The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 5, 1981 -Page 5
Explore rivers by canoe
Careening down the rapids (such as
they are) of the Huron River in a canoe,
one's thoughts are lost among the
water, the sun, and the ducks.
That cool, fluid movement down-
stream; one can sit motionless and
watch the subtleties of the river bank
unfold effortlessly. For as little as $7
per canoe, a person can relax, take a
long draw of the paddle, dipping the
blade in the water to silently navigate a
course down the waterways of Ann Ar-
Either that or it's the more advanced
cruises complete with rapids-the wild
water where a moment's hesitation
may cause a canoe to capsize.
available in Michigan. However, some
canoeists, after practicing their
technique or perhaps taking lessons on
one of the lakes, are inevitably drawn,
as I was, to a trip down the mighty
Huron here in Ann Arbor.
But before entering the boat for the
first cruise, the staff of Argo Park
Canoe Livery gives the ambitious ad-
venturer a river briefing, the
knowledge from which will be used on
the river trek.
Argo Park is the launching point for
all four of the city-sponsored river
cruises. Since canoes can obviously
only go downstream for any length of
time, Gallup Park, the other canoe
livery downstream from Argo, rents
boats only by the hour to be used on
Geddes Pond in the Gallup Park area.
THREE OF THE river cruises-from
Dexter, Delhi, or the Portage Lake
Access down the Huron to Argo-leave
Argo by shuttle at specified times
during the day. However, they are
longer and I do not consider myself that
experienced yet. I'll go for the big time
For those river cruises, the Argo
Park staff transports the upriver canoe
adventurers and canoes to their various
Daily Photo by
A FLEET OF beached canoes lies outside the livery on the Huron River.
starting points at their respective
I chose to run the most popular river
route, that from Argo to Gallup along
the Huron. It gives a small taste of river
canoeing, but still visits both park
areas, neither of which I knew existed.
Canoes depart for this cruise all day,
with a return shuttle leaving Gallup for
Argo every hour. -
THE GALLUP PARK river run is
quite sufficient for beginning river
canoeists, but some experience in han-
dling a canoe is necessary. I dragged
along a couple of volunteers (because
one canoe split three ways is $2.33 each)
who ended up having a good time.
After boarding the canoe at the dock
with paddles, life preservers, and a
cushion for the middle man, we shoved
Once the canoe is in the river, and
pointed in the right direction, it is
guided by the current and the waves.
Paddles are used only for avoiding the
various obstacles, such as 'bridges,
fallen trees, and hanging branches.
(Avoiding hanging branches is very
THE RIVER WINDS from near the
train station, past several parks,
houses, and bridges to Fuller Field.
Part of Ann Arbor impossible to see any
other way is revealed on a canoe trip.
The section of the Huron between
Fuller Field and Gallup Park becomes
more easy-going. Parts of the Ar-
boretum border the river, giving a
more natural setting to the trip. Along
the shore, people are relaxing from the
rigors of day-to-day living.
FROM THE ARB, it is an easy paddle
to Geddes Pond, the body of water at
Gallup Park. It has been an hour and a
half since starting out, but if you are not
tired yet, you can still paddle around
the pond for a while. Most people
choose not to stay too long in the boat,
so they shore it and take the shuttle
back to Argo.
An enjoyable afternoon has been
spent on the wild river of Ann Arbor.
It's time to relax.
Running despite
humid weather
Jogging. How cliche. Especially in the
summer. What fool would want to go
running in 90 degree weather that's so
humid a person can't actually tell if it's
sweat or humidity gushing down his
But there are quite a few people
,(masochists if you ask me) who par-
ticipate in this despicable act of exer-
cise. What ever happened to the benign
sport of shuffleboard with a, gin and
tonic in hand? Or perhaps a gen-
tlemanly game of croquet or shut-
tlecock. Perfect for the summer. Why
I THINK IT may be some primitive
"Tarzanic" urge which calls people to
bound through the forests of the Arb or
to fight the traffic on labyrinthine city
Perhaps there is a bit of the "Walter
Mitty syndrome" with the runners en-
visioning themselves competing in
Olympics or struggling in Boston
Marathons, as they, go- through" their
routine. I don't know. I'm no
Yet I do admit jogging is good for the
body (provided you don't geta heart at-
tack in the process). Books tell me that
it increases blood circulation,
decreases your pulse rate, and
strengthens your heart and leg
Some of the best places to jog in the
area are listed in pamphlets in the
University Recreation Buildings. This
obtrusely healthy propoganda outlines
running courses from 2.5 to 8 miles in
who really want to test their bodies is
the North Campus "Pars Cours." On
this course are 18 fitness stations
located at various intervals along the
jogging trail. (How I cringe at the
At each of the stations are signs with
written and visual instructions for dif-
ferent exercises to do. Those at the
See JOGGING, Page.42
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