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2A - Thursday, October 30, 2014 INCW K The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
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Students plan Halloween costumes
Halloween in college is an er. The next, she plans to be a cat. of sorts. She was a"condom fairy."
event to behold. Creatively titled The last, she will dress as a pilot. "Ihad apinktutu, acrop top and
parties abound, as do perfor- "Mainly, the reasons I picked a fairy condom wand. And then I
mances and events hosted by all of my costumes is because taped condoms all over myself,"
student organizations. But even it's based off of clothes I already Peterson said. "And they were all
before one attends any of these, have, so it's really cheap, and I'm gone by the end ofthe night. I defi-
for many, the costume is the pin- a college student, so affordability nitely prevented teen pregnancy...
nacle of the night. Some are driv- is a bonus," she said. or twenties pregnancy."
en by puns; others are inspired Although Brennen won't She said she came up with
by aesthetic appearance. Regard- explicitly be trick-or-treating, she the costume in an attempt to
less, costumes are important - said variation in costumes was an engage in sexual education with
here are some students' plans for important factor for her weekend her peers by encouraging people
Halloween costumes. celebrations. to use condoms. This topic was
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LSA junior Rachel Richmond leads members of
Sigma Sigma Rho sorority in a yoga routine at the
Michigan Union Wednesday evening.
Liz Brennen, LSA sophomore
Some people have difficulty
arriving on one costume idea. Not
Brennen. She plans to wear three
over the course of the weekend,
one for eachday offestivities. One
day, she will go as Rosie the Rivet-
"All three days I'm going to
go out with the same group of
friends, and it's more fun to
switch it up," she said.
India Peterson, LSA junior
Last year, Peterson's costume
was aimed at community service
11 r ; TER
'Fog of War'
'Fog of War,' an
documentary, is an amazing
and haunting view into
the mind of Robert S.
McNamara, the longest-
serving Secretary of State in
U.S. history.
Open mic night
A first performance at
an open mic night can be a
terrifying proposition. To
enjoy success, it is good to go
in with a plan.Five successful
tips to follow are to know
what you are performing,
believe in it, show up, learn
from mistakes, and enjoy
Euphonium and Penny Stamps Law workshop
tuba concert lecture series
WHAT: The University's
Euphonium and Tuba
Ensemble will perform
a range of pieces, from
seasonal music and jazz to
songs originally featured in
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Today at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Moore Building,
Britton Recital Hall
WHAT: History Prof. Mary
C. Kelley will talk about the
antislaverytexts of African
Americanwomenin during
America's Antebellum
WHO: EisenbergInstitute
for Historical Studies
WHEN: Today from 4 to 6
WHERE: 1014 Tisch Hall
WHAT: Ryoji Ikeda, a
Japanese sound artist who
combines sound, visuals,
math and 'datamatics,'
will perform as part of the
Stamps lecture series.
WHO: Penny W. Stamps
School of Art & Design
WHEN: Today from 5:10
p.m. to 6:15 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan
WHAT: Allan Rosas, a
judge in the European
Union's Court of Justice,
will discuss recent anti-
terrorism measures
reviewed by the Court and
their relationship with the
basic constitutional rights
of citizens in the EU.
WHO: Center for
International and
Comparative Law
WHEN: Today at 11:50a.m.
WHERE: 1020 South Hall
Book drive
nothing new for her, as she is
on the board of the Body Peace
Corps, an organization that pro-
motes positive body image.
Read more of these Halloween
plans at MichiganDaily.com
A river of lava slowly
crawling toward a
residential areain Hawaii
may claim dozens of homes
within the next day. The lava,
with a temperature of 2,000
degrees Fahrenheit, travels at
about 30 feet per hour.
This Halloween,
Luther House will host
its annual Halloween
Party, which will feature a
wide selection of local bands
andlive performances.
More than 2,400
Chinese students were
caught using high-tech
gear to cheat on national
exams. Radio signals would
transmit codes to ear pieces
or "electronic erasers" on
students' desks.
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be prepaid The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.
nightmare WHAT: Ongoingthrough
Friday, the drive is an effort
WHAT: University Health to collect books for inner-
Service will offer trick-or- city community centers.
treating students candy, WHO: Detroit Initiative
prizes, crafts and $25 flu Student Group
shots. WHEN: All day today
WHO: University Health WHERE: School of Social
Service Work
WHEN: Today from 6 to 8 0 Please report any
p.m. error in the Daily
WHERE: 207 Fletcher to corrections@
Street michigandaily.com.
Experts weigh in on
ISIS threat, ideology
Tobacco whistleblower
talks cigarette policies
Diverse panel
provides context to
evolving conflict
Daily StaffReporter
Despite a summer of increas-
ing fear concerning the spread
of the terror group ISIS in the
Middle East, some University
professors argue the global
threat might be relatively mini-
mal in the long term.
The International Policy
Center and the Center for Mid-
dle Eastern and North African
Studies co-sponsored Wednes-
day's event at the Ford School of
Public Policy, "Understanding
ISIS: Evolution, ideology, and
implications," which discussed
the origins, ideology, popular
support for and international
impact of ISIS.
ISIS, short for the Islamic
State in Iraq and Syria, is a
Sunni Muslim extremist group
that has drawn increasing inter-
national attention in the last few
months. In June of this year, the
group seized control of terri-
tory in northeastern Syria and
western Iraq, including Iraq's
second-largest city, Mosul. In
the same month, ISIS declared
the creation of a caliphate in the
conquered regions of Iraq and
Syria and named Abu Bakr al-
Baghdadi as caliph.
The media's growing fascina-
tion with the extremist group is
one factor that prompted Social
Work student Angela Joo to
attend the event.
