Freshman says a cappella is perfect ... pitch perfect
hman KyleLefkow- many callbacks and different shine" by Bill Withers. It What's the most rewarding
York native, is a things you had to go to but It would be hard if you was so nerve-wracking part ofbeingiiTheSirens?
ix t dtcifan DAMh
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LSA fresh
itz, a New
member of the all-girls a cap-
pella group TheSirens.
Did you know that you were
going to do a cappella when
you came to Michigan?
I really love to sing and I
didn't know if I wanted to pur-
sue a major in it but Iknew that
I wanted to continue it and I
thought that (a cappella) would
be a great way to do that.
I knew I wanted to do it
but I didn't know exactly how
to pursue it. I just saw a flyer
and I went for it. It was really
stressful. It was similar to
sorority rush in terms of how
it was fun because all s the
groups areveryeasygoingand
made it comfortable.
What's your favorite thing
about being in The Sirens?
I love having that group of
friends because we do a thing
called #SirenSighting, where
if you see any of the girls in
the group, you take a picture
with them and you post it in
our group chat. I love having
that core group of friends that
you can always see and talk to.
Is it hard to balance a cap-
pellawith schoolwork?
didn't like it, but I love it
so much. For example, on a
typical week we have two
rehearsals that last four
But for a concert week, we
have maybe four rehearsals
and one lasts like six hours.
It's a lot, but you have so
much fun and you're singing
what you like. It's all direct-
ed by people in the group so
you don't feel like it's a has-
sle. It's really enjoyable.
Have you gotten any lead
singing roles?
It was "Ain't No Sun-
because I didn't even know
the song going into the
solo. We do auditions for
songs during our rehears-
als. I hadn't heard that
song and I thought it was a
cool and soulful song so I
tried it.
I fuddled through it and
I guess they saw something
that they liked, so I got the
part. It was really exciting.
The thing is, one person is
never the lead singer for
the entire group. Typical-
ly, for a concert set we do
12 songs. I think everyone
but two people had a solo.
You're putting your own
time into the performances
and songs. We don't have any
adult supervising us; it's just
all of us.
We can all work together
and produce awesome songs
because what pebple might
not realize about a cappella
is that the people in our
group arrange the songs we
They're already songs
that are out there, but we
have to put together the
chords and all of the dif-
ferent parts. It's really
awesome to- see the final
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Nourish Sustaim
Jack White
This profile focuses on Jack
White, the prolific Detroit-
born rocker. White is known
for his minimalist style,
large output and involve-
ment in many groups such
as The White Stripes, The
Raconteurs and The Dead
Weather. Throughout his
long career, he has main-
tained a distinct style.
Walking Dead
This review focuses on
the structural elements of
this season's penultimate
episode of "The Walking
Dead," which followed the
show's four main groups of
characters. While the epi-
sode successfully set up an
explosive finale, the amount
of material made it feel a bit
rushed and busy.
yourSELF holidays
WHAT: This seminar will
allow women to get together
and express themselves
through art. Guests should
bring something that is
important to them.
WHO: CAPS and Multi-
Ethnic Student Affairs
WHEN: Today from 11 a.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union,
CSG Chambers
WHAT: This lecture will
focus on the advent of the
typewriter and the chal-
lenge of extending it to the
Chinese language.
WHO: Eisenberg Institute
for Historical Studies
WHEN: Today from 4 p.m.
to 6 p.m.
WHERE: Tisch Hall, Room
WHAT: This open house
will discuss how to have
a sustainable holiday by
avoiding toxins in common
gifts, learning sustainable
and healthy recipes and
making sustainable gifts.
WHO: Planet Blue
WHEN: Today from noon
to 1 p.m.
WHERE: Hatcher Graduate
Library Gallery
Imperial Jews
WHAT: Judaic Studies
Prof Devi Mays will lead
a colloquium that seeks to
examine modern Jewish
history through the lens of
the Jewish experience in
the Ottoman Empire.
WHO: Judaic Studies
WHEN: Today at 12:15 p.m.
WHERE: 202S. Thayer,
Room 2022
1Microsoft announced it
is retiring its'decades-old
Clip Art function, which
will be replaced by BingImage
Search. Clip Art was first
introduced in 1993 but is being
phased out as inage searching
allows for a greater variety of
images, CNN reported.
