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May 08, 1980 - Image 19

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-05-08

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Ready to go
Balloonist Maxie Anderson sits on the edge of the "Kitty Hawk," the balloon he .his 2,500-mile trip. The flight, from a site in the shadow of the Golden Gate
and his son plan to use in a trip across the U.S. Anderson, part of the trio that Bridge to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, commemorates the 80th anniversary
made history by soaring across the Atlantic Ocean, intends to lift off soon on of the Wright Brothers' famous flight.

Kennedy, Bush urged to quit

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - Pressure was
building yesterday on Sen. Edward
Kennedy and George Bush from within
their own parties to withdraw from the
presidential race after the latest round
of primaries saw them fall further
behind President Carter and Ronald
But both Kennedy and Bush vowed to
continue their campaigns despite lan-
dslide losses in Indiana, North Carolina
and Tennessee.
. REP. JOHN B. Anderson said those
who claim his independent presidential
candidacy might throw the November
election into the House of Represen-
tatives are using a "strategy of fear" to
draw votes away from him.
Reagan is likely to have the delegates
needed for the Republican nomination
before California's primary June 3, but
Carter probably must wait until "Super
Tuesday" to lock up his renomination.
Both men, while playing out the
primary string, are virtually assured of
winning their party nominations and
are turning their attentions to the fall
campaign against each other.
JUNE 3 has been nicknamed Super
Tuesday because of the large number of
delegates at stake and the importance
the day would have held if the
nomination fights were closer.
There are about 700 Democratic
delegates at stake on June 3.
There are 319 GOP delegates to be
chosen before June 3 when nine states
- including California - hold
primaries with more than 400 delegates
at stake.
Texas Democratic chairman -Bill
Goldberg was trying to recruit other.

state party chairmen to join in sending
a telegram to Kennedy urging him "Not
to continue the futility," of his cam-
paign against Carter.
DONALD MICHAEL, Indiana state
Democratic chairman, said there
would be 10 or 12 signers of the
telegram, which he said was "not an
anti-Kennedy move - it is a pro-
Democratic Party move."
On the Republican side, Reagan has
the support of four of his former rivals
for the nomination. Two of them, Sen.
Howard Baker Jr. of Tennessee and
former Gov. John Connally of Texas,
recently told a Republican "unity din-
ner" it was time to declare that the
GOP presidential race was over and
that Reagan was the winner.
In addition, sources in the GOP who
requested anonymity acknowledged
there was "a lot of talk about people
making calls urging him (Bush) to get
out, but nothing definite."
ANDERSON, IN a New York speech
before leaders of American Jewish
Organizations, singled out Robert
Strauss, chairman of the Carter cam-
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paign, as trying to "drive a wedge"
between Anderson and disaffected
The Illinois congressman, who drop-
ped out of the Republican race to run
for president as an independent, said
Strauss has raised the possibility of

"chaos and contusion-- if neither major
party candidate receives the necessary
270 electoral votes in November and the
election is thrown into the House.
"That is very simply a tactic they are
using to attack this independent can-
didacy," said Anderson.

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