The Michigan Daily -
Thursday, December 4, 2014 - 3A
From Page 1A
erally comes in three different
forms. One form, ParaGard, is hor-
mone-free and made of copper. The
second, Mirena, releases a small
amount of a progestin hormone.
The final method, Skyla, which was
introduced in 2013 and is marketed
primarily to young women who
have not had a child, releases small
amounts of the same hormone.
Eighty-seven percent of under-
graduates used some form of con-
traception during their most recent
instance of vaginal intercourse,
according to the National College
Health Assessment administered
by UHS. Among those students, a
majority said they used male con-
doms or oral contraceptives.
The survey found condoms and
pills most popular among students,
both of which are generally effec-
tive in preventing pregnancy. Nine
percent of women taking the pill
will have an unintended pregnancy,
compared to 18 percent of couples
using male condoms, according to
Laura McAndrews, UHS sexual
health educator, said research and
experience have demonstrated that
students get a significant portion
of their information about birth
control and sex from their friends,
causingthe perpetuation of stereo-
types of what are perceived as pop-
ular or safer birth control methods.
"It has alot to do with the kind of
education they have had access to,
as well as the information theyhave
gotten from their friends," McAn-
drews said. "If your friends are
using condoms and pills, those are
feel most familiar with. I think that
as we start to see more people using
IUDs and implants, more people
that will be talking about them
and becoming more familiar with
While statistics show a high
majority of women who properly
use contraceptive methods such as
condoms and pills will not become
pregnant, IUDs and implants prac-
tically ensure that an unintended
pregnancy will not occur. Failure
rates of IUDs and implants are less
than 1 percent, but they are being
isediby 6 percent of'ndergradu-
ates and 0.5 percent of graduates.
"We are finding that many stu-
dents feel they do not know enough
about IUDs and implants to feel
comfortable using them,". McAn-
From Page 1A
seling and Psychological Services,
believes one of the greatest barri-
ers to treatment for students is the
belief that stress is always a normal
part of the college experience.
"There's some truth to that," he
said. "I think that the biggest myth
is that I have to experience that
stress and anxiety almost everyday,
or all 15 weeks of the semester, and
Sevig said stress and anxiety are
the most frequently documented
reasons that students come in to
CAPS, a trend that started about
five or six years ago.
Beyond the perceived stigma,
Eisenberg added that a lack of
urgency might also be contribut-
ing to the small number of students
who seek help.
"It's got us thinking about the
parallels between seeking help for
mental health and things like diet
and exercise, or other health behav-
iors where peopleseemtohave fairly
good knowledge and fairly positive
attitudes about the behavior, and
yet a large percentage of cases don't
actually adopt the healthy behavior
... I think that there are some really
subtle interventions that can really
Dalack, the professor of psychia-
try, said mental illness should be
looked at like any other physical ail-
ment, such as the flu or a high fever.
"There's a part in the middle of
the flu where you can't remember
what it felt like to feelgood,"he said.
"And you feel like, I'm never going
to feel well again.' When you think
about that and depression, that can
be pretty terrifying, especially if it's
affecting your psychological state."
Looking for help
Dalack recognizes that "the sup-
port network is key, whether that's
friends, family, professors, teach-
ers, or counselors, because we all
tend to not recognize issues when
it's us versus in somebody else. Our
own insight can be undermined by
our own wish to not identify with
being sick. Partly it's education, and
drewssaid."Another issue has been
that students do not want a foreign
object in their bodies or are con-
cerned about the cost and issues
related to insurance coverage."
In September, the American
Academy of Pediatrics announced
a change in its recommendations,
stating it now advises that doctors
recommend intrauterine devices
over other methods of contracep-
tion for teenagers who are or plan
to become sexually active.
"For the first time, the organi-
zation recommends that pediatri-
cians discuss long-acting reversible
contraceptives before other birth
control methods for teens, citing
the 'efficacy, safety and ease of use'
of long-acting reversible contracep-
tion, such as IUDs and progestin
implants," the report says.
