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October 30, 2014 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-10-30

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Thursday, October 30, 2014

to improve

L SA freshman Darian Razder and LSA sophomore Anna Kreiner carry a mattress across the Diag Wednesday to raise awareness about sexual assault on college
campuses as part of the Carry That Weight campaign in solidarity with Columbia University junior Emma Sulcowicz.
Students call for changes
tsexual assault policies

After Proposal
2, administration
explores options to
reach diversity goals
Daily StaffReporter
Minority enrollment at the
University has shifted dramati-
cally in the past decade, fol-
lowing two court cases over
the University's race-conscious
admission policies and a suc-
cessful statewide referendum
that banned the consideration of
race in a public higher education
admissions decisions.
This summer, the U.S.
Supreme Court upheld the con-
stitutionality of The Michigan
Civil Rights Initiative, more com-
monly referred to as Proposal 2.
The 2006 popular referendum
banned the consideration of race,
among other factors, in college
admissions - rendering the final

word on affirmative action in the
state of Michigan.
The Supreme Court decision
does not necessarily signal any-
thing new for the University.
Since the ban was passed in 2006i,
the institution has admitted stu-
dents without an affirmative
action policy in place. At least
since the 1970s, and as recently as
last year's BBUM protests led by
the Black Student Union, activ-
ists and student protesters have
set a goal of having Blacks con-
stitute 10 percent of the student
population, a threshold that has
never been reached.
But now that the last glim-
mer of hope for a restoration of
affirmative action has faded, it
commits the University to a dif-
ficult situation - a time in which
minority representation is at one
of the lowest points and renewed
protests are demanding it climb
up to a goal higher than ever
New strategies
There are three steps to the

on t

emands posted the administration to improve the
University's approach to sexual
the Diag request assault on campus.
The protest falls on the national
proved training "Carry ThatWeight"dayofaction,
which aimed to raise awareness of
nd awareness sexual assault and abusive rela-
tionships by asking participants
By EMMA KERR to carry a standard dorm room
Daily StaffReporter mattress with them throughout
the day.
'ly Wednesday morning, a The demands were plastered
seven demands covered the in cut-and-paste style and sur-
'M' on the Diag, calling on rounded by spray painted trigger

warnings and calls to expel rapists
- protesting the University's per-
ceived complacency in handling
sexualmisconduct on campus and
advocating for studentvoices to be
Beginning with a demand for
further training and awareness,
the list calls for a mandatory pro-
gram that would educate new stu-
dents on the meaning of consent,
the specifics of the University's
sexual misconduct policies and
information on gender-neutral

Currently, the University
provides resources for students
through the Office of Student
Conflict Resolution and the Sexu-
al Assault Prevention and Aware-
ness Center. Existing programs
like Relationship Remix, a work-
shop aimed toward educating first
year students on relationships
and sex, work to educate students
about sexual assault and how to
prevent it.
See PROTEST, Page 3A

list of,

In Senate race,
Land struggles
* with narrative

Despite fundraising
advantage, prospects
grim for GOP
Daily StaffReporter
As the Nov. 4 election
approaches, Republican U.S. Sen-
ate candidate Terri Lynn Land
has become more difficult to
She's bringing in significant
amounts of money - her cam-
paign raised a total of $11 mil-
lion in contributions as of the last
quarter, more than her Demo-
cratic challenger - and she's not
short on airtime, running mul-
tiple ads in the lead-up to elec-
tions. This week, she concluded
an expansive bus tour of the
state, covering 3,181 miles over
the course of three months.
That strong showing in
resources, however, is juxta-
posed with some less-than-favor-
able numbers. By the most recent
polls, Land trails her Democratic
opponent, U.S. Rep. Gary Peters,

by an average of 11.4 points. And
she's only garnered one major
media endorsement, from Crain's
Detroit Business.
At the start of campaign sea-
son, Land's chances of succeed-
ing longtime U.S. Senator Carl
Levin looked favorable -- a for-
mer Secretary of State who ran
two successful statewide cam-
paigns for the position in 2002
and 2006, beating her opposi-
tion by more than 10 percentage
points each time.
In the Senate race, early pols
had her doing well. The seat,
the first open in Michigan in 20
years, was highlighted by Repub-
licans in their effort to flip con-
trol of the U.S. Senate in their
"Terri's got a great record,"
said GOP consultant Stu Sandler,
president of Decider Strategies.
"If you look at her record as Sec-
retary of State, she ran a state-
wide office for eight years and did
so with extraordinary success,
and it's one of the reasons, if you
look today that Crain's endorsed
her, it's one of the reasons why."
But from the start, her cam-
paign has been unable to escape
See SENATE, Page 3A

Ron Weiser, Republican candiate for the University's Board of Regents, discusses policy proposals in his officey
Regent candidate stresses
strong political experience

Taylor's work
to DDApart
of plans for
Mayoral candidate
aims to maintain
downtown growth
Daily StaffReporter
City Councilmember Chris
Taylor (D-Ward 3), the Democrat-
ic mayoral candidate, discussed
taking a balanced approach to
city issues if elected. However,
Taylor has repeatedly highlight-
ed the importance of downtown
Ann Arbor in both the first post-
primary debate Oct. 7 and in an
interview with the Daily Oct. 16.
Taylor said the downtown area
needs to be a vibrant place where
people can work and live com-
fortably, while still maintaining a
focus on other issues.
"It also has to have a character
and finding that balance is going
to be what we are trying to do
here," Taylor said.
For downtown Ann Arbor to pre-
serve this character, Taylor plans
on working closely with the Down-
town Development Authority.
"I think the DDA has done great
work for the downtown (area) and

in the
of th

)n Weiser tauts Slovakian artifacts, pictures
with former U.S. presidents
dership locally and senators and other memo-
rabilia from his past.
Weiser is one of the Republi-
can candidates running for the
y ALLANA AKHTAR Board of Regents, alongside Dr.
Daily StaffReporter Rob Steele. The two, in addition
to Democratic candidates Mike
tough Ron Weiser has a Behm and Katherine White,
office on Main Street, he will vie for two contested seats
his work on a small table on Election Day. The seats are
e corner of the room. Most those of current regents White
ie office is adorned with and Julia Darlow (D). Darlow is
ersity wrestling medals, not seeking re-election.

Originally raised in St.
Joseph, Mich., Weiser moved
to Ann Arbor in 1962 to study
accounting at the University.
After graduating with hon-
ors, he did postgraduate work
at the Law School and the Busi-
ness School.
Shortly after graduating,
Weiser founded McKinley
Associates, a real-estate ven-
ture that eventually grew to be
valued at $4.6 billion.
In 2001, former President
See REGENT, Page 3A


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Vol. CXXIV, No. 20
02014The Michigan Daily

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SUDOKU.....,............ 2A CLASSIFIEDS.........6...6A
OPINIO N .....................4A B-SID E ..................1B


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