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July 13, 1982 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1982-07-13

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The Michigan Daily--Tuesday, July 13, 1982-Page 3
Hospital strike ends in sixth week

The six-week-long ironworkers strike at the
University Replacement Hospital ended over the
weekend, but not before causing a "significant"
delay in construction timetables, according to
hospital officials.
Ironworkers reported for work yesterday morning
for the first time since they went on strike June lover
a contract dispute.
HOSPITAL planner Marsha Bremer said the
length of the strike will make it extremely difficult, if
not impossible, to make up for lost time.
"We know that a significant amount of time has
passed. There is no way that it won't affect the final
(completion) date," Bremer said.

The project's completion date-set for the fall of
1985-could be pushed back from one to five weeks
because of the strike, she said.
BREMER SAID, however, that hospital officials
were unsure what the total cost of the strike would be.
The only costs to the University will be the result of
construction delays, Bremer said, and other costs
will be covered by contractors.
The delay could start the new hospital out on a
deficit, Bremer said, because money from patient
care, which wiffbe used to help pay off construction
debts, would not be coming in for the weeks the
project was delayed.
Ironworkers Local 25 and two other tradeunions-
Operating Engineers Local 325 and Teamsters Local

247-Walked off the job in June when their contracts
with Associated Contractors of Detroit expired.
Although Operating Engineers and Teamsters
ratified contracts nearly three weeks ago, Iron-
workers refused all contract offers until this
Bremer said it will take until tomorrow for con-
struction to resume fully, adding that machinery and
the site in general must be prepared before construc-
tion of the steel girder frame can resume.
Other parts of the construction, including work on
the parking structure, roadwork, -and foundation
laying, have stayed on schedule despite the strike,
she said.

Frye supports
iterim program
in Geography
Vice President for Academic Affairs Should the committee decide to con-
Billy Frye said yesterday he will tinue the program, they would also
"almost surely" accept a recommen- have to find a replacement for Kish,
dation that an interim Program of who is scheduled to retire in 1983.
Georgrapy be created for the 1982-83 Although the program outlined by
academic year. Kish would allow students to concen-
The recommendation, made by LSA trate in geography, Jacoby said the
Dean Peter Steiner, suggests that Frye recommendation presented to the
authorize "the interim program for Regents by Frye may lack this
teaching and research in georgraphy" provision. She said the LSA
submitted by former geography Prof. currimulum committee's decision will
George Kish in June, according to Robin have an impact on the program's final
JacQby, Frye's assistant. degree offerings.
"I THINK it's fair to say there will be "THIS (THE program) is entirely
some program in geography in the consistent with the thinking at the time
coming year," Jacoby said. of the elimination of the geography
The program, if accepted by the department," Jacoby said, adding
Regents later this month, would be that the formation of the program does
directed by Kish. not represent as administrative step
Courses would be taught by eight back from the decision to cut the depar-
tenured geography professors who tment. "The department was
were relocated to other positions after the. eliminated. That did not mean there
Regents voted to eliminate the depar- would not be instruction in
tment last June. georgraphy," she said.
The program would offer 29 courses Steiner declined comment on his
(roughly nine any given term), down recommendation, saying only that it
from the 82 courses offered in the 1980- was "cautiously positive" towards the
81 academic year. Kish proposal.
"I AM FAVORABLY inclined toward Both Frye and Jacoby said the
this recommendation," Frye said, ad- program would require minimal funds
ding that it must now go to the LSA for operation: the plan submitted by
curriculum committee for evaluation. Kish calls for a staff of eight professors,
The program would be an academic one part-time secretary, possibly sup-
year "test," according to Jacoby. plemented with work-study help.
Steiner's recommendation asks that a Frye said he will evaluate the
three or four-person advisory commit- recommendation and submit. his
tee report to Frye and Steiner at the decision to the Regents at their July 22
academic yesr's end to decide whether and 23 meetings.
the program should be continued.

Bench warming day
This woman enjoys the beautiful summer sunshine on her lunchbreak out-
side the Federal Building.

"Sehool reforms
necessary, but
will take time,
educators say

LANSING (UPI) - Top educators said yesterday
Michigan's school aid formula must be overhauled,
warned financially depressed districts that refors
will nto come in time to help them during the coming
State School Superintendent Phillip Runkel was
joined by leaders of the Michigan Education
Association, Michigan Federation of Teachrs,
Michigan Association of School Boards and Michigan
Association of School administrators at a news con-
ference on the issue.
The conference was held in connection with a day-
long workshop in Lansing designed to get some 33
school districts off the state's "critical" list and on
the road to financial recovery by helping them win
voter approval for new milages. the list grew from 32
to 33 with the addition of Menominee.
R UNKEL NOTED this marks the third year the of-

ten-feuding groups, representing management and
labor in the educational world, have come together to
promote school tax issues..
He said the number of districts viewed at "critical"
due to millage failures is about the same as last year.
MEA Director Beverly Wolkow, however, said the
state's largest teachers' union is "extremely
displeased" by the fiscal state of eduction in
Ms. Wolkow said excessive reliance on the property
tax as a means of funding education has created
sharp distinctions between "the haves and the have
nots" among Michigan's school districts. Wealthy
districts are able to maintain a wide-ranging
curriculum, while poorer ones are struggling to
maintain a basic program, she said..

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