This week, the Arts
Section explores the
changing pop landscape
of 2014 and profiles FeelGood,
a student organization selling
grilled cheeses and' offering
free deliveryto help end world
DNA evidence from
English King Richard
III's recently discovered
skeleton reveals he was
blonde-haired and blue-eyed,
according to a CNN report,
clashing with historical
descriptions of the king, who
KatietBurke ManaeingEditoe,
Jennifer Callas MunainesewsnEditor jeutlfasnictitondaibeco"
and Stephanie Shenouda xb,5anI,.WI5annxlw'k
ASSISTANT saWS 055I5TORS; lan kht, NalaBekowski, Claire Bryan,,Shhams
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Lourim,,and Jeremy SmmUit(
ASSISTANT SPOTTOR505Ma, x uhmanMinh Doan;,Daldman, 5Simon
John lynch and jply,,
Akshay SethManaingeArtstEdinors aseo@michigandailyom
SENIOR ARTS EDITORS:Gianarlo B o, NatlieGadbo,jaErikaHarwood and
SSSTNTARSo EDITORS: Jaie ,,,ol,'JackonHowad,iianakab andMddie
Teresa Mathew and
Paul Sherman ManagingPhoto Editors phos,@michigondaily om
SENIR OE DITOsRS:lson15,Frradad RbyWallau
ASSISTANT POTEDITORS:Lna5,,a Arhey, Mc15enzie eri,,5
tarolyn Gearig and
Gabriela VasquezManagi~n eosignditors
tarlin Duaoargazine Edior
Mark Ossolinski and Meaghan
Thompson Managing Copy Editors
Austen Hufford Online Editor
Madeline Lacey Universiy AconsManager
Simonne Kapadia Loal Accounts Manater
Lots Ansatioal AccounsManager
Oliia JonesProsduoniManaers
Solar Loh Special ProectsCoordinator
Jason Anterasian Finnce Manager
Th icinDilUy (ISN 045-67is publishedMondayUthr oug rdy durig the fal ad wntrrsa by
studenat e Uniriy o ihiga~. One cpy is avalabl eeofcaeto allradrs.dd :,ioa oiea
beapickdpat thalys officeo$. Sbscrion orfall ter, sringinSeptee,ia U.S. mai are$110
Wite trm(Jurho ugh Apri):is $115,yarlog (SptmberthroghApi) is 195. Uiesya fite5s
aebject~ U to, redcedssrionrae -ampus subscrptiondUso allteme$5. sritiosst
Ben & Jerry's photography
WHAT: In this webinar
sponsored by Unilever, the
Ben & Jerry's team will
discuss their brand, share
fun facts about the company
and network with students
for a productive yet laid-
back study break.
WHO: The Career Center
WHEN: Today at 4 p.m.
WHERE: Online
WHAT: These photo-
graphs were taken by art-
ist Camilo Jose Vergara.
WHO: College of Architec-
ture and Urban Planning
WHEN: Today at 7 p.m.
WHERE: 305 W. Liberty
Please reportany error in
the Daily to corrections@
From Page 1A
Such stress fact
ety of effects onc
Nationally, 17.3 pe
graduate and gra
reported having
percent reported
percent reported s
about attempting s
study by Daniel Eis
ciate professor of
ment and policy i
Public Health and
the Healthy Minds
Furthermore, st
are the top two re
ments to academ
for college studen
undergraduate an
els, according to r
results from the I
Health Assessment
istered by Univers
vices last February
and 2014,the propo
reporting stress a
impediment rose fr
cent and anxiety rt
The number<
ate students list
1 aan acadedicinPediment aisi
increased from10 percentin2010to
15 percent in 2014.
Eisenberg said depressive symp-
toms have been rising steadily not
ors have a vari- only for college populations, but
college students. also more generally for all younger
rcent of under- demographics. He attributed this
aduate students trend in part to a shift in the social
depression, 7 pressures felt by many college stu-
anxiety and 6.3 dents.
serious thoughts "(There is) the idea that young
suicide in a 2013 people increasingly are motivat-
senberg, an asso- ed by extrinsic factors like social
health manage- approval, status, money, and that's
n the School of probably exacerbated by social
the director of media and the interconnectedness
Network. that we all have now as opposed to
ress and anxiety more intrinsic factors like people's
eported impedi- values, their morals, their self-
Ic performance esteem, and doing things that make
ts at both the us feel good based on our own val-
d graduate lev- ues," Eisenberg said. "That's the
ecently released sociological explanation, which
National College seems to make sense from people's
t survey, admin- observations, but is difficult to
sity Health Ser- prove."
y. Between 2010 Eisenberg conducts an annual
rtion ofstudents survey across more than 100 col-
us an academic leges and universities that seeks to
om 25 to 31 per- assess mental health-related issues
sse from 17 to 22 such as depression, anxiety and
substance abuse, as well as how well
of undergradu- students utilize campus resources.
ing depression "The majority of students who
tei ea l' ef'i hfg- nllital healtf'
problems are not receiving treat-
ment," he said. "Around 40 percent
of students with apparent mental
disorders like depression have not
received any mental health services
within the past year."
Robert Winfield, the University's
chief health officer and director of
UHS, said the competitive nature of:
the University means students can
suffer from stress even whenevery--
day lives are going well. He noted,"
that students face stress from their"
roles on campus as well as from the
pressures of the world they must
inhabit oncethey leave Ann Arbor.
"It's a competitive campus and
it's also a competitive world," Win-
field said. "The pressures are not
just immediate,butenormous as we
He said some of the University's
responses to stress on campus -
while intended to ease student
stress - send mixed signals.
For instance, after receiving feed-
back from students, the University
authorized 24-hour operations at
the Shapiro Undergraduate Library
in October 2012. Winfield said this
message escalated the competive-
ness among students by suggest-
ing that their peers are swtudying
throughoutthe night.
