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June 20, 1980 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily, 1980-06-20

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 20, 1980-Page 15
mesmam SpUrts ID
Montefusco may sue
Giants after brawl
with manager Bristol

cisco pitcher John Montefusco has
threatened to sue the Giants over a
locker room brawl Wednesday night in
which Montefusco and Manager Dave
Bristol fought for several minutes.
The fight between Bristol and Mon-
tefusco erupted in Bristol's office shor-
tly after the Giants defeated the New
York Mets 8-5. It apparently was
sparked when Montefusco became
angry at being relieved in the ninth in-
"THE GIANTS are going to get a
lawsuit," Montefusco said after several
players had separated him and Bristol.
"If a manager can't take his players
talking to him, man-to-man, he
shouldn't be here. All I know is that he
started it."
Bristol, who had scratches on his face
after the altercation, thought his ac-
tions were necessary.
"I have no regrets because I wasn't
wrong," he said. "I did what I had to do.
I don't want anyone screaming at me,
telling me this and that.
Dave Concepcion catch it before the
ball could hit the ground.
The Reds have now lost five of the
last six games.

"I TOLD him to keep quiet and he
kept going on and on. It had to be done
sooner or later. You just can't get into a
situation where a player is dictating to
a manager."
Montefusco, who suffered a red welt
under his right eye, said he was angry
because Bristol lifted him in the ninth
with an 8-2 lead, two on, no outs and a 2-
0 count on Mike Jorgensen.
He argued with Bristol, 46, on the
mound and later stormed into Bristol's
office after the game.
"BRISTOL PROVOKED it," said the
30-year-old Montefusco. "He didn't like
what I was saying and he told me to get
out of his office. I was backing up and
he kept pushing and pushing. I told him
'You better stop it,or I'll deck you.' He
kept pushing me - at least 10 times -
before he sucker-punched me."
Giant players and coaches were
stunned by the incident and several
players asked a reporter present to
"take one for the team" and keep the
incident quiet.
Coach Jim Lefebvre, who got into a
fight with Dodgers Manager Tom
Lasorda earlier this year, was asked to
render a decision in the bout.
"It was Dave Bristol, easily," he
said. "Count picked on the wrong guy.
Bristol's one tough son-of-a-gun."

IAo way, '1 on y!PPht
Baltimore Orioles catcher Rick Dempsey tags out the sliding Tony Armas of
the Oakland Athletics at home plate in the ninth inning of their game in
Baltimore Wednesday night. Armas attempted to score from third after an
error by Oriole third baseman Doug DeCinces.
Tigers fail,

BLOOMINGTON, Minn. (AP) - Jose
Morales' first career grand slam and
left-hander Darrell Jackson's strong
pitching carried the Minnesota Twins to
a 5-1 victory over the Detroit Tigers
Morales' one-out blast in the third in-
ning came off loser Dan Schatzeder, 2-
6, who was making his first appearance
since going on the disabled list May 27.
WITH ONE out, Schatzeder gave up
consecutive singles to Butch Wynegar
and Ken Landreaux. An error by third
baseman Tom Brookens allowyed Ron
Jackson to reach first, filling the bases,
and Morales then unloaded his 422-foot
shot over the right field fence.
Darrell Jackson, who evened his
record at 4-4, was never .in serious
trouble. He allowed six hits, struck out
eight and walked two before giving way
to reliever Doug Corbett with two on
and two out in the eighth. Corbett
struck out Lance Parrish to end the in-
Schatzeder, obtained from Montreal
in the Ron LeFlore trade, gave up eight
hits and four earned runs in four in-
nings before being replaced by Bruce
ROBBINS WENT three innings,
giving three hits and no runs for being
replaced by Aurelio Lopez in the eighth.
The Twins picked up a single run in
the fourth inning on John Castino's two-
out single. Ron Jackson had reached an
an infield single and advanced to
second on a walk before scoring on
Castino's base hit to left.
Brookens' triple in the ninth drove in
Al Cowens who had walked for the
Tiger's only run.
Cubs 5, Reds 2

th-inning single scored Jesus Figueroa
from secdhd base yesterday to give the
Chicago Cubs the go-ahead run in a 5-2
victory over the Cincinnati Reds and a
sweep of their two-game series.
Figueroa, batting for winning pitcher
Mike Krukow, 5-7, drew a walk off loser
Tom Hume, 3-6, and went to second on a
sacrifice bunt by Ivan DeJesus before
Vail broke the 2-2 tie.
BRUCE SUTTER worked the last two
innings to earn his 15th save, tops in the
The Cubs added two runs in the eighth
on Barry Foote's double, Mike Tyson's
triple and Figueroa's double.
The Reds took a 1-0 lead in the second
when Dan Driessen walked, stole
second and scored on a wind-blown
double by. Junior Kennedy. Driessen
made it 2-0 in the fourth when he drilled
his seventh homer to right field.
THE CUBS scored in the bottom of
the fourth on a single by Vail, a wild
pitch by Red starter Joe Price and an
RBI single by Ken Henderson.
Chicago tied it in the sixth on a double
by Jerry Martin and another RBI single
by Henderson.
A weird play came in the sixth before
Martin doubled. Vail hit a fly ball to
center but the 21 mph wind blowing in
pulled the ball away from centerfielder
Dave Collins. Collins racing in, caught
up to the ball, bobbled it three times
before losing it only to have shortstop

CHICAGO (AP) - Mike Vail's seven-

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