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June 03, 1982 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1982-06-03

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Page 2-Thursday, June 3, 1982-The Michigan Daily
Judge backs
Princeton in
plagiarism ease

TRENTON N.J. (AP)- Princeton
University is entitled to block a senior
from graduating with her class next
week because she plagiarized portions
of a Spanish term paper, a judge ruled
"I personally wish Princeton Univer-
sity had reviewed this case with a
greater measure of humanity," said
Superior Court Judge William Dreier.
"I, however, cannot mandate com-
DREIER SAID "judicial restraint"
forbids him from interfering with the
university's decision to withhold
Gabrielle Napolitano's diploma for one
Napolitano had claimed the punish-
ment was too harsh and filed a lawsuit
to obtain her diploma with 1,029 other
underclassmen next Tuesday.
"Private institutions must remain
free of inordinate governmental-in
this case, judicial-control," the judge
NATHAN Edelstein, attorney for the
21-year-old English major from Stam-
ford, Conn., said he wo ild confer with
his client before deciding whether to
appeal the ruling to the Appellate
Division of Superior Court.
During the two-hour hearing,
Napolitano remained silent and slowed
little emotion. She refused to comment
after the ruling as she left the cour-
thouse with her parents.
The university's disciplinary com-
mittee recommended withholding

Napolitano's degree after ruling twice
that she plagiarized portions of a 12-
page Spanish term paper. The commit-
tee reaffirmed its findings after Dreier
asked them to review the case. Univer-
sity President William Bowen upheld
that decision twice, the latest time on
EDELSTEIN claimed his client had
not intended to deceive her Spanish
professor and that her lack of reference
to "secondary source" material in the
12-page paper was inadvertent.
According to the testimony, the
disciplinary committee did not contest
Napolitano's otherwise outstanding
academic record. The English major
says she has a 3.7 cumulative grade-
point average, was nominated for a
Rhodes scholarship and hopes to at-
tend law school.
In a review of previous disciplinary
cases involving alleged plagiarism,
Edelstein noted penalties ofaten were
less severe.1
But William Brennan III, the univer-
sity's attorney, described Napolitano's
paper as "riddled with plagiarism" and
as a "deliberate act to defraud"
Spanish professor Sylvia Molley.
Brennan noted that Napolitano could
have been suspended and forced to
repeat the second semester of her
senior year. He also dismissed
Edelstein's arguments that Napolitano
was under considerable academic
pressure when the paper was written.

The weather
Some scattered clouds will stumble into town today. Besides that, the
outlook is pleasant and clear, with temperatures in the lower 70s. Q
A LTHOUGH ALMOST every student complains sometime about bad
school lunches, pupils in Oakland, Maine; have a legitimate gripe.
Operating on the theory that what students don't know won't hurt them, ad-
ministrators admit they frequently dish up moose meat in school lunches
without telling students. School superintendent Ralph Atwood said his
district has served moose for years, but students aren't told because they
might get upset. The moose, killed in accidents or by poachers, are ground
up and served in casseroles. School officials clain the critters provide good
lean meat with no fat. One healthy moose can feed 2,000 students, they.add.
Children, whose associations to moose are limited to Bullwinkle, reportedly
are less than pleased with the menu disclosure. Q
Mail order wasps
ANYONE WHO has some live wasps just sitting around the house
can send them right away to Cornell University and receive a free
pound of honey. Researchers at the university recently offered the unusual
swap in an effort to obtain wasps for a research project. "The public respon-
se has been overwhelming," said Kenneth Ross, a graduate student involved
in the project, who reported that thousands of wasps have Been mailed in.
Ross said wasps are easy to collect this time of year, especially around pic-
nic tables, where they are attracted to hamburger, hot dogs and other edible
treats. Seems like you catch more wasps with honey than with vinegar.EQ
CFT - Walkabout, 3:30 & 7:15 p.m., Don't Look Now, 5:15 and 9 p.m.,
Michigan Theater.
Cinema Guild - Picnic, 7:30 p.m., Of Human Bondage, 9:35 p.m., Lurch.
Canterbury Loft - "No Exit," 8p.m., 332 S. State.
School of Nursing - Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, "On Death and Dying," 6
p.m. to 10 p.m., Metro Airport Hilton Inn.
Ark - Benefit concert for Amnesty International featuring Sandor
Slomovitz, 9 p.m., 1421 Hill.
Department of Theatre and Drama - "Androcles and the Lion," 8 p.m.,
Mendelssohn Theater.
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship - meeting, 7p.m., 2003 Angell.
Ann Arbor Support Group for FLOC - meeting, 7 p.m., 308 E. William.
Folk Dance Club - ballroom dancing, 7 p.m., League.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.
The Michigan Daily

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Vol. XCII, No, 21-S
Thursday, June 3, 1982.
The Michigan Daily is edited and
managed by students at The Univer-
sity of Michigan. Published daily
Tuesday through Sunday mornings
during the University year at 420
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
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$12 September through April (2
semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Summer session published
Tuesday through Saturday mor-
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Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at
Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, MI.
The Michigan Daily is a member
of the Associated Press and sub-
scribes to United Press Inter-
national, Pacific News Service, Los
Angeles Times Syndicate and Field
Newspapers Syndicate.

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Editor-in-Chief ,... . .. . .. . .. .. ... MA RK GINDFN
Managing Editor............... JULIE HINDS
Opinion Poge Editor ...'............KENT REDOING
Arts Editor ........... . .. ..RIlCHARD CAMPBELL
Sports EditorH ..............JOHN KERR
Staf# Librarian . ...S.. .ONNIE HAWKINS
NEWS STAFF: George Adams, Greg Brusstor, Lou
Fintor, Amy Gajdo, Bill Spindle, Scott Stuckl,
Charles Thomson, Fannie Weinstein.
Business Manager................JOSEPH BRODA
Displ*y/Cassid Manag E.. ANN SACHAR
Soles Coordintor.K... . ANDREW PETERSEN
BUSINESS STAFF: Maureen Drummond, Morci Gittle-
mon, Kathy Hendrick. Karen Johnson. Som Slaughter.
SPORTS STAFF: JH ChaplleRkhardKR, Jk,"
Newman, Jim Thompson. Karl Wheatley.
PHOTO STAFF: Jackie Belt, Deborh Lewis
ARTS STAFF: Sarah Bassett, Jill Beiswenger, Jerry
Brabenec, Jane Cor, Mork Dighton, Maureen
Fleming, Michael Hvget, Elliot Jackson, Ellen Rieser.




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