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November 12, 2014 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-11-12

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2A - Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com


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Police campaign for new bike lanes

A new campaign spearheaded
by Michigan State University
Police is creating a conversation
between students and police
about the lack of bike lanes on
campus, The State News reported
last Sunday.
MSU Police Lieutenant Randy
Holton emphasized the impor-
tance of bikers complying with
motorist practices when bike
lanes are not available.
According to Holton, the most
common accidents on campus
are those in which a cyclist rides
through a crosswalk and makes
contact with a vehicle. He also
blamed motorists and pedestri-
ans for not paying attention when
traveling through campus.

Columbia announces finalists Stanford University contends
for campus improvement grants with bedbugs found in dorms

Three finalists for Barnard
College's Student Government
Association Endowment Grants
are left with the chance to have
their proposals for campus
improvement become reality,
the Columbia Spectator reported
A panel of 10 SGA members
will choose the finalists from a
varied collection of proposals.
The winning idea will receive a
$17,000 grant.
The three proposals are a
computers, the implementation of
a mug-sharing program and the
request for a mural of alumni.

LSA senior Adam Eickmeyer speaks to faculty
about his thesis project at the LGBT Faculty Alliance
Annual Reception held in Rackham on Tuesday.

The Stray HathiTrust AdviseStream
Birds concert presentation workshop

Two Arts writers investigate
cultural tensions in the 2001
comedy film. Though a goofy
flick on the surface, "Zoolan-
der" mentions issues facing
minorities, people with eat-
ingdisorders and others.
Six figures
Interim Athletic Director
Jim Hackett was alloted an
annual salary of $600,000.
He will work for an "indefi-
nite" period, and his ter-
mination will likely occur
when a new athletic director
is appointed. Former Ath-
letic Director Dave Brandon
resigned Oct. 30.

WHAT: Folk group
Stray Birds will perform,
showcasing their
songwriting and sound
that is described as subtle
and graceful.
WHO: Michigan Union
Ticket Office
WHEN: Tonight at 8p.m.
WHERE: The Ark

WHAT: HathiTrust stew-
ards will discuss the future
prospects of the HathiTrust
Digital Library.
WHO: School of
WHEN: Today from 1 p.m.
to 5 p.m.
WHERE: Rackham Gradu-
ate School Amphitheatre

WHAT: This workshop
will teach how to create
an AdviseStream account,
priotize tasks and use the
features of the account.
WHO: The Career Center
WHEN: Today from 1 p.m.
to 2 p.m.
WHERE: The Career

Bed bugs found in two Toyon
Residence Hall rooms have final-
ly been exterminated, The Stan-
ford Daily reported Sunday.
The bed bugs were first dis-
covered in a double room ear-
lier this year and it took month
to eliminate them. The students
living in the affected dorm room
were forced to seek temporary
housing, which led to frustration.
about the lack of communication
between the university's Resi-
dential & Dining Enterprises Stu-
dent Housing and the students
Planetary Ventures,
a Google subsidiary,
signed a $1.16 billion
lease agreement for a section
of the former Moffett Federal
Airfied, ABC News reported
Monday. NASA said Plan-
etary Ventures will renovate
and use three hangars.
This week's issue of
The Statement Maga-
zine looks at startup
culture in Detroit, the new
goals for the Trotter Multi-
cultural Center and aPerson-
al Statement about fashion
and family.
3According to Michael
McDonald from the
University of Florida,
voter turnout for last week's
midterm elections was 36.4
percent, MSNBC reported
Tuesday. Observers attribute
this low turnout rate to the'
gridlock in Congress.

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Wolves art Rosetta lander Swing dance
exhibit presentation lesson

WHAT: Marcia Polenberg
and Ted Ramsay kick
off their wolf -themed
exhibit. The art showing
aims to reveal the
intersection of art and the
WHO: School of Natural
WHEN: Today from 5
p.m. to 6 p.m.
WHERE: Dana Natural
Resource Building

WHAT: This presentation
will feature pictures
from the European
Space Agency's Rosetta
spacecraft's attempt to land
a probe on a comet, the first-
ever endeavor of its kind.
WHO: College of
WHEN: Today from 10 a.m.
to 11:30 a.m.
WHERE: Space Research
Building, Room 2246

WHAT: Swing Ann Arbor
will teach University
students how to swing
dance. Lessons are free.
WHO: Swing Ann Arbor
WHEN: Tonight from 8
p.m. to 11 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan
League, Vanderberg Room
. Please report any error
in the Daily to correc-

