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June 05, 1981 - Image 26

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Michigan Daily, 1981-06-05

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Page 10-Friday, June 5, 1981-The Michigan Daily
abound in
o you're stuck here in Ann Arbor for the summe:
You need a few more credit hours to graduate or mayt
you like Ann Arbor so much you decided to stay here th
summer and work. Either way, if you find yourself bored c
the weekends or if you're itching to get outside on a sunn:
warm afternoon, Ann Arbor's many and diverse parks ar
wonderful places to turn to.
The Ann Arbor area has quite a few parks which provide
variety of activities for the summer student. For instanc(
there are small, intimate parks where summertime frienc
may stroll tucked away from the ordinary beats or there ar
large, sprawling, wide-open parks where crowds of pe4
There are parks with poels and sun decks where you ca
swim and relax in the hot sun. But if that gets too hot ye
might prefer to go summer ice skating at one of the parks.
PERHAPS IT'S A game of baseball or soccer or tennis yo
prefer. Or basketball, volleyball, or frisbee. All these oppor
tunities are available in the nearby area, and what's best i
most are completely free of charge.


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