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July 08, 1982 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1982-07-08

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, July 8, 1982-Page 11
NL All-Star
pitchers named


NEW YORK (AP) - Steve Carlton of
the Philadelphia Phillies and Fernando
Valenzuela of the Los Angeles Dodgers,
who share the major league lead in vic-
tories with 11 apiece, head the All-Star
pitching staff named by the National
League and Manager Tom Lasorda of
the Dodgers yesterday.
Joining Carlton, 11-7, and Valenzuela,
11-6, on the NL staff for next Tuesday
night's game at Montreal are Steve
Rogers of the Montreal Expos, Phil
Niekro of the Atlanta Braves, Mario
Soto and Tom Hume of the Cincinnati
Reds, Greg Minton of the San Francisco
Giants and Steve Howe of the bodgers.
CARLTON LEADS the league with
142 strikeouts, one more than Soto, who
has a 7-5 record and the league's third
best earned run average at 2.42.
His selection marks the 10th time
Carlton has been picked for the All-Star
team. He was the winning pitcher in
the 1969 game at Washington, when he
started and worked three innings,
allowing two runs in the NL's 9-3 vic-

Valenzuela, the starting pitcher for
the NL in the last year's All-Star con-
test who went on to win Rookie of the
Year and Cy Young Award, is the
league leader in complete games with
nine. He pitched one scoreless inning in
last year's game at Cleveland, won by
the National League, 5-4.
ROGERS, 10-3, has a league-leading
2.04 ERA.
Minton, Hume and Howe are all relief
specialists and, like Soto, will be
making their All-Star debuts. Minton is
5-4 with 12 saves and has a 2.10 ERA.
Howe is 5-1 with seven saves and a 1.58
ERA and Hume is 1-4 with 16 saves and
a 2.68 ERA.
Niekro is 6-2 with a 3.06 ERA and, like
Rogers, was selected for the fourth
Missing from the NL squad is reliever
Bruce Sutter of the St. Louis Cardinals,
who has a pulled groin muscle. Sutter
has two wins and two saves for the NL
in the last four All-Star games.




1, Carlton
mons, Mow
York, 822,631
Jim Sundbe
Oakland, 46
1, Rod Care
semski, Bo
563.646. 5, T
Murray, Bal
York, 351,874

Final AL and NL All-Star voting totals
Tram ell Detoit mot, a Ro New 1,13,57. 4~ ~ ~ ~ phy, Atlanta, 1,664,833. 3, Tim Rainen, Monreal,
Trammell, Detroit, 658,6!1. 6, Roy Smalley, New 1,120,517. 4, Joe Morgan, San Francisco, 92,960., 51. 4, Dusty aker, Lo gele 1,34315.,
nerican League York, 566,291.7, Alfredo Griffin, Toronto, 24Z,983. 8, Ron Oester, Cincinnati, 914,762.6, Glenn Hubbard, Pes6o Guerrero, Lon Angeles. 1,122,347. 6, Geurge
CATCHER Glenn Hoffman, Boston, 233,104. Atlanta, 748,192. 7, Tommy Herr, St. Louis, 665,495.8, Foster, New York, 1,003,453. 7, Cesar Cedeno, Cin-
Jua Bonlla, san Deg, 415,221. cinnati, 985,036. 8, Warren Cromarte, Montreal,
Fisk, Chicago, 2,625,650. 2, Ted Sim- OUTFIELD THIRD BASE 964,776.9, DaveParker, Pittsburgh.,313,545. 10, Sixto
aukee, 1,313,800. 3, Rick Cerone, New 1, Reggie Jackson, California, 1,782,745. 2, Rickey 1, Mike Schmidt, Philadelphia, 2,748,210. 2, Ron Cey, Lescano, San Diego. 811,185.
8. 4, Lance Parrish, Detroit, 744,522. 5, Henderson, Oakland, 1,452,601. 3, Fred Lynn, Los Angeles, 1,060,349. 3, Bob Horner, Atlanta,
erg, Texas, $91,821. 6, Mike Heath, California, 1,353,890. 4, Dave Winfield, New York, 1,065,480.4, Johnny Bench, Cincinnati, 943,329. 5, Ray
8,551. 7, Rick Dempsey, Baltimore, 1,35o,531. 5, Jim Rice, Boston, 1,075,232. 6, Ben Knight, Houston, 629,263.6, Ken Oberkfell, St. Louis, SHORT OR LONG
tch Wynegar, New York, 324,278. Oglvie, Milwaukee, 1,014,304. 7, Amos Otis, Kansas 600,467. 7. Bill Madlock, Pittsburgh, 490,383.8, Hubie Hairstyles for
FIRST BASE City, 943,153.8, Willie Wilson, Kansas City, 887,205.9, Brooks, New York, 19,316. Men a Wome n
Bake McBride, Cleveland, 851,052. 10, Gorman SHORTSTOPn d
w, California, 2,165,296. 2, Carl Yastr- Thomas, Milwaukee, 826,929. 11. Ken Griffey, New 1, Dave Concepcion, Cincinnati, 2,203,574. 2, Ossie DASCOLA
ston, 2,013,342. 3, Cecil Cooper, York, 795,903. 12, Ron LeFlore, Chicago, 792,138. 13, Smith, St. Louis, 1,267,543. 3, Garry Templeton, San -
1,196,736. 4, Wile Aikens, Kansas City, Ken Singleton, Baltimore, 784,066. 14, Tony Armas, Diego, 1,051,947.4, Chris Speer, Montreal, 908,490. S, Liberty off State ........ 668-9329
sm Paciorek, Chicago, 540,410. 6, Eddie Oakland, 754,249. 15, Dwight Evans, Boston, 634,925. Larry Bow , Chicago, 653,615. 6, Bill Russell, Los LErt of Stats . 642-9334
itimore, 467,199. 7, Dave Collins, New 16, Kirk Gibson, Detroit,619,802. ArrySs, Ch cgo. , 611. 6, B Ilselp, East U. at South U....... 2-0354
~u, Mlke~rgrove, levelasd236,050.NationalAngeles. 62,037. 7, Ivan DeJesns, Philadelphia., roln . . 9197
National League 455,453.8, CraigReynolds,Houston,294,319. M la e.-3..3
1,Adr awCATotraC,6574.HEDlRMr

