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Tuesday, November 4, 2014 michigandailycom
Ann Arbor, Michigan
In governor
race, Snyder
holds small
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mark Schauer speaks at the College Democrats Election Eve Rally in Weill Hall Monday,
Co ege Dems. hold pre-
*election rally for students
in t
and a s
tion DE
of Goi
of Stat
In add
to U.S
ate sea
spots a
some l
the sta
ers looks to buck tion with Democratic challenger
Mark Schauer, a former congress-
d for Democrats man. RealClearPolitics aggregate
polling, which averages several
U.. Senate race top polls, has Snyder leading by
2.5-points, though Schauer has
By BEN ATLAS made significant progress in clos-
.Daily Staff Reporter log a margin that was as large as
eight points earlier in the year.
r months of campaign Snyder has touted economic
, a flurry of television ads progress across the state and in
teady stream of polls, Elec- Detroit specifically as grounds
ay is finally upon us.Today, for his reelection, while Schauer
tan voters will elect can- has tried to position himself as
to the statewide offices a candidate who would work for
vernor and Lt. Governor, the middle class and invest more
ey General, and Secretary heavily in education. Both candi-
e, as well as for U.S. Senate. dates had full campaign schedules
lition, each of the 14 seats Monday and each ended the day at
Congress, 38 state sen- events in Ann Arbor.
its and 110 state legislature U.S. Senate
re alsoontheballot. Hereis The race to replace retiring
ast minute information on Sen. Carl Levin (D) looked like it
tus of some of these races. might have been one of the most
Governor hotly contested in the country
ublican Gov. Rick Snyder is with Senate control hanging in
in a tight race for reelec- See PREVIEW, Page 3
Candidates call for
strong turnout to
bolster performance
Daily StaffReporter
Cheers and applause resonat-
ed throughout the Ford School
of Public Policy building Monday
evening as Democratic candi-
dates pumped up about 130 Uni-
versity students and members of
the Ann Arbor community for
the University College Demo-,
crats' Election Eve Rally.
Among the list of speakers
were many candidates at the top
of the Michigan Democratic tick-
et, including gubernatorial can-
didate Mark Schauer, Lieutenant
Gubernatorial candidate Lisa
Brown, Attorney General can-
didate Mark Totten, U.S. Senate
candidate Gary Peters, Congres-
sional candidates Debbie Dingell
and Pam Byrnes, State Senator
Rebekah Warren and Secretary
of State candidate Godfrey Dil-
lard. Ann Arbor Mayor John
Hieftje and Democratic mayoral
candidate Christopher Taylor
also spoke.
"The idea is to give candidates
and elected officials a chance to
speak about why this election
is going to be a really impor-
tant one for the state, why it's
important for students and why
it's important as a whole," said
LSA junior Stephen Culbertson,
communications director for the
University's chapter of College
The rally aimed to encour-
Program helps
. high schoolers
fund innovation
Detroit network
focuses on business
acumen, diversity
Daily StaffReporter
For the student-run Detroit
Entrepreneurship Network, the
city of Detroit is ahub of potential
- not just for growing businesses,
but also for creating relationships
that span geographic and socio-
economic boundaries.
The network, known more
casually as d[en], holds an annual
entrepreneurship program for
high school students both from
the heart of Detroit and the city's
suburbs. It recruits students from
18 schools and boasted 50 partici-
pants in 2013.
Established in 2012, the
program has run from mid-
November through April - with
two-hour student- and profes-
sionally-taught business work-
shops held in a Detroit workspace
on a bi-weekly basis.
This year's program will start
in January, later than it has in the
past, in order to align with the
start of the Winter 2015semester.
To compensate for the lost time,
workshops will last three hours
instead of two and the students
involved may consider meeting
on a weekly basis for the first
Business junior Nick Resn-
ick, d[en] co-president, said
the program's mission is two-
pronged. The first part, he said,
is giving students the entrepre-
neurial toolkit to improve their
communities. The second part
goes beyond business acumen to
addressing diversity awareness.
"We want to promote dia-
logue and collaboration between
people of different backgrounds,
different races, socioeconomic
situations, everything like that,"
Resnick said.
"We don't want to just focus on
kids from Detroit. We want to get
high school students from Detroit,
along with across the suburbs, and
bring them to these workshops
and have them work with people
that they would otherwise never
talk to and never get the pleasure
of meeting," he said.
Aside from the workshops,
Resnick said students also split
. See DETROIT, Page 3
Kristin Surak, an associate professor of Japanese politics, and the Center for Japanese Studies guides students
through an authentic Japanese tea ceremony at the School of Social Work Building Monday.
State races see sharp rise
in campaign ad spending
UHS faces
as records
go digital
After rough start,
new system offers
benefits to patients
Daily StaffReporter
After a shaky start, the Uni-
versity of Michigan Health Sys-
tem is settling into its new and
improved filingsystem.
In summer 2012, UMHS made
anenormousshift-moving from
paper medical charts to Epic, an
electronic health records sys-
tem. The UMHS version of Epic
is called MiChart. Two and a half
years later, University Health
Service, the primary source of
health care services for the cam-
pus community, is beginning to
take advantage of Epic and its
many features.
Epic currently holds the medi-
cal records of nearly half the
patients in the United States. A
version of Epic comparable to
UHS' MiChart has been adopted
by every medical center in the
health system. However, in an
interview in September 2013 -
See UHS, Page 3
nyder, Schauer are increasingly advocating the
need for greater fiscal respon-
e spent $28.8M sibility in government, there is
one area where hopeful politi-
on TV spots cians are not shy about spend-
ing: their own campaigns.
By BEN ATLAS Due in part to a series of
Daily StaffReporter Supreme Court decisions,
beginning with the Citizens
11 it the great political United case in 2010, more cam-
ox of our time. While paign spending nationwide
dates for higher office is from outside groups rather
than candidates themselves,
Political Science Prof. Michael
Traugott said.
In the Citizens United case,
the court held that campaign
contributions constitute a form
of speech, and money coming
from organizations indepen-
dent of campaigns could not be
In Michigan, the races for
See FINANCES, Page 3
Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail
news@michigandaily.com and let us know.
Professor Profile: Michael Zochowski
Vol. CXXIV, No,.22
02014The Michigan Daily
NEWS...........................2 ARTS ..........................5
SUDOK U........................2 CLASSIFIEDS................6
OPINION .....................4 SPORTS................7