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June 06, 1980 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-06-06

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Page 6-Friday, June 6, 1980-The Michigan Daily


Senate OKs Miliken's tax plan
LANSING (UPI) - Gov. William SEN. ED PIERCE (D-Ann Arbor) Robert Tisch. on the state's $1,500 personal income
Milliken's $800 million tax relief plan supported the measure. "THIS ALLOWS citizens to take out tax deduction.
slipped through the Senate yesterday The plan to give homeowners an their pad and pencil and make up their THE SALES tax increase will raise
on a comfortable margin with only a average $350 in property tax relief own mind " between the two, said Sen. about $800 million, with Michigan
handful of lawmakers voicing op- while increasing the sales tax from four Gary Corbin (D-Clio), an author of the residents paying $600 million and
position to the proposal. per cent to 5,5 per cent to recover lost plan. businesses and outstate residents the
On a 29-4 vote - three more 'yes' revenue, now faces consideration by As well as the property tax reduction rest.
votes than needed on a proposed con- the House where a bloody battle is ex- and the sales tax increase, the plan in- Supporters continued to argue their
titutional amendment - the upper pected. cludes: plan is not solely a weapon against
chamber agreed to place the property The tax shift plan was drawn up by a " A $140 income tax credit for ren- Tisch, but an adequate answer to-
ax reform plan on the November group of lawmakers, interest groups ters, citizen cries for property tax relief.
ballot. A series of nine bills needed to and Milliken aides as an alternative to " The elimination by 1984 of the tax "Instead of paying your taxes out of
mplement the plan if voters approve it the 50 per cent tax cutting plan backed on heat and light bills; and, your left pocket, you have to pay them
passed on similar margins. by Shiawassee Drain Commissioner " Annual cost-of-living adjustments out of your right," said ardent Tisch
supporter Sen. John Welborn.Welborn,
(R-Kalamazoo) failed several times to
amend the Milliken plan to his satisfac-
Sen. Harry DeMaso sputtered'as his
colleagues embraced the tax relief
"This is not accomplishing the
property tax relief the people of this
state are looking for" said the Battle
Creek Republican.



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PJo bless
rate slight
to state's
(Continued from Page 3)
stability than most industrial com-
munities. "A university provides a lot
of employment for a very small area,"
he said, "and most of these locales
provide a widely distributed em-
ployment base. If one company gets hit
hard, it won't have to hurt everybody
because all of the jobs are not concen-
trated in one industry."
The potential labor force in the Ann
Arbor-Ypsilanti area has increased
steadily since one year ago, a reversal
of the state-wide trend. During the
month of April, 500 people entered the
work force, a growth McGraw at-
tributes to geographical factors and
additional family members looking for
work. He blames the state decline on
layoffs and people leaving the state.
McGraw speculated that the end may
not yet be in sight. "From every in-
dication, it looks like the situation is
going to get worse before it gets bet-
ter," he said.
According to McGraw, Michigan
unemployment figures are compiled
during the week of the twelfth day of
each month. "The situation can change
very quickly," he explained.
The survey consists of data from
sample firms and various services in-
cluding the Federal Bureau of Labor




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Offer good through June 13, 1980.


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