Though the cost is substantial,
generally about $600 for a student
without insurance, the device is
effective at preventing pregnancy
for as long as 10 years and requires
only one application. McAndrews
said she has found price to be a con-
cern for some students, but not nec-
essarily justforthose students who
do not have insurance.
"Most insurance plans will cover
IUD or implant costs, but if a stu-
dent is on their parents'health plan,
they may be nervous about using
their insurance for contraceptives,"
she said. "We encourage studentsto
speak with a medical professional
with their parents, because most
parents would much rather their
child have thebest methods ofbirth
control, even if it means having an
uncomfortable conversation.'
In a survey conducted by The
Michigan Daily, 13 percent of stu-
dents received information about
birth control from friends, com-
pared to 3 percent who received it
from campus resources and 54 per-
cent from a medical professional.
LSA senior Sophia Kotov, former
president of Students for Choice,
said she has heard concerns from
many students who are hesitant to
obtain birth control from UHS.
"The (UHS) doctor was super
useful and helped me figure out
what type of birth control worked
best for me," Kotov said. "I think
UHS has a reputation for being
unhelpful and ineffective, and I
think that deters a lot of students
from getting their birth control
questions answered there. UHS
needs to change their image as well
as the quality of their care. Honest-
ly, the pamphlets in UHS look like
they are from the '90s, I don't know
how relevant they are to women's
lives now"
Kotov said many of her friends,
who are also involved in the
Department of Women's Studies
or Students for Choice, are fairly
well informed, but she believes
the majority of students still don't
fully understand how birth control
works, where to get it and what
methods are best suited to their
"I think trying to remember
information from sex education or
going through the process of sched-
uling an appointment with UHS
and remembering what your doc-
tor says combined with the avail-
ability of so much information on
the Internet makes it difficult, and
people definitely go to their friends
with issues or questions alot of the
time," Kotovsaid.
She said her friends were sur-
prised to hear she used an IUD
because of the stigma they associ-
ated with the device - namely that
it is onlyused by older women who
have already had children.
"I have had so many friends who
react stronglyto findingoutIhave an
IUD, so I definitely see that stigma
playing out in mylife,"Kotovsaid.
The Daily survey found that
when studentsare choosing a meth-
od of birth control, effectiveness is
by far the most important factor,
followed onlybysafetyand the pos-
sibility of harmful side effects.
For the 5 percent of students
who said cost is the most important
factor when choosing birth con-
trol, condoms seem to be the most
obvious choice, as they are free for
students. For students who pre-
fer another brand over LifeStyles,
the most common brand available
at UHS, UHS has started to offer
Magnum Trojan condoms begin-
ning this year. Trojan condoms
purchased through downtown mer-
chants such as drug stores generally
cost about $7 for a pack of three.
Oral contraceptives, however,
can become costly over time. For
a student with insurance, this cost
may be minimal or nonexistent
depending on providers and plans,
but for students who do not have
insurance, and, for example, pick
up their birth control at CVS down-
town, the cost per month could be
around $20, according to UHS.
There are options - though seem-
ingly more inconvenient ones - for
minimizing these costsby picking{
up prescriptions at locations far-
ther from downtown, where the
cost for an uninsured studentcould
be as little as $8 per month.
From Page 1A
The new curricular offering
comes as a result of recommenda-
tions from a campus-wide entre-
preneurship taskforce established
in May 2012 to survey campus
offerings in the field for under-
Thomas Zurbuchen, senior
counselor for entrepreneurship
innovation and Innovate Blue's
head, said in a release that the
new minor is meant to address the
challenges ofthe modern world.
"We believe all students have
the capacity to be innovators," he
said. "This campus-wide minor
provides them with the knowl-
edge,skillsand motivation to build
the skills attributed to entrepre-
neurial behavior and innovative
thinking necessary to succeed."
Jeni Olney, student services
program coordinator for entrepre-
neurial programs, said Entrepre-
neurial Business Basics outlines
the fundamentals of business for
aspiring entrepreneurs, whereas
Entrepreneurial Creativity is
"more of an intrinsic look at what
makes entrepreneurs and creative
"The two courses combined
make up the foundation, the core
for the new minor," Olney said.
"I refer to it as the hard and soft
skills of being an entrepreneur."
