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Lake suplyu meSu
Perhapi the most favorite summer-
time recreation is swimming and sun
bathing. But the lakes around Ann Ar-
bor offer not only these opportunities
but also the chance to sail, hike, fish,
and camp.
A quick glance at a map of
Washtenaw county will reveal dozens of
lakes only 12-20 miles northwest of Ann
But before setting off for one of the
lakes, it's a good idea to remember that
parking is usually extremely limited
around these areas. It may help to ride
P bicycles. Plan on locking two or three
bikes together, rather than finding bike
IN ADDITION, especially for those
who plan to stay late in the day or camp
overnight, it is well advised to bring
some bug repellent to ward off the
gnats and mosquitoes.
One of the more popular areas for
University students is Silver Lake, near
Pinckney. Here people can lounge
around the sandy beach, throw frisbees
on the grassy hills, and have a nice pic-
nic or barbeque.
The ares also has three hiking trails
(one of which leads to Half Moon Lake)
and is reportedly good fishing for bass,
pike, bluegill, crappie,' and muskie.
Parking is $2 a day and rather limited.
The gates are open 8a.m.-10 p.m.
THOUGH NOT MANY people will
have bathed at "The Rapids" a nude
bathing area on the Huron River, many
students will already be familiar with
Silver, Portage and Whitmore Lakes
outside of town. What follows is a brief
synopeis of some less well known but
nearby lakes.
HALF MOON LAKE-228 acres. Has
botha camping area and one of the best
swimming beaches in the county.
Hikers can pick up the 17 mile hiking
trail which begins at Silver Lake. One
of the few lakes in the county with
adequate free parking. Good fishing for
pike and panfish. Open weekdays noon-
10 p.m. Weekends Aam.-10 p.m.
NORTH LAKE-200 acres. No
swimming beach or camping grounds,
but there are plenty of hiking trails.
Limited parking. Good fishing for bass
and bluegill. Open all day every day.
PORTAGE LAKE-531 acres.
Located about 25 miles as the crow flies
from Ann Arbor in Jackson County.
Swimming beach and camping area.
The 18 mile hiking trail is one of the
most adventurous of its kind. Generous
parking. Good fishing for bass and
bluegill. Open each day from Aam.-1A
p.m. (Not to be confused with the Por-
tage Lake in Washtenaw Co.)
Camping is available and there is a
small swimming beach for campers
only. Short nature trail. Parking is ex-
tremely limited, but it's free. Good
fishing for bluegill. Open all day every
No swimming beach or camping.
However there are good hiking trails.
Extremely limited free parking. Good
fishing for bass, pike, and bluegill.
Gates open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Rent a Car from Econo-Car
U of M STUDENTS 19 yeers and older
Choose from small economical cars
to fine luxury cars.
-Inquir shout specie! weekend rtes-
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In Ann Arbor
438 W. Huron
761 -8845