"There are all of these subtle
messages that come out,"hesaid.
LSA junior Emma Shapiro and
Zaccardo said they know students
who have stayed at the UGLi until
5 a.m. Zaccardo said she knows pre-
ined students, in particular, who
stay well into the early hours of the
LSA junior Natalie Imirzian said
she has occasionally taken advan-
tage of the UGLi's late operating
hours, both by herself and with
"I've utilized it somewhat, more
so now,near the end ofthe semester,
as I panic and try to get everything
done," she said. "I've been (at the
UGLi) until three or four before."
Addressingstress and stigma
Despite the rise in stress, anxi-
ety and depression among college
students, there are a hostof reasons
that students may not seek treat-
Gregory Dalack, associate pro-
fessor of psychiatry and chair for'
education and academic affairs in
the Department of Psychiatry, said'
stigma can play a role in discour-
aging students from seeking help,
despite the fact that many condi-
Space e~ xploration faces
future funding hurdles
Student group
hosts discussion on
planetary research,
Daily StaffReporter
Gabriel Rothblatt, a Florida
politician, gave a presentation
Wednesday night in the Bob and
Betty Beyster building that dis-
cussed widening space explora-
tion opportunities for average
Americans. The talk, given to a
handful of students, was hosted
by Students for the Exploration
and Development of Space.
Rothblatt's main talking
points included the privatiza-
tion of the space industry, com-
monly known as NewSpace,
and galvanizing public inter-
est in the space industry from
a more human perspective. In
last month's midterm elections,
he ran as a Democrat in Flori-
da's 8th Congressional District,
which includes Cape Canaveral:
and the Kennedy Space Center,
and lost to Bill Posey (R). His'
primary campaign platform was
space exploration.
Rothblatt argued that the
problem with the space indus-
try is not one of funding, but of
incentive. One of his primary
points was the idea of settlement
as the main goal of space explo-
"As long as we focus on cheap,"
it'll never be cheap enough," he
said. "If we put everything on
the Mayflower and took it back
and forth, it would never have
been profitable to colonize the
Americas. It was only profit-
able to buy a ticket and come
here once we established cities.
Let's make settlement the goal,
and then cheap access becomes
a necessity."
Most of the mass and expense
of a satellite comes from what it
takes to send it into orbit itself,
Rothblatt said, proposing the
use of space as alocationofman-
ufacturing and production.
"The true solution to cheap
access to space is to put in space
what you need to make the
things up there," he said. "If
most of the things we wanted
to achieve were built in space, it
would be greatly cheaper."
Engineering senior Derek
Napierala, president of Students
for the Exploration and Devel-
opment of Space, said his group
invited Rothblatt because of his
interest in expanding the idea of
space exploration.
"I thought that his passion
for space as well as his desire
to make change not in just the
engineering field but also the
political field to the populace is
commendable," Napierala said.
Rothblatt's presentation also
touched on space exploration as
a common endeavor instead of a
science-specific project.
"Too often people think if
you're interested in space you
have to be an aeronautics per-
son," he said. "NASA needs
engineers, Boeing needs engi-
neers, but Mars needs farmers."
Engineering sophomore
Logan Sisca said the issue con-
straining development in space
is more about bringing the gen-
eral public into the fold.
"It's more about really
democratizing space and how
we can get more involved with
this pursuit rather than just
billiort-dollar government con-
tracts," Sisca said.
Rothblatt commented on
his own identity - he is Black,
Jewish, comes from an LGBTQ
family, and his father is Martine
Rothblatt, founder of GeoStar
and Sirius Radio - as a catalyst
for his interest in space.
"I'm always on the outside,
havingto adapt tothe groupthat
I'm with," he said. "And I found
that really interesting about
humans: we try to adapt it to us,
rather than us adapting to the
Sisca said college students
need to become more aware of
their potential in regardto space
"I think right now students
don't know that they have that
opportunity; it's a very select
number of people who are pas-
sionate about it," he said. "By
improving our outreach and
making more students aware of
this, then they'll get on board
and it'll keep reading."
Rothblatt said the future
of space exploration should
not resemble the Space Race,
but instead a common, human
"I believe space is a message
of unification. I believe space is
something that creates human
nationalization," he said. "Space
is the thing that makes us forget
about our differences and focus
on a common goal.
H,- ,,O
tions aretreatable.
"Stigma is a major issue and it
exacerbates all the other reluctance
to acknowledge that we're less than
perfect,"he said.
- "This is where cancer was 50 or'
60years ago," he added. "You didn't
talk about it, you didn't mention that
your relative had it, and you sort of
hushed itup."
Eisenberg said such stigma sur-
rounding treatment can be broken
down into two categories: perceived
public stigma and personal stigma.
In his research, he has observed
much higher levels of perceived
public stigma.
"We see thatthe personallevel of
stigma is quite low; they have posi-
tive attitudes (toward treatment),"
he said. "There is a discrepancy
between what people think every-
one else is thinking versus what
people are actually thinking based
ontheir ownreports."
Todd Sevig, director of Coun-
See STRESS, Page 3A