The minor's "practicum"is also
made up of two courses, titled
Entrepreneurship Practicum
and Advanced Entrepreneurship
Practicum. Olney said these will
be taken in tandem to provide a
hands-on, yearlong immersion
into entrepreneurship, moving
from conceptualizing and pitch-
ing a business venture to imple-
menting and launching it.
Additionally, a minimum of
three elective credits is required
to finish the minor. A complete list
of qualifying courses is available
on the Innovate Blue website.
The website also states that
entrepreneurial extracurricu-
lar activities are required for
a minimum of two semesters.
This "activity" may include, for
example, working on an outside
business venture or participating
in an entrepreneurship-focused
student organization.
Olney added some of these
course options were already
available through the Center for
Entrepreneurship's Program in
Entrepreneurship, which pro-
vides a certificate in entrepre-
neurship as opposed to a full
The certificate program
requires nine credits rather than
15, comprising the two "core"
classes and one elective.
The Innovate Blue website
notes, however, that the PIE
will be phased out and "is only
available to those students who
declared the PIE prior to Fall
term 2015."
Kristen Kerecman, marketing
and communications manager
for Innovate Blue, said the goal
of implementing the minor was
to make entrepreneurship educa-
tion more accessible to non-Engi-
neering students. Many electives
previously offered through the
PIE were focused on engineering.
"What came from this campus
program in entrepreneurship ...
there was really a need for some-
thing, and a demand from 'stu-
dents to really have something
that was truly campus-wide and
accessible to people from allback-
grounds,"Kerecman said. "LSA is
the natural home for something
like that."
Olney said the end goal is to
create multidisciplinary teams in
each of the University's colleges,
so each college can "have own-
ership over the curriculum that
goes into the minor."
From Page 1A
things like Donkey Kong and Ms.
Pac-Man, things I grew up with,
are still here," Vogel said. "So it
can take the older people back to
the younger days when we were
first introduced to those types of
The 10,000 square-foot estab-
lishment began when eight-year-
old East Lansing native Ted
Arnold and his two brothers set
up a pinball machine in a garage
in 1973, The Michigan Daily
reported in 2012. However, run-
ning the business in a residen-
tial area was illegal, so once city
inspectors discovered the opera-
tion, the brothers closed the
garage shop and opened in Mon-
roe, and then in East Lansing.
Opening in a former dough-
nut bakery, the arcade had a
life-sized fiberglass elephant on
the roof- which the brothers-
painted pink to attract attention.
The business has used the pink-
elephant as its mascot since. The
Arnolds soon expanded to Ann
Arbor during the 1980s, eventu-
ally opening seven arcades in
total, including the Pinball Pete's
just off the Diag.
However, during the mid-
1980s, people began buying the
first home console gaming sys-
tems instead of going to arcades,
and arcades began to disappear
from U.S. suburbs and cities.
Ann Arbor's arcade history is an
example of this decline: the six
other arcades in the Ann Arbor
and East Lansing areahave since
closed, leaving Pinball Pete's
alone, according to Petterson.
"It just got to be too much,"
he said. "There's only so many
hours in a day, and there's not a
whole lot of people that can fix
these machines and most of them
aren't around anymore."
However, as the only arcade
in the area, Pinball Pete's has
attracted regulars from Detroit
and even afew from pinball clubs
in Ohio, accordingto Petterson.
"The older people will always
come to the arcade. It's the
younger people we're worried
about. But that's why we have the
mix of stuff."
Vogel's daughter, LSA fresh-
man Kate Vogel, said she contin-
ues to bea Pinball Pete's regular,
following in her mother's foot-
"When I was in middle school
it was a good place for people to
come and hang out," Kate Vogel
said. "We would go to Bubble
(Island) in the summer and
then come here and just play for
hours. We would play air hockey
for a long time and then a rowing
game. It was really fun and weird
and just kind of a thing to do."
Though the recession and gen-
eral decline ofthe industryheve--
been hardfor thercade, Petter-
son remains optimistic.
