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May 26, 1982 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1982-05-26

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Page 2-Wednesday, May 22, 1982-The Michigan Daily
space agreement,
expires quietly

MOSCOW (AP)- The U.S.-Soviet
space cooperation agreement died
quietly this week, a victim of
deteriorating political relations bet-
ween the two superpowers.
Only seven years ago, much of the
world watched as two American
astronauts crawled through the hatch
of their Apollo spaceship and greeted
two Soviet cosmonauts circling the ear-
th in their space vehicle. President
Leonid Brezhnev said "positive
changes" in U.S.-Soviet relations had
made the joint adventure possible and
praised it as a model for future .
cooperation in space.
BUT ANOTHER joint flight was
never staged, and the pact that made
the first one possible expired Monday
with little notice and no prospect of
another major mission.
President Reagan announced Dec. 29
that he would not extend the space
agreement, signed in 1972 and renewed
in 1977, because of the perceived Soviet
role in the imposition of martial law in
Two other agreements are about to
die. Pacts on energy and on science and
technology run out June 28 and July 8,
respectively, and also will not be
renewed. Four other scientific
cooperative agreements-on environ-
mental protection, ocean study, atomic
energy and development of an artificial
heart-were extended last November,
weeks before the martial law decree.
SA T scores
due to testi
NEW YORK (AP) - The scores of
about 300,000 high school students who
took a recent Scholastic Aptitute Test
are being recalculated because one of
the math. questions did not list the
correct answer among the five choices.
The College Board, which ad-
ministers the standardized entrance
exam used by most U.S. colleges,
acknowledged the mistake Monday.
The error came to light when three
students challenged the question on the
May 1 edition of the test.
THE BOARD said the question will be
thrown out, scores revised accordingly,
and the 3,000 colleges that have
received test scores will be notified of
the changes.
It said throwing out the one question
will change scores by 10 points - up or
down - on the test's 200-800 scale.
The question showed a small circle A
touching a larger circle B to its right.
"IN THE FIGURE above," the
question read, "the radius of circle A is
one third the radius of circle B. Star-
ting from the position shown in the
fiture, circle A rolls around circle B. At
the end of how many revolutions of cir-
cle A will the center of circle A first
reach its starting point?"
The correct answer, 4, was not among
the given choices which were:
A 3 over 2.

press has not reported the demise of the
space pact or the decision by U.S.
authorities not to extend the other
During the best of times, a Western
expert said yesterday, the space
agreement was more an expression of
improved political relations between
the two countries than of major scien-
tific importance.
"The United States is not going to be
able toget some of the data it used to
get from the Soviet space program and
vice versa," he said. "But it's not going
to hurt the Soviets very much and it's
not going to hurt the United States very
much either."
STILL, HE added, scientists involved
in various joint projects were doing "in-
teresting, scientifically valid work."
Two U.S.-Soviet space committees
are said to have played a particularly
active role: one studying data sent by
probes visiting the moon and nearby
planets, and another studying space
biology and medicine.
The two countries are reported to
have helped each other find suitable
landing sites on Venus, and to have ex-
changed gas and rock samples brought
back to Earth.
They also have worked together on
projects to determine the effects of long
periods of weightlessness on animals-
information that could be useful if man,
eventually, sets up space colonies.
C 6.
D 9.over 2.
E 9.
The explanation given by the board
for the correct answer was: "The cir-
cumference of the large circle is three
times the circumference of the small
circle. if the small circle were to rotate
along a straight line segment equal in
length to the circumference of the large
circle, it would make three revolutions.
So the intended answer to this problem
was choice B 3.
"HOWEVER, the motion of the small
circle is not in a straight line, but rather
around the large circle. The revolving
action around the large circle con-
tributes an extra revolution as circle A
rolls around circle B. Thus, the answer
to this question should have been 4, not
3 ."
The mistake was the fifth reported in
the last 18 months on tests prepared by
the Educational Testing Service.
Last November's SAT included an
algebra question that could not be an-
swered with the amount of material
students were given to work with.
A year ago, a New York high school
student found an error in another SAT
The Law School Admission Test given
in February 1981 had an error in - a
geometry question.

