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May 26, 1982 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1982-05-26

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. XCII, No. 16-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 26, 1982 Ten Cents Si*teen Pages
Officials visit
'U to update
Title IX data

A team of federal investigators is on
campus this week to update its October
1980 study of the University athletic
department's compliance with Title IX
regulations, the University's affir-
mative action director said yesterday.
The investigators, from the Depar-
tment of Education's regional Office of
Civil Rights, are in the process of con-
cluding their report on whether or not
the athletic department discriminates
against women.
THE TEAM is updating the infor-
mation it gathered in a full-scale in-
vestigation of the athletic department
20 months ago to assure that its data is
still accurate before releasing its fin-
dings later this summer, said one Office
of Civil Rights official.
The results of the study, originally
expected in early 1981, have been
delayed by the federal government as it
tried to coordinate its investigations of
several universities in different regions
of the country, said Mary Francis
O'Shea, the director of the post-

secondary education division of the
civil rights office.
The investigators here this week will
be looking at new policies the athletic
department has adopted and new
facilities that have been added since the
comprehensive investigation in 1980,
said Virginia Nordby, the University's
affirmative action director, who has
been working with the investigators.
ALTHOUGH THE team is here to
look at some specific changes in the
athletic department, it is also conduc-
ting an "across the board" updating of
its original data in all areas, Nordby
"There have been a lot of changes,
I'm happy to say. In every one of those
areas there have been improvements
for the good in women's athletics,"
Nordby said.
Among the additions Nordby noted
were a new softball diamond and
changes in the Track and Tennis
building locker rooms.
BEFORE releasing their report,
See FEDERAL, Page11

Who me?
A questioning face glances up from the day's activities.

British fleet attacked
in massive air assault

From APand UPI
A British ship supporting the invasion
force on the Falkland Islands was badly
damaged in a "mass air attack" by
Argentine warplanes yesterday and "is
in difficulty," the British Defense
Ministry announced in London.
It claimed that Britain's carrier-
based Harrier jets shot down three of
the attacking Argentine Skyhawks
during furious dogfights over the war
ARGENTINA'S official Telam news
agency said anti-aircraft fire downed
two of six Harriers that attacked
Stanley, the Falklands capital, but the
British said none of their aircraft were
shot down.
British Defense Secretary John Nott,
reporting the latest hit on a British
warship, did not name the vessel and
said no information Was available on
casualties. He said the ship was in the
fleet supporting the British beachhead
at San Carlos Bay, 50 miles west of

A British Defense Ministry
spokesman said, "rescue operations
are in progress." He said the stricken
craft was not one of the task force's two
aircraft carriers, the Hermes and In-
THE FIERCE sea and air battle
coincided with the first British reports
of ground combat on the Falklands as
its forces pushed south from a 60-
square-mile beachhead towards a
major Argentine garrison at Port Dar-
win and Goose Green.
Secretary of State Alexander Haig
told President Reagan and others at the
White House that the British were ap-
proaching the point of bringing the
South Atlantic fighting "to an early
An informed U.S. official, who in-
sisted on anonymity, said in
Washington that Haig also cautioned
the British against attempting a
decisive military victory on grounds
that such an outcome might not be in
the best interests of either Britain or
the United States.

THE OFFICIAL said Haig and other
senior State Department officials
believe that a humiliating defeat for
Argentina could result in a disastrous
setback in U.S. relations with Latin
America for the foreseeable future.
"Argentina would look for a
scapegoat for defeat, and that
scapegoat would probably be us," said
the official.
Argentina said yesterday it would
consider an Irish resolution for the
Security Council to declare a 72-hour
truce in the Falkland Islands war, but
Britain said it would veto any cease-fire
ARGENTINE Foreign Minister
Nicanor Costa Mendez told the 15-
nation peace-making body: "My coun-
try is prepared to consider the proposal
which the Republic of Ireland has seen
fit to present."
But in London, British Prime
Minister Margaret Thatcher said,
"There can be no cease-fire without full
withdrawal of all Argentine troops."
Asked by a lawmaker how Britain

...may use UN veto
would react if the U.N. Security Council
passed a resolution calling for a halt in
the fighting, she said: "If necessary we
shall have to use the veto."
"Our objective is to retake the
Falklands. They are British sovereign
territory and we wish to restore British
administration," she said, hardening
the stance her government took during
talks on at least seven peace plans
following the Argentine invasion.

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