Evan Williams, a comput-
er science student at Eastern
Michigan University and a pre-
vious employee of Pinball Pete's,
"I think it will make a come-
back," he said. "Pinball Pete's
just got the new Walking Dead
(pinball) machine and aMustang
machine last summer. The new
tables are honestly my favorite."
However, if popularity
increases again it will come with
a variety of new problems, espe-
cially for the old machines like
Donkey Kong and Pac-Man.
Petterson said production of the
parts used in these old machines
stopped long ago. This problem
is especially apparent with the
classiccathode ray tube moni-
tors of older machines, which are
being replaced with LCD moni-
tors by producers.
"LCDs in the classic stuff
doesn't look right," Petterson
said. "Donkey Kong on a flat
screen has blurrier lines because
it upscales for the resolution, and
it doesn't look right. I spend a lot
of time dialing in monitors to try
and keep them looking nice. It's
a huge investment to fix up old
Petterson also pointed to high
real estate costs in Ann Arbor
and the electricity bills associ-
ated with running an arcade as
challenges in maintaining the
more than 30-year-old business.
As difficult as survival has
been for the arcade, Lisa Vogel
is happy Pinball Pete's has sur-
vived for future generations to
"I think it's a great place for
people to gather. It's not a place
for people to come and party and
get drunk; it's just something
that's nice and wholesome and
clean fun," she said. "Pinball
Pete's was a popular hangout for
people to come and play pool and
pinball. Back then it was 25 cents
for a game of pinball, and now
it's more like a dollar."
"It's been here for so long,
my parents used to come here.
It's been a huge part of every-
one's life, so I'd say it's been a
huge part of Ann Arbor. I think
it's definitely a part of the
downtown culture. It's a safe
place for people to get together
and just have fun." Kate Vogel
Pinball Pete's is home to both
classic pinball and arcade games,
as well as pool and air hockey for
the newer regulars, creating a
safe atmosphere where Univer-
sity students can escape their
studies for an hour or two with
When asked if the establish-
ment would last, Petterson had
this to say:
"We're still here, and we're
not going anywhere."
partly it's overcoming the stigma ...
I view it both as an individual thing
as well as importance of the friend
He said efforts have been made
to educate RAs in dorms as well as
facultyandGSIs,whomaybesable to
intervene if they see someone who
is at risk.
Eisenberg and the Healthy
Minds Network have started a
student-leader coalition that meets
every two weeks and joins leaders
of a variety of student organiza-
tions. Some of these groups - such
as PULSE, Active Minds and Own
It - havea specific focus on health
and well-being,while others suchas
Central Student Government have
established branches focusing on
such issues. There is hope that the
coalition will play a large role in dis-
seminating information about men-
tal health to large portions of the
In addition, Eisenberg said he and
his teamhope to create new courses
in which students will help with the
production of the brief videos that
the Healthy Minds Network pro-
duces. Such courses would focus on
a variety of disciplines, from film
production to psychology to social
marketing and dissemination. If the
program receives funding, these
courses could be offered at the Uni-
versity as early as Winter 2016.
Wolverine Wellness, a division
of UHS with the goal of promoting
overall wellness on campus, piloted
wellness coachinglast January. Stu-
dents can see a wellness coach who
is able to provide tools and strate-
gies to those concerned about high
stress levels. Similar programs are
also in place at Ohio State University
and West Virginia University.
Within UHS, there is a proac-
tive focus that allows students to set
individualized goals for themselves.
Coaching begins with a 90-minute
session, and participants can set up
regular appointments in order to fol-
lowup withgoals and track progress.
Wolverine Wellness Director
Mary Jo Desprez explained the
importance of the wellness model
and all of its different dimensions in
relation to wellness coaching. The
wellness model encompasses many
different aspects of life, including
intellectual, physical, financial,
emotional, mental, environmental,
occupational, social and spiritual
"We help the student take a long,
deep breath and look at how they
are doing in each of the different
dimensions, and understand how
they sort of are interdependent on
each other," she said. "Really what
they can do, in wellness coaching,
is self-assess and focus in on one or
multiple areas and they can make
goals for them."
