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May 25, 1982 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1982-05-25

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, May 25, 1982-Page 3

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'U' considers picture ID
CHARLES THOMSON tifies borrowers by the holes punched in
the plastic cards; a bar code system
identification cards for would identify students and faculty
students could become a through a system of vertical stripes,
November, according to the similar to the Universal Product Code
of the committee conducting system employed in supermarkets.
ty study of the issue. The library is planning to start
thtame deisononwetherito operating the new computer system in L, PSH T
thai a deciuei o w ethe yt January 1983, and will begin issuing UNVERSO
ing picture IDs has not yet adhesive bar code strips to faculty
ade by University ad- members after July 1. it
yrs. The decision will not be BECAUSE OF the technical dif-
il his committee finishes its ficulties involved in putting bar code
etimebeforeSeptember. stickers on student IDs, such
XAMINATION of the Univer- modifications to the student IDs now in
ntification card system was circulation would come "much closer to
by the recent decision of the time we start the new system," said
library officials to switch to James Cruse, director of circulation for
e of computer system which the Graduate Library.,
bar codes" to identify studen- Price, who is the director of ad-
e change will require a ministrative systems and financial
on of some sort to all student analysis for the University, said the
ion cards. Since the Univer- main quesiton about the new cards is k>
going to change the cards the price. "Obviously, it's more expen-
said Price, administrators sive to have an ID card with a picture, UNIVERSITY IDENTIFICATION cards
o examine the possibility of than without," he said. tify borrowers in the library's new compu
otos to the cards at the same James Thomson, a member of Plice's will no longer serve a purpose. A Universi
hew the ID card should be changed and w
rary's current system iden- See COMMITTEE, Page0 ea photograph.


soon will carry a bar code to iden-
ter; the holes punched in each card
ity committee currently is studying
hether the new version should have

Nuclear disarmament supporters meet at 'U'

The nuclear freeze movement is popular and suc-
cessful because it makes the issue of disarmament
easily understood by simply saying that the way to
stop the nuclear arms race is by stopping arms, ac-
cording to Jane Phifer, co-chairperson of the
Washtenaw County Nuclear Freeze Committee.
"People are getting up and saying, 'enough is
enough,' our lives are at stake," Phifer said this
weekend at a nuclear disarmament conference at
Rackham Auditorium. The conference brought
together most of the groups in southeastern Michigan
opposed to the nuclear arms race.
SINCE DECEMBER, Michigan disarmament
groups have circulated a petition urging that a
proposal be placed on the November ballot that, if
passed, would require the state legislature to

pressure Congress to end the nuclear arms race.
Phifer said, "We are going to arrive in Lansing
Wednesday with well over 300,000 signatures" when
the petition is presented to Michigan officials.
Reagan administration comments on the possibility
of winning a limited nuclear war helped convince
people of the petition's value, she said.
The Washtenaw Freeze Committee and other peace
organizations are preparing for a demonstration
June 12 in New York when the United Nations holds
its second special session on nuclear disarmament.
The demonstration, which half a million people are
expected to attend, is designed "not to mobilize
governments, but to mobilize people," Phifer said.
RELIGIOUS groups against the arms race had a
strong presence at the conference. Judith Erb,
national coordinator of the Episcopal Church's Arms

Race Task Force said nuclear disarmament "is not a
question of politics, it is a question of spirituality."
According to Erb, nuclear arms are part of the issue.
"What we are talking about is the nature of evil," Erb
said. "If we stop nuclear arms, chemical warfare
may follow."
University Physics Prof. Daniel Axelrod, one of the
conference organizers, stressed the need for the
disarmament coalition to be broad-based and nonsec-
tarian. He said that the movement will become
broader by recognizing the interconnections between
other social issues such as the plight of American
blacks. "Blacks were cannon fodder in Vietnam,"
said Axelrod, commenting on why blacks in the 1960s
aligned themselves with the peace movement.
"Today they are still paying for (the military) with
their jobs," he said.
to colleges
new high
NEW YORK (UPI)- Cash gifts to
American colleges and universities hit
a record $4.23 billion in 1980-81, rising
above $4 billion for the first time, the
Council for Financial Aid to Education
said yesterday.
Harvard University got the most,
$90.9 million, with Stanford University
second at $79 million and Yale Univer-
sity third with $58.3 million.
The gifts to all colleges and univer-
sities came from foundations, in-
dividuals, and corporations. The total
ran 11.3 percent ahead of the previous
year's donations. However, the hike
was outpaced by the 11.8 percent rise in
the Consumer Price Index for the year
RAH LEWIS covered by the council's survey.
Council President John Haire said the
11.3 percent increases ran ahead of the
9.8 percent growth in the Higher
of the Education Price Index. Haire said,
however, that the schools had a real
dollar increase in the money gifts.

Daily Photo by DEBOF
A lot hasn't chated
The Renaissance Center, a symbol of Detroit's rebirth,rises behind what coul e interpreted as the lifelessness
city's remaining sections. Besides, on Sund'y the city doesn't have many customers to occupy the empty spaces.

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