Page 2-Friday, June 5, 1981-The Michigan Daily
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Sol id at
more strikes
BYDGOSZCZ, Poland (AP)-The in-
dependent union Solidarity, angered
that a government report on the beating
of unionists here three months ago had
not been completed, yesterday
threatened regional strikes unless the
matter is resolved by Wednesday.
The new strike threat in this north-
west city came as tensions were moun-
ting in the southern province of
Katowice, where a hard-line Com-
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munist Party group has been condem-
ning independent unionists and what it
sees as a weak party leadership. The
Soviet media, which has given
prominence to the Katowice group,
today said a Solidarity member in the
province had "brazenly demanded"
removal of some monuments to Soviets
and threatened violence against Com-
MEMBERS OF Solidarity's 40-
member national commission, which
union sources here said must approve
or reject the Bydgoszcz strike plans,
were meeting yesterday with local
chapter leaders. Observers at the
meeting said sentiment was against
sanctioning the strike plans.
Suffragan Bishop Jan Michalski of
Gniezno appealed to the unionists not to
let the problem be put "on the blade of a
Michalski, assistant to the late Car-
dinal Stefan Wyszynski-who died last
Thursday-said current tensions in
Poland did not favor new strikes, which
he said could be exploited by "certain
forces" to "put an end to the renewal,"
as Poles call the social evolution since
last summer's strike.
Local unionists said a two-hour war-
ning strike will be held next Thursday
and a general strike June 15 if there is
no satisfactory government response.
If carried out, the warning strike would
come just one day after expiration of
Parliament's April 10 call for 60 days
without strikes on the restive labor
Missing lake
MOTHER NATURE is the prime suspect in the disappearance of
40,000 fish and a lake with no name. Anyone finding either should con-
tact the Gloy family on Primrose Lane in Michigan City, Indiana. "I woke
up ... looked out, and it wasn't there. I called to my husband, 'Alvin,' I said,
'The lake's gone, and so is the driveway,' " said Mrs. Alvin Gloy, standing in
front of her home looking at a giant mud pit, 10 feet deep, 100 feet across. The
lake was last seen before a storm struck the LaPorte County area. Heavy
rains are being blamed for the lake's disappearance, according to Robin
Gloy, a niece who lives on the south side of the mud puddle that once was a
lake. "I heard voices outside," she said. "My parents were down there along
with Uncle Alvin, his wife and Dorothy Pierce, another neighbor. "When I
got down there, I couldn't believe it," Robin said. "There was no lake. Just
what you see here now - mud. Mrs. Pierce just said, 'Our lake's gone,' "
Robin said a storm, which dumped heavy rain in the area on May 29, in-
creased the pressure on a dam and the asphalt driveway over it, causing the
earthwork to give way and send the water west toward Trail Creek. "We
believe most of the fish are probably in Trail Creek now," she said. There
were a few flopping around on the bottom Saturday morning and some of the
men used nets to bring them in." Only tree stumps and two sunken boats
made of wood are now on the bottom of the lake, with some water trickling in
from sorings along the length of the bed. Robin said the families will use
heavy machinery and rebuild the lake this weekend. Q
Today's weather
Increasing cloudiness with a chance of thunderstorms today and a high in
the low 80s.Q
Happenings .. .
I Films
AAFC - Enter the Dragon, 7 & 10:20 p.m., Fists of Fury, 8:45 p.m., MLB 4.
CG - Get out your Handkerchiefs, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., Lorch Hall Aud.
C2 - Bride of Frankenstein, 7:30 & 10:30 p.m., The Old Dark House, 9
p.m., Angell Hall Aud. A.
CFT - A Film About Jimi Hendrix, 3:30, 7, & 10:30 p.m., 200 Motels, 5:15 &
8:45 p.m., Michigan Theatre.
Astronomy - Lecture, Hugh Aller, "Radiojets;" film, Earth Space; Our
Environment, 8:30p.m., Aud. B Angell Hall.
Common Ground Theatre - "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered
Suicide When the Rainbow in Enuf," 8 p.m., Mendelssohn Theatre.
Ark - Telluride Cowboys, 9p.m., 1421 Hill.
Extension Services - Program, "Office of the 80's: Can You Relate?"
Washtenaw Community College.
Canterbury Loft - "Counting the Ways" by Edward Albee, 8 p.m., 332 S.
State St.
Wholistic Health Council - Lecture, Dr. Robert Kessel, "Or-
tholinguistics," 7p.m., 602 E. Huron St.
The Michigan Daily
vol XCI, No. 22-S
Friday, June 5, 1981
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University
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University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
Subscription rates:$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
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Daily Prizes after 5:00 p.m. Car Award
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' . St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
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anee to the Music of "Dino 68& the Continentals "
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