"ISIS has been covered in the
media a lot so I was interested in
learning more about it as a citi-
zen, and I just wanted to know
what the issues were and how
the federal government planned
on taking care of the problem,"
Joo said.
To address the many fac-
ets of ISIS, the event featured
four panelists, each focusing
on a different aspect of the
issue: History Prof. Juan Cole,
Political Science Prof. Mark
Tessler, Political Science Prof.
James Morrow, and Moham-
mad Khalil, associate professor
of religious studies at Michigan
State University.
In Cole's talk, he said the
Iraqi transition from a socialist
to a neo-liberal government fol-
lowing the U.S. invasion of Iraq
in 2003 prompted Sunni dis-
content. The new government
placed the Shiite elite in power
and marginalized Sunnis, he
"These were the capable
people in Iraq, they were the
equivalent of West Point gradu-
ates and Harvard Law and high
politicians and the people who
managed things," Cole said.
"And they were all told you're
now unemployed, if you behave
yourself you might be able to
get a job as a shoe-shiner to the
Shiites, and so they went into
Tessler presented findings
from surveys he and ateam con-
ducted in Iraq in 2004, 2006,
2011 and 2013, the results of
which were consistent with
many of Cole's assertions. Tes-
sler and his team also noted
growing Sunni discontent dur-
ing the U.S. occupation of Iraq.
One important shift that
the surveys reflected was a
shift from Iraqi national iden-
tity among citizens in the early
years of the U.S. occupation, to
more sectarian identities among
Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds in
2011 and 2013. The surveys
also indicated that, with time,
Sunni interest in an intersection
between Islam and political life
increased substantially.
Read the rest of this artide
online at MichiganDaily.com
For theDaily
Jerry Wigand, the former vice
president for research and devel-
opment of Brown & Williamson
Tobacco Corporation, caused
significant public outrage when
he exposed the company's inten-
tional attempt to increase the
carcinogenic and addictive com-
ponents in its cigarettes. Since
then, he's traveled the world just
to talk about it.
Wigand spoke at the School of
Public Health Wednesday after-
noon to a crowd of about 100
people, discussing the potential
public health impact and contro-
versy surrounding e-cigarettes,
the science behind
tobacco engineer-
ing that promotes
addiction and the «JV
current state of the
tobacco industry in to U]
the United States.
Wigand lost his obli
job at Brown &
Williamson and the
received numer-
ous death threats to av
after disclosing the
company's secrets.
After his dismiss-
al, he assisted the
U.S. Federal Drug
Association with their investi-
gation of Brown & Williamson.
He became nationally known as
a tobacco whistleblower after
revealing that the company had
altered the tobacco content in its
cigarettes on the CBS news pro-
gram "60 Minutes." This expose
inspired the 1999 movie, "The
In 1995, Wigand reached
international prominence when
he became the tobacco industry's
highest-ranking former execu-
tive to address public health and
smoking issues. Under incredible
pressure himself, with even his
wife and family members also
receiving threats of violence, he
informed the public about the
industry's poor health and safety
When discussing his decision
to go public with Brown & Wil-
liamson's fraudulent practices
Wednesday, Wigand stressed the
importance of reacting ethically.
"It's a gradual evolution to
understand what moral obliga-
tions one has with the knowl-
edge they have and to avoid that
culpability by being a bystander,"
he said. "A bystander is someone
who watches on and does noth-
ing about it. I had to do some-
thing about it."
Wigand recounted how after
he went public, Brown & Wil-
liamson filed a lawsuit against
him because of his public disclo-
sures about the industry's effort-
s a gradual evoluti
nderstand what m
igations one has w
knowledge they ho
void that culpabilit3
being a bystander"
to diminish the health and safety
issues with tobacco use. The law-
suit was dismissed as a condition
in the historic 1996 settlement
agreement between the U.S.
Attorney General and the tobac-
co industry.
Currently, Wigand spends
his time in lectures around the
world advocating for employ-
ees of morally corrupt compa-
nies to not stand by idly. He is
still active in ligations in the
tobacco industry and is works as
consultant on tobacco. He also
leads a non-profit organization
for kids, Smoke-Free Kids Inc.,
with which he concentrates his
energy educating kids about the
tobacco industry.
When asked if he would blow
the whistle again, Wigand said
his involvement in the process
was simply planting the seed of
change and that he was generally
proud of his actions.
"Never did I expect that there
would be success or the belief
that it would really make a dif-
ference," he said. "The media, my
students, my family, law enforce-
ment, justice department - they
all made it happen. I was just this
substantial catalyst."
The event drew a wide variety
of attendees, ranging from cur-
rent students to international
tobacco experts.
Pharmacy student Brad Vin-
cent was inspired to attend the
lecture after he watched "The
"I'm in the health
and tobacco class
and we watched the
on movie, 'The Insider'
oral last week and it was
a great movie, we
ith learned a lot about
tobacco and the
ave whole process. I was
born in the early
y by '90s so I never got
to know what hap-
pened," Pittson said.
LSA senior Emily
Long said she found
the lecture particu-
larly relevant to her field of study.
"I am actually writing a senior
thesis on electronic cigarettes so
I thought this would be a really
interesting piece to come here
and learn about someone who
has a lot more expertise than I
have," Long said.
Jose Monzon, a tobacco
researcher from Guatemala,
found the lecture to be helpful
from an international perspec-
"He's a big figure in the tobac-
co world. I'm interested to learn
about the current trends in how
tobacco control is affecting pop-
ulations nowadays and particu-
larly how to reduce tobacco use
in low and middle income coun-
tries, such as Guatemala."