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May 25, 1982 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1982-05-25

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Page 4-Tuesday, May 25, 1982-The Michigan Daily
Reagan treads
careful path
on Falkiands

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-In the first seven
weeks of the crisis over the Falkland
Islands, President Reagan and his
aides have successfully adhered to a
White House policy of keeping the an-
nouncement of bad news as far away
from the president as possible.
In recent years, it has become
something of a truism at the State
Department that if a given inter-
national development reflects well on
the occupant of the White House, then
White House aides, or perhaps even the
president, will make the public announ-
cement about it. Bad news, however, is
relegated to the State Department.
And so it is with the Falkland Islands.
FROM ALL PUBLIC appearances,
the president's involvement in the
crisis has been limited.
While high-level White House aides
say the president is not entirely divor-
ced from the issue, they are quick to
point out that the diplomatic action is
taking place elsewhere, primarily at
the United Nations.
One senior official, requesting that he
not be further identified, observed that
"it is a very good political rule" to
avoid associating the president with
bad news whenever possible.

IS THAT THE case with the Falklan-
ds these days?
"I suppose you could say that," he
The flip side is the likely behavior at
the White House if everything fell into
place in the diplomatic efforts and the
crisis subsided. There was no denial
that the White House role-if there was
any-might be brought more into the
open in that case.
SOON AFTER Argentine troops
seized the islands, ruled by the British
for a century and a half, there was a
flurry of activity on the part of the
Reagan administration.
Secretary of State Alexander Haig
undertook his first diplomatic shuttle
missions, flying a triangular route bet-
ween London, Buenos Aires and
Washington. But even as he did that,
Reagan's involvement appeared to
have been kept at a minimum. The
president was said to have spoken
several times by telephone with the
secretary and to have been kept up to
date on Haig's discussions..
Then, as. the prospects for success
dimmed, Haig's public role also
AS INCREASED military action ap-
See REAGAN, Page5

In Brief
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Supreme Court to issue new
guidelines on abortion
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court, re-entering a legal and moral storm
it helped create, agreed yesterday to issue new guidelines on how far gover-
nment can go in regulating abortions.
Nine years after it legalized abortion, the nation's highest court said it will
use cases from Ohio, Missouri, and Virginia to answer lingering and con-
troversial questions:
" Can states or local communities require that all abortions on women more
than three months pregnant be performed in a hospital instead of in a
generally less expensive abortion clinic?
" Can any girl under 15 years of age be required to have the consent of one of
her parents or a judge before obtaining an abortion?
" Can doctors be required to inform patients seeking abortions about the
risks asociated with pregnancy, abortion techniques to be used and the con-
dition of the fetus.
*Can governments require doctors to wait at least 24 hours after a woman
signs a consent form before performing the requested abortion?
The court's answer is not expected until sometime next year.
Terrorists bomb car in Lebanon
BEIRUT, Lebanon - A car packed with a 77-pound remote-controlled bomb
exploded in the tree-lined courtyard of the French Embassy yesterday
killing 11 people and wounding 25 others.
The latest attack on French targets in Lebanon came in the early morning
as scores of Lebanese lined up at the embassy's black iron gates for visas.
This is a carnage," shouted a dazed French diplomat has he arrived for
work to encounter the torn bodies and rubble strewn about the embassy
Although two previously unknown groups claimed responsibility for the
bombing, police said they thought the calls were hoaxes designed to cover up
for those really responsible.
The sophisticated explosive device was planted in the car of Ann
Cosmedis, a naturalized French citizen who worked in the embassy com-
mercial section. She was killed in the explosion and police said she apparen-
tly was.unaware her car was booby trapped.
Nobel sperm bank yields child
ESCONDIDO, Calif. - Officials of a sperm bank set up primarily for Nobel
prize winners said yesterday that a woman gave birth in April after being in-
seminated with the sperm of a prominent mathematician."
The unidentified woman is the first to give birth to a child after in-
semination with sperm from the Repository for Germinal Choice, a
spokesman said.
The spokesman, who declined to give his name but said he is the
repository's medical geneticist and only full-time employee, said the baby
was "a healthy, 9-pound daughter born in April in a rather small town in a
sparsely populated state."
Iran claims major victory
BEIRUT, Lebanon- Iran claimed yesterday that its forces broke the
Iraqi siege of Khorramshahr in fierce fighting and "liberated" the city to
record Iran's greatest victory in the Persian Gulf war.
Khorramshahr, a major Iranian oi port, was the last strategic beachhead
of the Iraqi forces that invaded Iran 20 months ago to take control of the
Shatt-al-Arab waterway, the southern border of the two countries.
The official news agency IRNA issued a blizzard of communiques on the
victory claim, saying 12,000 demoralized Iraqis surrendered to the
"liberation forces" of Iranian troops, revolutionary guards and child
warriors whO advanced on the city yesterday morning. By midday. Iran
said, the flag of the Islamic Republic was flying.
Hinckley's psychologist
testifies again
WASHINGTON- A psychologist who testified that John Hinckley was in-
capable of making rational decisions when he shot President Reagan reac-
ted vehemently yesterday when prosecutors asked if being paid by the
defense "shaped, guided or determined your opinion." "Not at all," snapped
Dr. Ernst Prelinger.
Under cross-examination for the second time since he took the stand last
Thursday, the Yale psychologist said he thought Hinckley had been
psychotic since the summer or fall of 1980-"sometimes more, sometimes
When "the roller coaster came to an end on March 30," Hinckley decided to
go to the Washington Hilton Hotel and shoot the president "on the basis of his
very vivid and overwhelming fantastic obsessions and delusions," Prelinger
testified yesterday.
Dr. Thomas Goldman, a Washington forensic psychiatrist who often is
employed by the city's public defender's office, was scheduled to follow
Prelinger to the stand after the noon recess.
Under the prosecution's prodding, Prelinger conceded that he had made 30
evaluations of defendants in criminal cases for the defense and none for the

Both Britain and Ar gentii
clai mjo rgains,,
(Continued from Page 1)egatis
sovereignty over the South Atlantic Thecshi sh u a t
islands "absurd." "There's a new The ship was hit during an air attack
situation," lie added. "We're not going which separat the two main islaund,
to talk about sovereignty at the moment West Falkland and East Falkland.
we are trying to retake the islands.' According to the British accounts,
IN ITS REPORT on the Antelope, the Argentine air attacks have sunk two
British Defense Ministry said fires frigatesatreaAtelkseha n tws
aboard the frigate went out of control i , the Antelope and its sister
despite efforts by the crewmen and ship, Ardent, and damaged four other
they were forced to abandon ship. They warships since the British task force
thewereranfredtoabanotsip.Thevelanded a reported 5,000 troopers at San
were transferred to other vessels, it Carlos Friday.
said, and "there were no further repor-

The public is invited to
a free lecture
on Christian Science
"Christian Science Overcomes.
Conspiracies Against Ourselves"
member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship
8:00 p.m. Tues. May 25
First Church of Christ, Scientist
1833 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor
Child care provided

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