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May 13, 1980 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1980-05-13

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, May 13, 1980-Page 3
Mal Scene

bicago ERA
rally a erfect
Mother's Day

Special to the Daily
CHICAGO-It was, according
some, the perfect Mother's Day gift
the families of Illinois.
In fact, mothers-and people of
ages and both sexes-marched by
tens of thousands in Illinois' largest c
on Saturday to urge Illinois legislate
to approve the Equal Rights Am
Their reasons for marching were
varied as the localities from which tlh
had traveled.
"I HAVE TWO daughters and
granddaughter, and it may be almr
too late for me, but not for them," s,
Kay -Boyne, a member of the Trav
se City National Organization
Referring to her divorce five yep
ago, Boyne said, "I wish women di
have to come to feminism through p
like I did ... I'm working so my sist
don't have to go through what I ws
A 51-yesr-old liquor salesman fro
McHenry, Illinois said he supports
because "most women are doing
same work (as men) and are gett
paid less." He added that he hop
ERA would be ratified by the Illin
House of Representatives tomorr
saying it would be a "step backward:
a very industrial state" if it did not.
ILLINOIS IS THE only northern
dustrial state that has not ratified El
according to NOW members.
amendment needs the support of
members of the Illinois House to be
proved, and in an effort to gain 1
support, ERA advocates worked S
day and yesterday distributing leaf
in the Chicago area.
ERA supporters are also planning
lobby in Springfield, the capitol
Illinois, today, NOW members said.
When it last came up for a vote in
Illinois legislature, ERA fell only t
votes short of the 107 needed for
ERA has already been ratified by
states and needs the endorsement
three more to become a constitutio
"I FEEL THAT every time a st
legislature rejects a piece of legislat
like this, it is a denial of the C
stitution," explained Actor's Equ
Association member Kathleen Gavin
Gavin, who attended the rally w
about 100 other members of her Chic
based organization, said it was not
belief in women's rights, but rat
"individual rights," that prompted
to participate in the event.

Actress Marlo Thqmas, one of the
speakers at Saturday's rally, said "the
best hedge a man has against hard
times is a free woman."
"WOMEN IN ILLINOIS will never be
the same again because of the ERA,"
said noted feminist Betty Friedan. R
Friedan said she believes Illinois
political leaders "are beginning to get
the message," but she warned state
legislators that if they "play games, it
will be the end of a lot of political
NOW presidlent Eleanor Smeal said
she heard STOP-ERA organizer Phyllis
Schlafly say on the radio Saturday that
each participant in the rally was paid
$10 to attend. "I'm sorry that you didn't
get your checks," Smeal told the Daily Photo by MAUREEN O'MALLE
audience. TENS OF THOUSANDS marched in Chicago Saturday to urge Illinois legi
Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, lators to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. Among the many celebritie
present at the march were (from left) Sonia Johnson, -Bella Abzug, Phi
See CHICAGO, Page 6 Donahue, and Marlo Thomas.
Panels probe S.E. Asia
undergraduate programs in Asian educational levels. The two-nc
By JOYCE FRIEDEN studies at four Michigan colleges. While presentation concluded with a movie
Everything from technology to discussing the kinds of programs a Javanese shadow puppets.
puppets was discussed at the Michigan university should have in this area, The other afternoon event was
League on Saturday as~ the first Western Michigan Prof. Charles symposium on "Appropria
Michigan Conference on South and Houston said, "Why did the Beatles Technology" at which five schola
Southeast Asia completed its two-day spend so much time learning about In- debated advantages of a new theory
series of panels and presentations. dian music? Because it was an ex- . industrialization which embodiest
One of the two morning panels pression of something they were concept of decentralized, lab
studied the plight of refugees who have looking for. And isn't that what we're intensive, small-scale business.
come to the U.S. from Vietnam and all about? Practical experience?" According to Denton Morriso
Cambodia. ONE OF THE two afternoon panels, professor of sociology at Michig
"THERE IS NO such thing as an In- was a workshop for teachers on Asian State University, "Appropria
dochinese person," explained John studies at primary and secondary See PANELS, Page 7




g to Whitmore, coordinator of the Univer-
of sity's Center for South and Southeast
Asian Studies. "It's just a term of con-
the venience so that you can lump refugees
two from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos all
ap- in one bag. But you must keep in mind
the cultural and ethnic differences of
35 the refugees from different countries."
of - Tuong Nguyen, of the Michigan-
nal Indochina Resettlement Office, spoke
about the problems of resettlement
ate work. "Since 1975, Michigan has had
ion 6,000 refugees come in, and there are
on- only three voluntary agencies trying to
iity help the people adjust to their new en-
a. vironment," Nguyen said. He added
vith that living in Michigan hurts the Viet-
go- namese communities because "the
her people must fight against each other to
her get the social services they need in or-
her der to survive."
The other morning panel examined

-- -a-

Past 'U'presi~dent's
tumor not serious
BY NICK KATSARELAS malignant lymphoma, or disease of the
lymphoid tissue. According to the
Former University President Robben release, no other lymph gland was af-
Fleming is currently being treated for fected.
cancer of the lymph gland, which he "HAPPILY. THERE is no evidence
says has a "very high cure rate," ac- any malignancy anywhere else,"
cording to a news report released by the Fleming said in the release. "I am told
University over the weekend. it is a kind with a very high cure rate
Fleming, who is president of the Cor- and that the prognosis is very favorable
poration for Public Broadcasting for a complete cure, not just a
(CPB) in Washington, D.C., said he remission."
noticed the pecan-sized lump in early A spokesman at CPB said yesterday
March and consulted a physician im- that neither Fleming nor anyone else at
mediately. The diagnosis was See PAST, Page 7

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