Page 2-Thursday, June 19, 1980-The Michigan Daily
Thiel to run
against Smith
in 52d district
House race
Northville Democrat Judith Thiel
has announced she will challenge six-
term Republican incumbent Roy Smith
for the 52nd district seat in the state
House of Represenatives in November.
The 52nd district excludes Ypsilanti
and most of Ann Arbor, but includes
most of Washtenaw County and a por-
tion of Monroe County.
THIEL SAID SHE considers a review
of the state's property tax structure,
welfare, and employment policies her
top priorities. "I'd like to attack issues
like inflation," she said.
The Democrat added that, if elected,
she would work for programs that
would increase funding for higher
education and assure adequate health
care and child care facilities.
Smith also cited the need for property
tax reform as "the most important
issue to be addressed by the legislature.
"I BELIEVE THE experience I have
gained by working to bring about
property tax reform to a system which
is inherently unfair," he continued,
"will be an asset to my constituents and
the people of Michigan when the
legislature gets down to talking
seriously about restructuring the tax
The Republican incumbent, co-
author of the Smith-Bullard tax reform
proposal, is currently working to place
the plan on November's ballot. The
proposal would shift dependence on
property tax for public school funding
to the state income tax.
Smith, 56, said during his 12-year
tenure in the state House he has spon-
sored legislation concerning education,
the judiciary system, health care,
taxation, educational finance, local
government, and open meetings.
SMITH IS vice-chairman of the
House Constitutional Revision and
Women's Rights Committee, and also
serves on the Conservation, Environ-
ment and Recreation, Public Utilities,
and Taxation Committees.
The Saline Republican, a former
Ford Motor Company employee, is
married and the father of three
Thiel, 40, is a Women's Commission
Scholarship student -at Eastern
Michigan University, completing a
bachelor of arts degree in Labor
A member of UAW Local 630, Thiel
said she has been active in many local
union-related groups, including the
Coaliton of Labor Women, the Area-
Wide Women's Committee of the United
Auto Workers, and the UAW's Region 1-
A Women's Caucus. In addition, she
said she hasparticipated in the State
Democratic Women's Caucus,
Washtenaw County's Democrgtic
Women's Political Caucus, and is
currently co-chairwoman of the Issues
Committee of Washtenaw County's
Democratic Committee.
Born in Detroit, Thiel has been
married 22 years and is the mother of
four sons.
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY
Have you never been married?
For more than a decade, various voices have rhapsodized living
together as an anodyne to the oppressive slavery of marriage. Now comes
Olivia Newton-John, with a new, if after-the-fact, tune. The Aussie
superstar-just out of a six-year affair with her manager, Lee Kramer-tells
the Ladies' Home Journal she wouldn't try it again. "Maybe you should
make the commitment to marriage in the beginning, and then work on it,
rather than live together, testing each other all the time," said Newton-
John. Very pithy. Il
Taking Oivia's advice
Instead of the traditional bride in white and groom in black, they'll
both wear stripes when Bridgeton, N.J. Mayor Donald Rainear marries two
zebras at the city's Cohanzick-Zoo on June 28. Zoo officials said the zebras
have been living together for six weeks since they purchased the three-year-
old female for their lonely male. They said Rainear will perform the
marriage ceremony to celebrate the $3,000 fund drive that resulted in the
purchase of the female from a New York state animal farm. Said one zebra
to the other, "I Honestly Love You."
"On the outside
Skies, according to the weather forecasters, are supposed to be mostly
sunny today, and the temperature, according to those same forecasters, is
supposed to reach into the mid-70s. We'll see.
AAFC-The Searchers, 1, 3:30, 7, 9:30p.m., Michigan Theater.
Cinema II-Slave of Love, 7:30, 9:30 p.m., MLB 3.
Cinema Guild-Ministry of Fear, 81p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Spartacus Youth League-With Babies and Banner, 7:30 p.m., Union
Kuenzel Room.
Committee Against Registration and the Draft-Hearts and Minds, 7
p.m., Lecture Hall No. 2, Liberal Arts and Sciences Building, Washtenaw
Community College.
Washtenaw County Coordinating Council for Children at Risk-Brown
Bag Luncheon Series, "Preview of Task Force Recommendations," noon,
2301 Platt Rd.
Ypsilanti Community Band-outdoor concert, 7:30 p.m., Ypsilanti
Recreation Park by the Senior Citizen Center.
Michigan League-American Heritage Night featuring New England
cuisine, 5-7 p.m., League.
The Michigan Daily
(USPS 344-900)
Volume XC, No. 30-S
Thursday, June 19, 1980
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University
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-SAT. T.G. PARTY FRI. 5-8 p.m.
E 20-21 HAPPY HOUR SAT. 5-8 p.m.
Major League Baseball on big screen Sat. afternoor