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July 16, 1982 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1982-07-16

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The Michigan Daily

Friday, July 16, 1982

Paq 7

Pane 7,

The Blind Pig (208 S. First; 996-8555)
Dick Siegel and the Ministers of
Melodyahit the stage with lasting
R&B classics and originals tonight.
and tomorrow night.
Joe's Star Lounge (109 N. Main;
Dance to the rock of Steve Nar-
della through Saturday. On Sunday
The Michigan Alliance for Nuclear
Disarmament Benefit stars Baal
and The Guilty.
Mr. Flood's Party (120 W. Liberty;
Be persuaded by the infamous
Blue Front Persuaders with lots of
fun R&B until Saturday.
Rick's American Cafe (611 Church;
Coming down from the relative
coolness of Northern Michigan, the
Jelly Roll Blues Band plays, you
guessed it, blues tonight and
tomorrow night. Sunday's Benefit
for Nicaraguan Flood Victims
features Melodioso.
Second Chance (516 E. Liberty;
Top-40 fun with Mariner all
through the weekend.
Use Daily

U-Club (Michigan Union; 763-5911)
Every Friday night, Rockin'
Oldies; every Thursday night,
Reggae Dance Party. Both shows
DJ'd by Michael Kremin on the patio
in the Union.
Young People's Theater
The Fabulous Fable Factory, a
musical structured around Aesop's
Fables, is the attraction playing
through the weekend at the Perfor-
mance Network. Call 996-3888 for in-
Arbecoll Summer Dinner Theater
The Great American Musical,
Musical Revue plays in the
Michigan League Ballroom over the
weekend. Listen to all your favorite
Broadway songs from Cohan to
Hamlish. For information call
Ann Arbor Civic Theater
The Robber Bridegroom continues
at the Civic Theater this weekend
and next. A romantic musical set in
the old frontier, this show stars Rich
Poselle and Susan Dawson. Call
662-7282 for details.
Museum of Art
Quilts and Ceramics, an exhibition
of hand-made American quilts are
displayed along with examples of
ceramics until August 22. Call
763-1231 for information.

Computer capers can't
save Disney's Tron
By D. B. Christy they've banked on to break into the big
money adult-fantasy market-is
probably a megamiss. It opened in Ann
ON'T FEEL TOO sorry for the Arbor last Friday, and both the Satur-
folks at Walt Disney. After all, day and Sunday matinees at the
they've still got Disneyland and Wayside theatre were practically em-
Disneyworld to subsidize their com-pty.
pany until they geta megahit. On the surface, it's hard to see why.
Unfortunately, Tron-the movie e. "runeN' Pa1n

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