1, Bobby Grich, California, 1,451,370. 2, Wilie Ran-
dolph, New York, 1,406,873. 3, Frank White, Kansas
City,1,187,065.4, JimGantner, Milwaukee,820,071.5,
Tony Bernasard, Chicago, 742,228. 6, Lou Whitaker,
Detroit, 653,281. 7, Jerry Remy, Boston, 584,456. 8,
JuloiCruz, Seattle, 476,755.
1, George Brett, Kansas City, 2,548,560. 2, Toby
Harrah, Cleveland, 1,30,489.,3, Graig Nettles, New
York, 1,291, 478. 4, PsaulMoliter, Milwaukee, 812,260.
5, Doug DeCinces, California, 541,961.6., Buddy Bel,
Texas, 533,837. 7, Carney Lansford, Boston, 424,414.
8, John Castino, Minnesota, 235,413.
1, Robin Yount, Milwaukee, 2,014,651. 2, Bucky Dent,
New York, 1,464,603. 3, U.L. Washington, Kansas
City, 873,046.4, Bill Almon, Chicago, 314,747. 5, Alan

1, Gary Carter, Montreal, 2,785,407. 2, Darrell Por-
ter, St. Louis, 1,684,013. 3, Bo Dias, Philadelphia,
940,435. 4, Mike Scioscia, Los Angeles, 701,354. 5,
Terry Kennedy, San Diego, 655,546. 6, Bruce
Benedict, Atlanta, 568,763. 7, Tony Pena, Pittsburgh,
533,461.8,John Stearns, New York, 33,188.
1, Pete Rose, Philadelphia, 1,845,678. 2, Steve Gar-
vey,. Los Angeles, 1,343,123. 3, Al Oiver, Montreal,
1,172,466. 4, Keith Hernandez, St. Louis, 948,449. 5,
Chris Chamblis, Atlanta, 857,781. 6, Dan Driessen,
Cincinnati, 619,282. 7, Bil Buckner, Chicago, 480,132.
8, Dave Kingman, New York, 457,440.
1, Manny Trlo, Philadelphia, 1,506,402.2, Steve Sax,
Los Angeles, 1,504,777.' 3, Phil Garner, Houston,

1, Andre Dawson, Montreal, 1,$U,704. 2, Dale Mnr-

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