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June 03, 1982 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1982-06-03

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, June 3, 1982-Page 3

Ya'ssoo festival begins

Singing, dancing, three different or-
chestras, and a variety of Greek food
and drink will all be part of the eleventh
annual Ann Arbor Ya'ssoo Greek
Festival, which begins today.-
The festival, which will run from 11
a.m. to midnight today, Friday, and
Saturday is sponsored by Saint
Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, 414
N. Main, and will be held on the chur-
ch's grounds.
"ANYONE WHO wants to come (to
the festival) is assured 1,000 percent
that they will have a good time," said
Nick Beltsos, professor of business
management at EMU sod chairmnan of
the fes vl activi ', itans sa h
exp cts a bout 27,00 people to at d
th hre d-y 'u .i
"Y's i gengthat tan ,,

'Anyone who wants to come (to the festival) is.
assured 1, 000 percent that they will have a good
time.' -Nick Beltsos, festival chairman

festival's close at midnight.
THOUGH AN admission fee of $6.00
will be charged after 6 p.m., $4.50 of
that amount will apply toward a cer-
tificate the patron may use anywhere in
the6by 210-foot tent that will contain
the festival.
Beltsos admitted that there has been
some trouble with the neightborp im-
mediately bordering the festival
grounds. Numerous complaints have
been filed by a few nerby residents
about disorderly behavior during the
event, Beltsos said, and the $6.00 ad-
mission fee was instituted to keep out
those who come only to drink and cause
"My greatest joy," Beltsos said, 'is
to soe 27,000 people happy. Come and
lao-k al their cyct and the smiles on
their tacos .J.They'rc appy!

literally, 'to your health,'" explained
Litsa Varonis, one of the organizers of
the festival, who also lectures for the
Unviersity's English Composition
"We do this because we like to do this,
we do it to raise funds for expansion of
the church, and we do it because we feel
it is one of the finest cultural con-
tributions we can rnake," Beltsos ad-
AFTERN 0N attractions will in-
Iaudc a b-ke sae afl-cooursc tGreek

lunch for $3.50, a boutique with Greek
arts and crafts, and gyro cart full of the
Greek sandwiches.
Dinnertime features a full menu of
Greek dishes, and is served after 6 p.m.
nightly for $4.50 Greek wine and beer
will be available for those who wish to
augment their dining experience.
Each night will feature a different
Greetk 'and along with folk dancing
performances by dance groups ironm SI.
No-bolos. The music begins at 7:3d

mm _or__-..-lbn o h nn i"or>ca
Tb .,mnounc aseof ekd apenu ation
that - ullard would att rmpt to gain a
seat in the state Senate under the newly
drawn legislative district boundaries.
BULLARD SAID he had considered
running for the state Senate, but "per-
sonal considerations and the likelihood
of diminished influence over legislative
reforms as a member of the state
Senate" made him decide to run for re-
election to his current seat in the state
"We can't figure out what the odds
are in the Senate," said Bullard, "but
we think there is -a good chance of a
Republican majority . . . it's a difficult
choice but on the balance, I think it's
better to run for re-election."
Bullard began the election year as a
candidate for a seat in the U.S. House of
Representatives, but he dropped that
campaign when Ann Arbor was placed
in what he considered highly conservati
ve district.
Bullard, who chairs the state House
Judiciary Committee, called - his
decision to run for re-election "a very
straightforward matter."
"I'm currently the chair of an impor-
tant committee and have been able to
effectively represent my constitutents
in that position. Running for (state)
Senate would mean giving up that

. ]®O ?i2 j AP Photo
- Whooping it up
No, Richard Simmons has not gone loony. It's merely George Archibald,
director of the International Crane Foundation, performing a mating dance
with Tex, the foundation's only whooping crane. After Archibald stood in for
six weeks as a surrogate mate, the five-foot-tall Tex gave birth to a bouncing
five-inch chick named Gee Whiz.

. ..ready for another bid
position," he said in a statement
released after the announcement.
Now in his fifth term in the state
House, Bullard said he was pleased
with the composition of the new Ann
Arbor district, which he described as 80
percent the same as the previous
district and "slightly less Democratic."
"I believe that 'I've accomplished a
lot as a member of the House," said
Bullard, "and I look forward to accom-
plishing a lot more during the difficult
times ahead."

Astronomy research at the University will greatly
increase with the upcoming construction of a new $2
o -omillion reflecting telescope at the University's
't]- S1 y McGraw-Hill observatory at Kitt Peak, Arizona, ac-
cording to the astronomy department chairman.
The new 2.4 meter telescope, which will be the four-
th largest University-operated telescope, has an ex- -
1 pected completion date of early 1985, and will com-
pliment a 1.3 meter telescope already at Kitt Peak.
The new telescope, like the old one, will be jointly
C" operated by Dartmouth University, the Massachuset-
ts i 1 li R O f Iiueo ehoyadtheUnvesityo
THE NEW telescope will increase the time
available to researchers, said Astronomy Prof.
i e L el e S C 0 e Robert Kirshner, and as a result, quality and amount
- _of the University's research will increase.
The. data from the new addition will affect the en-
tire department,including undergraduates, Kirshner
said because availability of elescope time benefits-

all research projects.
The new 2.4 meter telescope will "have a bearing
on the question of the overall fate of the universe-
Will it continue to expand?" said Kirshner, who
operates the present observatory. He explained it will
be used to investigate the expanding nature of the
universe by observing whether there is enough mass
to half the expansion, and by measuring the rate of
- expansion in the universe.
THE TELESCOPE will cost $2 million, $934,00{ of
which will come from grants by the National Science
Foundation. The remainder of the costs will be split
tween Dartmouth, MIT, and the University. Ac-
cording to Kirshner, the astronomy .department is
looking for a "high-minded" donor to contribute the
third of a million dollars still needed for the
"Astronomy has a long history of private benefac-
tors because it has such wide appeal," Kirshner ex-
plained. The present University astronomy facilities
at Kitt Peak were financed, by a donation'.lpthe
--MeGra-H1-~p bihngiirss.~

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