 2/3 innings. The loss was only the
second for Honeycutt in nine career
decisions against the Blue Jays.
Brazes 11, Cubs 4
CHICAGO (AP) - Bruce Benedict
drove in three runs with a single and a
homer and Dale Murphy added a two-
run shot to lead the Atlanta Braves to
an 11-4 victory over the Chicago Cubs
yesterday as Phil Niekro posted his
247th career win.
Niekro, 7-3, went the distance for the
second time this year, scattering nine
hits and striking out five.
The Braves rocked Chicago starter
Ferguson Jenkins, 6-10, for five runs in
the first 1 % innings, the earliest
knockout this season for the veteran
AP Photo-
ATLANTA'S DALE MURPHY reaches in vain for the Cubs' Jody Davis' cen-
ter field homer in the fourth inning yesterday. The Braves went on to win,
No agreement in NFL
NEW YORK (AP) - Three days of accept an offer made by the team prior "He told me he still hadn't
negotiations between the National to midnight yesterday. Herzeg said. "I'd say unconce
Football League players union and Several first-round draft choices, his attitude. He just cont
team owners representatives recessed perhaps in an attempt to avoid that in- vacillate back and forth. How
without any agreement yesterday, definite status, have signed contracts in you wait?"
allowing the current contract to expire the last few days. Biles' decision marked th
at midnight. Miami's Roy Foster and the New crisis involving Stabler in
Though there way no imminent York Giants' Butch Woolfolk signed seasons, Stabler surprisingly
threat of a strike or a training camp Thursday. The Baltimore Colts start his retirement prior to the sta
lockout by the owners, the midnight ex- training camp today, and the other 1981 camp but came back afte
piration of the five-year contract opens teams will start within two weeks. Nielsen suffered a shoulder inj
the way for possible job action by the Stabler on waiters Stabler struggled through
players and throws about 90 unsigned year and lost his starting job
rookies intolimbo. HOUSTON (AP) - Quarterback Ken end of the season when Niels
"We're going nowhere-and not so Stabler, told last week he would not be ned.
rapidly," said Jack Donlan, executive invited to training camp, was placed on Stabler failed to attend
director of the council and the owners' waivers yesterday by the Houston
chief negotiator. Oilers of the National Football League.
MORE TALKS were planned for next Coach Ed Biles, at odds with the 13-
week in Washington, D.C., but exact year veteran since he took over as head
dates were not announced. coach last season, said his decision was
The two sides disagreed on what ef- based on Stabler's playing ability and
feet the end of the contract wil have on the Oilers' plans for offensive changes. ACtiOfl SportswI
unsigned rookies, such as Heisman STABLER HAS not spoken with the
Trophy winner Marcus Allen of Oilers staff during the off season and FACTORYCLOSOEO
Southern Cal and quarterback Jim missed an appointment with NFL
McMahon of Brigham Young. Commissioner Pete Rozelle, concer-
Accoridng to the union, unsigned ning Stabler's alleged involvement with Swimwear
rookies - of which there were about 90 a convicted gambler.
as of yesterday morning - could sign on Biles said he told Stabler of his plans Footwear
contracts after midnight. No unsigned July 7 and offered him a chance to d we
playes can attend training camps, and retire or to seek a job with another Y
the union says any rookie contracts team. Stabler had promised Biles a
signed after the deadline could be decision on Monday, Biles said, but ef- 4os ats t ee
voided by law. forts to reach Stabler have failed.
HOWEVER, the council, in a letter to Oiler General Manager Ladd Herzeg 663-6771
all 28 NFL teams, said clubs can sign, finally contacted Stabler Wednesday
rookies after July 15, if those rookies - -night but still got no reply:
r 1
cided," training sessions although Biles had
ned was warned that the extra sessions were
ued to necessary if Stabler planned to play for
ong can the Oilers.
STABLER attended an Oiler mini-
second camp on May 23 for his only offseason
many appearance.
nouned Oiler linebacker Gregg Bingham, a
t of the daily visitor to the Oiler training
Gifford facilities in the off-season, said Stabler
ry. , made a mistake by not participating in
ut last the off-season program.
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