5A: 0 6U watts/Ch digital reclper .......... $569
Kenwood 4000R 14 watts/ch receiver.........$109
Vector Research 5000 45 watts/ch receiver ... $329
Nikko 1019 70 watts/ch receiver .............. $419
Marantz 1520 20 watts/ch receiver........... $159
V .
TDC 1500 receiver
Studio Design MV-16 full-range speakers
Collaro 1251 automatic multiplay turntable
Sony V-1 15 watt per channel receiver
TDC 2 two-way speakers
BSR 250S automatic multiplay turntable
ADC cartridge
Nikko 519 20 watt per channel receiver
Kenwood LSK-300 deluxe 2-way bookshelf speakers
Philips 685 belt-drive, auto-return turntable
Audio-Technica 90E cartridge
Vector Research 2500 22 watt per channel receiver
Pioneer T-300 3-way high efficiency speakers
Hitachi 324 belt-drive, auto-return turntable
Audio-Technica 100E cartridge
SAE R3C 30 watt per channel receiver
Ohm L rave-reviewed 3-way loudspeakers
Philips GA406 servo belt-drive multiplay turntable
Audio-Technica 100E cartridge
Kenwood 6030 80 watt per channel receiver
Cerwin-Vega 12-inch, 3-way high energy speakers
Dual 506 belt-drive, auto-return turntable
Micro Acoustics 282e pro cartridge
Collaro 1251multiplay turntable with cartridge.... $32
Dual 1257 belt-drive multiplay turntable (less cart.)$159
Garrard 630 multiplay turntable with cartridge... $65
Toshiba 451 servo belt-drive auto-shutoff
turntable (less cartridge).................$119
Thorens 105C pro transcription turntable (less cart.)$299
Onkyo 630D top-rated cassette deck.... ......$309
Teac CX351 metal tape cassette deck ..:..... $229
Vector Research 300 deluxe tape cassette deck.$329
Compact stereo
Pioneer Centrex 4433 AM/FM stereo compact
with belt-drive turntable, cassette recorder,
and CL-35 8-inch, 2-way speakers ......... $375
Panasonic SE2809 AM/FM stereo compact with
8-track, changer, and Panasonic
Thrusters speakers ...................... $159
Car stereo
Panasonic CQ6600EU in-dash AM/FM stereo
cassette player............................ $169
Grundig GRV1700 in-dash, auto search cassette
player (fits European cars) ...................$119
Pioneer KP4502 in-dash, auto-reverse AM/FM
stereo cassette player (fits European cars)... $189
Royal Sound RS900 3-way 6X9-inch speakers
with grilles (ea) .............................$28
Panasonic EAB852A-inch dash/door
mount speakers (ea)........................ $12
Portable AM/FM stereo
cassette recorders
Sony CFS-71, 3-way power, 2-way speakers,
LED output meters....................... $239
Pioneer Centrex SK7, 3-way power phono input,
full-range speakers..................$279
Technics SA-80 15 watts/channel receiver...... $89
Sony STR-1800 15 watts/channel receiver .... $119
B 'C 22 8-inch, 3-way speakers (ea) ........... $69
20 ft. headphone extension cable.............$4
Pickering 220E elliptical stereo cartridge .....$10
AKG K-240 pro studio headphone .............. $69
Nikko EQ-2 stereo graphic equalizer ..........$169
Kleeneez record care kit .....................$5.99
Just a partial list. Many, many more unadvertised
specials in all Tech Hifi stores. Quantities on individ-
ual items may be limited. Many are one or two of a kind,
and all are subject to prior sale. Be early for best selec-
tion. No dealers, please. All power ratings are per FTC
rules. Not responsible for typographical errors.
Ohm C2 high-accuracy 3-way walnut spkrs. (ea)..$289
JBL 4311 12-inch, 3-way monitor speakers (ea)...$229
Philips 2931 10-inch, 2-way speakers (ea) ..... $109
Pioneer T-200 8-inch, 2-way speakers (ea) ....$45
tech hifi
Quality components at the right price.
605 East William St., Ann Arbor 668-8328
In Michigan: Dearborn East Detroit, East Lansing, Lansing, Livonia,.Mt. Clemens, Rochester, Royal Oak,
Southfield, Southgate. Stores also in Ohio, New York, New Jersey and New England.
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