The Weather
Keep your fingers crossed today that the 20 percent chance of thunder-
showers will not appear. Otherwise, skies will be cloudy and temperatures
will be in the lower 70s.
Mass meeting
THERE WILL be a mass meeting today for students interested in
organizing summer activities concerning the University's redirection.
The meeting, sponsored by the Michigan Student Assembly's April 15
Coalition, will begin at 7 p.m. in conference room G in the Union. Anyone in-
terested in commenting on the University's recent budget reorganization is
welcome. Q
Olympian armadillos
THE ORGANIZERS of this year's World Armadillo Olympics have
encountered an insurmountable problem - not enough armadillos. Last
winter's cold spell apparently had a devastating effect on the animal
population of Mahunta, Ga., location of the renowned sporting event. About
20,000 of the armor-plated creatures were available last year for com-
petition, but the population has dropped to 4,000 this year - hardly enough
for a decent 100-yard dash. Organizers say they will cancel the festivities,
albeit reluctantly. "The armadillos could not have disappeared at a more
inconvenient time," said organizer Troy Wainwright. But imagine all the
money saved on those little jogging suits i t
CFT - The Plumber, 4,7 & 9:30 p.m., Michigan Theater.
AAFC - Last Year at Marienbad, 7 p.m., Je T'Aime, Je T'Aime, 9 p.m.,
Aud. A, Angell.
Cinema Two - Little Foxes, 7:30 p.m., Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe,
9:30 p.m., Lorch.
Eastern Michigan University - Dan Luria, "Technology, Employment,
and the Factory of the Future," 7 p.m., Sheraton University Inn.
Center for Human Growth and Development - "Controversies on
Obesity," two-day symposium, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Medical Science II Building.
Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce - Annual Red Cross Blood Clinic, 9:30
a.m.tol3:30 p.m., Ann Arbor Armory.
Health Night Out - "Adolescent Sex: Telling Teens 'Don't Do It' Isn't
Enough," 7:30 p.m., Henderson Room, League:
Commission for Women - meeting, noon, 2549 LSA.
Academic Alcoholics - meeting, 1:30 p.m., Alano Club.
Stilyagi Air Corps - meeting, 8:15 p.m., Union.
Psychiatry - Elva Poznanski, "Comparison between Clinical Charac-
teristics of Childhood and Adult Depression," 9:30 a.m., CPH Aud.
Tau Beta Pi - free tutoring, 7 p.m.,,307 UGLI and Alice Lloyd, 8 p.m., 2332
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in car of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.
The Michigan D aily

Vol. XCII, No. 16-S
Wednesday, May 26, 1982
The Michigan Daily is edited and
managed by students at The Univer-
sity of Michigan. Published daily
Tuesday through Sunday mornings
during the University year at 420
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, 49109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2
semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Summer session published
Tuesday through Saturday mor-
nings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in
Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at
Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, MI.
The Michigan Daily is a member
of the Associated Press and sub-
scribes to United Press Inter-
national, Pacific News Service, Los
Angeles Times Syndicate and Field
Newspapers Syndicate.

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Edito-i-Chief MARK GINDN
M nging Editor ... . .. ..... . JULIE HINDS
Opinion Page Editor .. ... KENT REDDING
Arts Editors......... RICHARD CAMPBELL
Spors dtos................ JORN KERR
Saff Lirarian .... BONNIE HAWKINS
NEWS STAFF: Gorge ARam,.Greg R,,.,,N,. Lou
Fintor, Amy Goid. Bill Spindle, Scott Stuckol.
Charles Thomson, Fannie Weinstein.
Business Manager ...............JOSEPH BRODA
DisplayManage............ ANN SACRAR
SalesCoordina tor. E. ANDREW PETERSEN
BUSINESS STAFF: Morci Gittleman, Kathy Hendrick,
SPORTS STAFF: Joe Chapelle, Richard Demok, Jim
Dworman, Robin Kopilnick. Larry Mishkin. Dan
Newman, Jim Thompson., Karl Wheatley.
PHOTO STAFF: Jackie Bell, Deborah Lewis
ARTS STAFF: Sarah Bassett, Jill Beiswenger, Jerry
Brobenec, Jane Carl, Mark Dighton, Maureen
Fleming, ichoelHuget, Elliot Jackson, Ellen Rieser.

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