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July 16, 1982 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1982-07-16

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 15, 1982--Page 3
Draft evader pleads innocent

ROANOKE (UPI)- The 20-year-old son of a
Brethren minister yesterday pleaded innocent to a
charge of failing to register for the draft, conceding
he was guilty but saying he wanted to publicly ex-
plain his motives before a jury.
Enten Eller, a junior at Bridgewater College who
contends God's law carries more authority than
federal law, was so nervous standing at the front of a
federal courtroom packed with supporters and repor-
ters that he almost entered the wrong plea.
"ALTHOUGH I adniit that I have not registered, I
would like to enter a guilty plea," he told U.S. District
Judge James Turk. After a collective gasp from his
friends, Eller stammered, "I mean a not guilty
Turk scheduled trial for August 17 in Roanoke.

After his release on $10,000 personal recognizance
bond, Eller told reporters he wanted a jury trial so he
could make a public statement of his beliefs. He said
he was not concerned about the possibility of a prison
"CRIMINAL intent, .that simply is absent," he
Before his court appearance, the clean-cut Eller, a
physics and math major with a 4.0 grade average, led
a band of 60 Christian pacifists in the singing of an-
tiwar songs outside the courthouse.
"I ain't gonna' study war no more," he sang.
ELLER TUESDAY became the second man in the
nation to be indicted for refusing to register for selec-
tive service. The Justice Department singled out 160
of the estimated 500,000 young men who have not
registered in an effort to persuade others to recon-

The recent indictment of Benjahin Sasway of San
Dielo, Calif., touched off protests across the nation.
If convicted, Eller faces a prison term of up to five
yearsand a fine of up to $10,000. However, because-of
his age, the judge has the option of setting aside any
sentence or confining him for as long as six years.
Eller follows the teachings of the Brethren Church,
considered one of the "historic peace churches" in
the United States. The church opposes the bearing of
arms, but allows members to decide for themselves
whether to register for military service.
Eller is the son of Rev. Vernard Eller of LaVerne,
Calif. He has lived in Virginia for several years.
When he turned 18 in September of 1980, he wrote the
Selective Service to state his moral objections to

in Utah
screaming about "pornography and
busing" ran onto a dais where U.S.
Supreme Court Justice Byron White
waited to give a t-peech yesterday and
pummeled him with his fists before
being subdued by onlookers.
The 65-year-old justice, who suffered
an abrasion on his cheek, had just been
introduced as a speaker at a meeting of
the Utah Bar Asociation at the Marriott
Hotel about 11 a.m.
WHITE proceeded to give his speech
after joking "I've been hit harder than
that before in Utah," a reference to his
days as a college football star at the
University of Colorado, where he got
the nickname "Whizzer."
Terry Knowles, FBI special agent in
charge, said Newton Estes, 57, was
charged with assault on a federal
justice ina complaint authorized by the
U.S. attorney's office. U.S. Magistrate
Paul Badger set bail at $10,000 and
Estes was being held in the Salt Lake
Ciiy-County jail.
If convicted, he could serve a
maximum sentence of three years in
prison and be ordered to pay a $5,000
THE* COMPLAINT said Estes told
the FBI he planned to assault White as
soon as he learned he was speaking
here, but that he did not strike the
justice hard enough to harm him. Estes
told the FBI his purpose in striking
White was to get arrested and force a
jury trial in which the issues of por-
nography and foul language on television
and of forced busing would be aired, the
complaint said.
The man shouted as he struck the
justice that he was unhappy about
White's decisions on busing and por-
"He's causing four-letter words to
come into my living room through the
TV set. The only way I know how to stop
it is to go to the source," the man told

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Volunteer Jason Voeller puts himself, not his name, in lights

Doily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
as he changes the marquee of the Michigan Theater on E.

California prof who gave credit
for sex seeks return to classroom

LONG BEACH, Calif. (UPI) - A
professor who resigned his teaching
post following disclosures he gave
college credit for extramarital sex and
was "romantically involved" with
students now wants to return to the
Professor Barry Singer offered his
resignation to Cal State Long Beach of-
ficials while suffering a severe
depression and living in fear for his life,
his attorney said.
SINGER, 39, recently wrote to
university officials asking them to
withdraw their acceptance of his
resignation, but they refused.
Attorney Dean Hyatt said Wednesday
Singer resigned in a state of severe
depression while "hiding out" in a
motel room in the remote Mojave
Dessert community of Boron, apparen-
tly living in fear of death threats made

after his unorthodox teaching methods
became a subject of controversy.
"He became so depressed that he
sent in his resignation written on the
back of a postcard," Hyatt said.
He was very, very concerned about
the anger of the public over his course."
SINGER taught a course on the
psychology of sex that offered credit for
homosexual, group and extramarital
sexual encounters. The class, which he
taught for eight yesrs, also featured
field trips to gay bars and dressing in
A faculty committee undertook a
review of Singer's course after several
Christian groups complained, but
university officials suspended him for
30 days without pay in May after the
professor disclosed he had been
"romantically involved" with three or
four students.

A FEW DAYS after the suspension
was announced, Singer offered his
Jaffe Dickerson, counsel for Cal State
Long Beach, said the university would
not withdraw its acceptance of Singer's
'As far as the university is concerned,
the matter is resolved," Dickerson
said. "He resigned. The university's
position is that it is dead, finished and
over with, and that's the end of it."
Hyatt said he would appeal the
university's decision to the state Per-
sonnel Bord under a section of the
state Education Cede that allows for
resignations to be set aside if they have
been made "by reason of mistake,
fraud, duress, undue influence" or un-
der circumstances in which the instruc-
tor was not acting voluntarily.

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