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July 16, 1982 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1982-07-16

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Page 4--Friday, July 16, 1982--The Michigan Daily
PLO expects
street battle
with Israelis

The PLO's security chief said yester-
day that despite negotiations to end the
siege of west Beirut, the trapped
Palestinian guerrillas expected a street
battle with Israeli troops and tanks
ringing the Lebanese capital.
"We are engaged in political
negotiations, but a fight remains the
foremost probability," said Salah
Khalaf, better known by the code name
Abu Lyad.
"WE ARE engaged in political
negotiations, but a fight remains the
foremost probability," said Salah
Khalaf, better known the code name
Abu Lyad.
"WE ARE prepared to fight and shall
do it with everything we have, even
with our nails," he said in a speech
broadcast by the Palestine Liberation
Organization's radio station.
Defense Minister Ariel Sharon of
Israel said yesterday that Israel was
showing "great patience" with the
diplomatic negotiations to evacuate the
Palestinian guerrillas from Beirut.
But he said, "It is better that everyone
connected with the matter remember
that we have not returned the sword to
its sheath and won't return it until the
last of the terrorists has left Beirut."

Sharon spoke at a ceremony in
southern Israel honoring the country's
air force.
U.S. MEDIATOR Philip Habib will
resume his effort today to break the
diplomatic stalemate on how, when and
where to evacuate PLO leader Yasser
Arafat's estimated 8,000 guerrillas
from Moslem west Beirut, Lebanon
radio reported.
U.S. and Lebanese mediators can-
celled a scheduled conference yester-
day because Lebanese President Elias
Sarkis was ill, the radio said.
In Damascus, diplomatic sources said
yesterday that Syrian Foreign Minister
Abdul Halim Khaddam will fly to
Washington on Tuesday for talks with
President Reagan on the Lebanon
WHITE HOUSE officials have said
Reagan, Secretary of State George
Shultz and the Syrian and Saudi foreign
ministers will meet in Washington in a
few days to discuss the Lebano"n sid
The Reagan administratio-s
yesterday that "now is the appropriate
time" for the Arab world to help find a
home for the PLO guerrillas.

In Brief
Complied from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Congress approves $5.5 billion
emergency spending bill.
WASHINGTON- Congress gave final approval yesterday to a com-
promise, $5.5 billion emergency spending bill, hoping to avert a third veto by
President Reagan and head off the unpaid furlough of thousands of federal
The House speedily approved the measure on a 389-13 vote and sent it to
the Senate, which soon followed with a 91-6 affirmative vote that sent the
legislation to the White House.
Because the bill is similar to one already passed by the Senate with the
blessing of budget director David Stockman, its adoption by the Senate was
virtually assured from the outset.
There were strong indications that Reagan would sign the bill this time.
"I've been informed this morning that the president will sign this bill,"
Rep. Silvio Conte of Massachusetts, ranking Republican member of the Ap-
propriations Committee, told his colleagues on the House floor.
Deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes said the president's
advisers recommended that he sign the bill. "We think it looks like a good
bill," Speakes said.
Industrial production falls again
WASHINGTON- The nation's industrial production fell in, June for the
10th time in 11 months, the government reported yesterday and one federal
economist called the 0.7 percent drop a "rude awakening" for anyone who
thought the recession had ended.
The new decline in output by factories and mines made it much more
likely that figures on overall national economic activity will show a drop for
the April-June quarter-the third quarterly slide in a row-rather than the
slight increase that preliminary estimates showed last month.
Robert Ortner, the Commerce Department's chief economist, said that
"the report is very disappointing, a rude awakening."
But he said he still expects recovery from the recession to begin in the
current July-September quarter, adding that "we'll just have to take a deep
breath, tighten our belts for one more month and hope July will show a little
more light."
More pessimistic on the state of the economy was private analyst Michael
Evans, president of Evans Economics in Washington.
"It looks pretty bad," he said. "And it looks like the economy is not going
to do much in the second half of the year either."
Dam gives way, 4 missing
ESTES PARK, Colo. - An earthen dam gave way yesterday and unleashed
a boiling brown wall of water up to 30 feet high, leaving at least four people
missing in Rocky Mountain National Park and clogging this vacation city
with a sea of mud.
The water poured through the 80-year-old dam at Lawn Lake, scoured
plants from the banks of the Roaring River, engorged Fall River and sent 5
to 7 feet of water down Estes Park's main street, said Glen Kaye, a public in-
formation officer for the park.
There was no official word on the cause of the collapse.
The flood washed out power lines west of Estes Park and several gasoline
pumps and propane tanks were ripped loose, but Gene Rough, a volunteer
firefighter, said there were no reports of fires.
Up to 200 businesses along Elkhorn Avenue were reported damaged.
"I'm just sick," said Estes Park Mayor Harry Tregent, who appeared
near tears as he surveyed the damage. "I suppose it can be cleaned up but
the damage is done."
Kaye said one camper was reported swept away in his sleeping bag and
another three were missing from a campground in the park.
Lt. Gov. Nancy Dick ordered 55 National Guardsman into town to protect
it against looting and to help the police. Dick said he was told there "was
some evidence of looting," but did not elaborate.
New hope for the overweight
CINCINNATI- Researchers said yesterday that a synthetic fat substitute
that resembles cooking oil, but is not absorbed by the body, could offer new
hope for the overweight and those with heart problems.
The substance, sucrose polyester, was substituted for fatty items in a
recent study and helped a group of obese people to lose nearly a half pound a
day without harmful side effects, the researchers said.
Sucrose polyester passes through the digestive system without being ab-
sorbed, reducing the number of calories taken into the body. It also reduces
blood cholesterol levels, according to Charles Glueck, head of the research
team that conducted tests with 100 obese people at the University of Cincin-
His study was published in the June issue of the American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition.
Other weight control products tend to reduce amounts of carbohydrates
taken into the body, or to alter a person's eating habits. But by using the fat
substitute, obese people can "literally have their cake and eat it, too,"
Glueck said.
Glueck said 50 million Americans with high cholesterol levels or weight
problems might be helped by sucrose polyester if the Food and Drug Ad-
ministration eventually gives its-approval for use under a doctor's care.

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