"The University ... is to really
start to understand that students
are whole people, they're not just
thebraininthe classroom,"Desprez
said. "When you ask students what
their definition of success is, they
say'my GPA' and 'if I get a job.' Our
collective job is to say it's much
more holistic than that."
To expand the University's role
in promoting mental health, Eisen-
berg said he hopes to integrate the
mental health checkup process
with academic advising. Such an
effort would demonstrate the link
between health and academic suc-
cess, he said.
"We want to normalize it and
make it part of a routine,"he said.
CAPS provides traditional one-
on-one counseling, but also engages
students in a variety of other ways.
For example, in 2011, CAPS opened
the Wellness Zone, which allows
students to simply walk in and
use the available facilities, which
include massage chairs, meditation
cushions, yoga mats, a couch for
napping,alamp for seasonal depres-
sion and even agamingsystem.
Additionally, CAPS offers differ-
ent workshops, among other types
of support, in order to reach out to
more students.
Regarding CAPS services, Imir-
zian said, "I know people that have
(used CAPS). I've heard mixed
things. I've heard it's hard to get
access or get appointments... it's like
you have an issue right now, so you
want something immediately, but
I've alsoheardgreatthingsaboutit."
While Shapiro said she does not
know much about CAPS, she said
she would definitely be interested
in learning more about it if it could
help her with her stress levels.
From Page 1A
Singh told the committee this
was a turning point for the state,
which would join 19 others in
having similar policies to the
amendment he proposed.
"(This is) a historic day to ...
tell the rest of the country who
we are, what we stand for and
what our values are," he said.
He also told the commit-
tee that excluding transgender
people would be the same as
condoning discrimination, a
message echoed by several of the
other speakers.
Gilmour, who was one of a few
openly gay executives during his
time at Ford, said businesses are
concerned that the current lack
of protections for LGBTQ indi-
viduals disincentivizes people
from coming to work in Michi-
"Concepts don't develop
themselves, cars don't sell them-
selves ... and no organization can
afford to leave out a segment of
the population," Gilmour said.
"Now is the time to stop leav-
ing out the LGBT community.
We need the talent," he added.
All of the speakers in favor of
modifying the ELCRA except for
Foster supported Singh's more
inclusive amendment.
In speaking for his bill,
Foster acknowledged the con-
troversy surrounding it. He has
faced criticism from both sides
of the aisle, and his support for
the proposed amendment was a
major point of contention dur-
ing the Republican primary
election for his seat in August,
which he lost.
"Some people think the bill
goes too far," he said. "Others
think it doesn't go far enough.
I say it's the next positive step."
Opponents of the bill -
speaking for several several
conservative religious groups,
including the National Chris-
tian Leadership Council, rep-
resentatives of the Michigan
Christian Coalition and the
Michigan Family Forum -
questioned the bill's neces-
sity and impact. They also
expressed concerns about
potential consequences for reli-
gious freedom in the state.
Keith Den Hollander, a
representative of the Michi-
gan Christian Coalition, told
the committee his opposition
stemmed from concerns with
the efficacy of the bills rather
than morality.
"I don't accept the premise
that by changing the law, we
will change people's hearts," he
Lansing attorney David
Kallman, who represented the
Michigan branch of Citizens
for Traditional Values and the
Michigan Family Forum at the
meeting, said similar laws in
other states have had negative
impacts on religious freedom,
especially for small businesses.
"Bakeries, photographers, on
and on - there is case after case
where this law is being used as
a sword; it's not being used as
a shield," he said. "These laws
are being used to bully and
silence individuals acting on
their religious conscience."
No additional Commerce
Committee meeting regarding
the amendments is currently
scheduled, but the House Judi-
ciary Committee is expected
to debate a third bill closely
tied to the Elliott-Larsen Civil
Rights Act, the proposed Mich-
igan Religious Freedom Resto-
ration Act, on Thursday.
The Michigan RFRA, pro-
posed by House Speaker Jase
Bolger (R-Marshall) paral-
lels existing federal legisla-
tion and would grant broad
exemptions to state laws if they
conflict with an individual's
religious beliefs. Bolger has
said he would require its pas-
sage before allowing an ELCRA
amendment to come to the
House floor, a position Demo-
crats have decried.