Social Work profs. lead
immigration discussion

Prominent socialist
figure talks World Wars


Panelists say
national policy
worsened after 9/11
Daily Staff Reporter
The topic of immigration has
evolved throughout U.S. his-
tory, though never lacking in
complexity and contentiousness
Social Work Profs. Sherrie Kos-
soudji and Laura Sanders took
up the subject on Tuesday, lead-
ing a discussion on U.S. immi-
gration reform.
The panel discussion was
hosted by the groups Common
Sense Action and Social Work
Allies for Immigrant Rights.
Kossoudji and Sanders, who are
activists for immigrants' rights
in the Ann Arbor community,
spoke about -the "push factors"
that motivate people to cross

the borders without documen-
"It's really important for us to
learn about the issues that cre-
ate the world around us, espe-
cially because you don't get the
whole story on CNN," said LSA
sophomore Daniel Karr, vice
president of policy for Common
Sense Action.
Sanders said immigration
policy took a turn for the worse
after 9/11, following the estab-
lishment of the Department of
Homeland Security, referring to
what many say are violent and
dehumanizing detention and
deportation tactics enforced
on the undocumented immi-
grant community. According to
national reports, 369,000 depor-
tations took place in 2013.
Sanders is a co-founder of the
Washtenaw Interfaith Coali-
tion for Immigrant Rights, an
activist group that represents
immigrants and works to ensure

that they are treated fairly and
within their rights. The group
maintains an open phone line
to help people who are facing
abuse, detention or deportation.
The group also provides educa
rtional programs for immigrants
to make sure they know their
Sanders said the organization
has received more than 526 calls
over the past six yeais. WICIR
has also worked with the local
government and sheriff to create
a more humane environment for
undocumented immigrants in
the community. Sanders empha-
sized that new national immi-
gration policies have begun to
favor tough border security as
opposed to legal pathways.
"There's a real necessity for
legal pathways for the millions
of people who are here right
now," Sanders said.
She also said the immigration
system that is designed to house

Author discusses
what he sees as link
between capitalism
and imperialism
On Tuesday night, the Inter-
nationalYouth and Students for
Social Equality hosted "Impe-
rialism and the World Wars of
the Twentieth Century: His-
torical Lessons and Present
Dangers," a lecture by David
North, the national chairman
of the Socialist Equality Party
in the United States and the
chairman of the International
Editorial Board of the World
Socialist Web Site.
The event, which coinciden-
tally fell on the anniversary
of the signing of the armistice
to end World War I, was one
of 11 occurring in universi-
ties across the United States.
North said his goal in partici-
pating in the lecture series is
to "contribute to the education
of students and the explana-
tion of the basic principles of
socialism analysis made by the
Socialist Equality Party of the
political situation within the
United States and international
North focused on how
he believes capitalism and
the imperialist strategies he
associated with it lead to the
world wars, drawing paral-
lels between the strategies
and goals of the capitalist

world before World War I and
those of today, warning of an
approaching world war. He
started the talk by questioning
the crowd of their knowledge
of how World War I began and
arguing that it was not an acci-
dent or a response to-an assas-
While the assassination of
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
of Austria triggered the war,
North said even at the Inter-
national Hague Conference of
1907 "it was very well under-
stood that there was an inde-
scribable link between war and
"There was a sense, that
without the intervention of
world groups, political orga-
nizing and socialist move-
ments, not only was war
possible; it was inevitable," he
North went on to say it was
and still is important for the
international workers' move-
ment to actively rally against
war, and that if war is to break
out, the working class and
socialists must work to "bring
it to a speedy termination."
North argued WWI was
instead a "preemptive" war
that Germany chose to wage
to demonstrate its hegemo-
ny. Comparing events such
as the contemporary arms
races, the recent emergence of
one between--nations in Asia
and the militarization that
occurred prior to World War I,
North argued that the believed
link between capitalism and
war is still true today.
He pointed to several events

that have occurred this month
that he said show how close we
are to an accidental war and
how capitalist countries are
leaving Russia and China out
of trade organizations to create
a new and - in his opinion -
dangerous world order.
North ended his lecture by
urging students to learn more
about socialist theory, saying
he feels that the only way to
prevent this World War III is
through the collaboration of
the working class.
The audience mainly con-
sisted of older individuals,
with a few students who only
voiced their opinions during
the question and answer ses-
sion that followed.
Audience members ques-
tioned the validity of North's
strong belief in an approaching
World War III and his com-
ments that neither Russia nor
China is an imperialist nation.
Art & Design sophomore
Wake Coulter, who had previ-
ous interest in learning more
about the socialist movement
on campus and in World War
I's influence on today's politics,
said he was glad to see there
are people who are passionate
about history and how it can
affect today's world.
"There's still an active sec-
tion of even modern society
that is very much not forgetting
the benefits and also the down-
sides of the social movements
of the early 1900s, and I think
that those can have a really
profound effect on today's poli-
tics if we took a deeper look at
them," he said.

permanent residents and the
non-immigrant visitor system
began to merge in the '70s and
'80s, leading to the complicated
bureaucracy we have today.
"If you were to become legal
citizen today, you probably
started around 1992, because of
7 9 2 1 8 how long the waiting lists are,"
Kossoudji said.
At the end of the lecture, Kos-
9 soudji explained the benefits
Americans gain from allowing
T9 2 immigrants to enter the country.
According to Kossoudji, undoc-
3 7umented immigrants tend to
make less than minimum wage,
doing jobs that Americans don't
want to do, which pushes down
prices throughout the economy.


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