The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 6, 1980-PageS5
Democratic comiittee
will fight to keep
Anderson off ballot
Democratic National Committee said
yesterday it is prepared to spend large
amounts of money to keep independent
presidential candidate John Anderson
off as many state ballots as possible.
Anderson, the maverick Illinois
congressman who gave up his
Republican primary campaign to take
the independent route to the presiden-
cy, is running a strong third behind
President Carter and Ronald Reagan in
many national opinion polls.
derson called the Democratic plans
"another indication of an effort to
deprive the American people of a
In a-related matter, his aides said a
foreign trip this summer is being ac-
tively considered, to demonstrate An-
derson's abilities in foreign affairs, but
no decision has been made.
Anderson has been certified for the"
ballot in Utah, New Jersey and Kansas,
and has filed the necessary petitions in
Michigan, West Virginia, North
Carolina and Massachusetts. Those are
the only states whose filing deadlines
have occurred since he declared his
HE ALSO HAS filed suit in Ohio,
challenging the early deadline which
already had passed before he decided to
run as an independent, and may do the
same in four other states with similar
early deadlines.
His fund-raising so far has been suc-
cessful. Aides say more than $1.4
million of the minimum campaign
budget of $12 million already has been
collected and $50,000 a day is coming in-
to the campaign's small offices near the
The consensus is Anderson - a social
liberal and fiscal conservative - will
take more votes from Democrat Carter
than Republican Reagan.
Carter has said he will not debate An-
derson and his chief spokesman
described as a "fantasy" any scenario
that would give Anderson the White
Caroline graduates AP Photo
Caroline Kennedy, daughter of the late President John Kennedy, marches
with fellow graduates at Harvard University's commencement ceremonies
yesterday in Cambridge, Mass. The event was attended by her mother,
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, and her uncle, Democratic presidential hope-I
ful Sen. Edward Kennedy.
Shapiro predicts cuts
ifaculty, stuff sizes
(Continued from Page 3) size would most likely not increase, Sh-
fewer positions available, fewer women apirgsaid, although class size decisions
and minorities can be hired. "I think are left to the discretion of individual
anything that limits our capacity to hire departments.
is going to hinder our efforts to bring on Shapiro said thus far faculty mem-
to the staff women and minorities," bers "realize the problems. The
Shapiro said. response as I've heard it has been sup-
Shapiro added that enrollment must portive."
also decrease to compensate for the Members of the faculty Senate Ad-
smaller faculty. Enrollment has been visory Committee on University Affairs
allowed to decline over the past four or said Monday they hope to meet with
five years, he said. Shapiro and discuss his ideas at the
For this reason, the average class June 16 Senate Assembly meeting.
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