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November 12, 2014 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-11-12

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Wednesday, November 12, 2014




Dwight Adams from Jazzistry performs at the Michigan League on Tuesday.
Sexual assault survivors
s harte their stories in forum

University president
follows up after his
Monday remarks
Managing Sports Editor
After delivering candid com-
ments regarding University
athletics at Monday afternoon's
meeting of the Senate Advi-
sory Committee on University
Affairs, University President
Mark Schlissel spoke with The
Michigan Daily by phone Tues-
day evening to clarify his state-
Schlissel arranged the inter-
view through the University's
Office of Public Affairs after a
story Monday resulted in both
praise and criticism of the presi-
dent's frank assessment of the
University's Athletic Depart-
ment. In Tuesday's interview,
he addressed three points:
admission standards for ath-
letes, the Athletic Department's
compliance with countable
practice hours, and its relatIn-
ship with English Prof. Anne

Curzan, who serves as faculty
liaison to the department.
Academic Performance
At Monday's SACUA meet-
ing, Schlissel said, "We admit
students who aren't as quali-
fied, and it's probably the kids
that we admit that can't hon-
estly, even with lots of help, do
the amount of work and the
quality of work it takes to make
progression from year to year.
These past two years have got-
ten better, but before that, the
graduation rates were terrible,
with football somewhere in
the 50s and 60s when our total
six-year rate at the University is
somewhere near 90 percent."
Schlissel told the Daily
on Tuesday that all students
are admitted by the Office of
Admissions, not by athletic
programs or coaches. He said
this process includes a holistic
review of an applicant's quali-
fications, including grades, test
scores and special talents, such
as athletic ability.
"We don't admit students
that we don't think caan be sue.
cessful," he said. "It's really not

Speak Out event
attendees to take
action in community
Daily StaffReporter
About 300 people filled the
* Michigan Union's Rogel Ball-
room Tuesday night for the

Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center's 28th Annual
Speak Out - one of the largest
Speak Outs to date. Speak Out is
an annual event aimed to offer
survivors of sexual violence a safe
place to share their stories.
The Speak Out recognized
rape, sexual assault, stalking,
sexual harassment and intimate
partner crimes as "sexual vio-
lence." LSA senior Katelyn Mad-
dock, co-coordinator of SAPAC's
Networking, Publicity, and Activ-

ism Program, said in her intro-
duction that this definition is not
Maddock and her co-coordina-
tor, LSA junior Anna Forringer-
Beal, also assured attendees that
the event was a "strictly confiden-
tial space."
Survivors were then given the
floor. All was silent at first. In
time, a survivor stepped up to the
In the past, University staff
and employees attending these

events have been required to
report incidents of sexual vio-
lence in all situations. However,
the University's Office for institu-
tional Equity now allows Univer-
sity staff and employees to attend
public awareness events and
events like Speak Out without
having any obligation to report
incidents to the University.
"Sexual violence isn't some-
thing that's talked about a lot,"
said University alum Lindsay
See SAPAC, Page 3A

- Veterans Day
talk highlghts
LGBTQ history

Former service
members address lack
of legal protection,
cultural stigma
Daily Staff Reporter
The University's ROTC pro-
gram hosted a series of events
this week honoring servicemen
and women in honor of Veteran's
Day. One such event sought to
shed light on what life is like for
LGBTQ military members, and
Ariana Bostian-Kentes and Brian
Stone were invited to the Wolver-
ine Room of the Michigan Union
to speak about their experiences.
Stone served in the United
States Navy when the "Don't Ask,
Don't Tell" policy was imple-
mented - a law that prohibited
discrimination based on sexual-
orientation but also disallowing

LGBTQ individuals from serv-
ing openly in the military - and
Bostian-Kentes is the program
manager for inclusive leader-
ship education at the University's
Spectrum Center. She is also
the co-founder of the Military
Partners and Families Coalition,
a nonprofit organization that
serves LGBTQ soldiers and their
Though the legislation was
officially repealed in 2011, Stone
said he and many others thought
that DADT would be revoked
sooner after President Obama
took office. Stone added that
the policy required LGBTQ sol-
diers and their partners to lie on
federal documents and to their
co-workers. Before the repeal,
same-sex partners of those in the
military did not the same ben-
efits that spouses in heterosexual
relationships received.
Stone also recalled the dif-
ficulties those in the military
See ROTC, Page 3A

LSA Dean Andrew Martin talks to LSA students Shavon Edwards, Andrew Loeb and Natasha Dabrowski in the
University of Michigan Museum of Art on Tuesday.
LSA Dean Martin hosts
discussion with student's

'U' startups
win big in
Aerospace startup
focusing on drones
won first place
Daily Staff Reporter
University startups swept the
2014 Accelerate Michigan Inno-
vation Competitionlastweek.
Eight University startup
teams, composed of student and
alumni, submitted applications
to the competition, which aims to
encourage innovation. Five of the
teams - AlertWatch, Cribspot,
HeelSecret, SkySpecs, LLC and
Turtle Cell - sailed from one
round to the next, eventually
receiving prizes ranging from
$5,000 to $500,000.
Kristen Kerecman, Innovate
Blue communications manager,
said students are independently
taking the first steps in turning
their fledgling ideas into realities
See STARTUP, Page 3A


der and donuts open forum at the University of
Michigan Museum of Art. Top-
t tage for lively ics ranged from evaluating class
requirements to a perceived
conversation lack of diversity and gaps in
socioeconomic status on cam-
By EMMA KERR pus and within LSA.
Daily StaffReporter Martin, who began his term
as dean over the summer, posed
A Dean Andrew Martin questions from students and.
essed issues on students' said he hoped to get a sense of
is Tuesday night in an the experience students have

had on campus thus far, as well
as an understanding of what
areas could be better addressed
by the college.
"I'd like us to be the liberal
arts college that has the abso-
lute best and most rigorous
programs, that helps students
do research often and early and
be the college that has the best
team in the country to support
See DEAN, Page 3A


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NEW ON MICHIGANDAILY.COM INDEX NEWS .........................2A ARTS................... A
"Zoolander:" Commentaries, Critiques, Celebrations Vol. CXXIV, No. 25 S U D 0 KU.....................2 A CLASSIFI IEDS...............6A
MICHIGANDAILY.COM/BLOGS 42014The Michigan Daily OPINION...................4A THE STATEMENT..........1B

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