2A - Wednesday, October 29, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 9
This week in History Professor Profiles te r oes Alumni Profiles Photos of the W/eek
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Dalai Lan
The 14th Dalai Lama went
to Princeton University and
lectured about compassion
and forgiveness, the Daily
Princetonian reported Tues-
Princeton's Office of Reli-
gious Life and The Kalmyk
- Three Jewels Foundation in
the Jadwin Gymnasium co-
sponsored the lecture.
During the lecture, the
International Shugden Com-
munity protested outside the
gymnasium where the lecture
ZACH MOORE/Daily took place. The group said the
LSA freshmen Sophia White and Amanda Trau of Delta Delta Dalai Lama has institutional-
Delta Sorority teeter-totter to raise money for Mott's Children's ized discrimination against
Hosipital Tuesday on the Diag. small Buddhist sects in Tibet.
"If we were where the
Dalai Lama has power, we
na speaks at Princeton
wouldn't have these rights,"
Nicholas Pitts, a spokesman
for the group, said.
Indiana University
set to host Zombie 5K
Indiana University's Union
Board Body and Mind Com-
mittee is hosting a -Zombie
5K run Saturday, the Indiana
Daily Student reported Mon-
day. The 5K will promote
health on campus and serve as
a fundraising event for Middle
Way House in Bloomington,
an organization dedicated to
eliminating violence against
women and children.
Students are encouraged
to run the course dressed up
as zombies. DeAnthony Nel-
son, Body and Mind Com-
mittee director, said the TV
show "Walking Dead" and the
impending Halloween season
inspired the zombie-themed
University of Chicago
student group wants to
restart ROTC on campus
University of Chicago's
student group, UChicago Stu-
dents for ROTC Reform, is
trying to reinstate an ROTC
chapter on campus, The Chi-
cago Maroon reported Mon-
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From Page 1A
enough financial aid and being lucky
enough to go to Princeton as an
undergrad," Schlissel said. "That's
where I really learned that smart
people, talented people, successful
people who rule the world are actu-
ally no different fromyou and me."
Continuing to detail his college
experiences, Schlissel spoke about
what it was like to attend school
alongside the children of senators,
congressmen and famous actors.
"It turned out that they were really
no different than the people I went
to public school with," he said. "The
first thing I really learned in college
is that people are people no matter
where they come from. There's not a
huge difference between people who
grow up under normal circumstances
and people who grow up in the news."
Schlissel also discussed his goals
for the University during his tenure,
which will last at least five years per
the terms of his contract. He said
his primary goals for the Univer-
sity include enhancing its status as a
prominent public research university
and becoming accessible to a wider,
more diverse range of people from
around the state and the country.
"Access, affordability and diversity
are all obligations of a great public
university," Schissel said. "It's very
expensive to get an education here
..I have to organize the way we run
the University, the way we deal with
financial aid and fundraise so that the
decision to come to Michigan is not a
financial one."
Schlissel also said he was dissat-
isfied with how difficult it's been to
make the University look like the
public it serves.
"I'm completely convinced that
talent is uniformly distributed in our
population. The difference is that
opportunity is not," he said. "I think
all of us in this room have been the
beneficiaries of not only your own tal-
ent, but many opportunities in your
life that allowed you to come here. I
think there are multiples of people
that are every bit as smart as me and
you who didn't come here, who could
really benefit from this education."
Schlissel said it's his job as presi-
dent to find these talented people and
find a way to make coming to the Uni-
versity an attainable goal for them,
and that diversity will continue to
remain a priority.
The second half of the session was
reserved for students' questions and
concerns, which Schlissel also used
as an opportunity to pick students'
brains regarding changes they'd like
to see on campus and their views on
the best solutions.
Some students raised questions
about the University's action and
progress regarding sustainability on
campus, making the big campus feel
smaller, centralizing global issues for
educational purposes, gender dispar-
ities among math and science majors,
potential tuition caps and freezes and
sexual assault awareness and pre-
vention. Schlissel provided feedback
for each question and often encour-
aged students to expand on their own
thoughts and potential solutions.
For example, Schlissel said the
University sponsors several techno-
logical projects that no other college
campus or research university is par-
ticipating in, but due to the energy
they require, we often don't meet
criteria for third party sustainability
initiatives or challenges.
With regard to sexual assault, one
student said she'd like to see a shift
in campus culture from awareness
to prevention, ultimately allowing all
students to feel safer on and off cam-
"This is probably one of the top'
two or three issues Michigan faces, as
does every institution," Schlissel said.
Schlissel added that sexual assault
is such a difficult conversation to
have on college campuses because of
its sensitive nature, but the Univer-
sity, students and the justice system
can all do things to make the situa-
tion better.
"Even talking about this topic is
extremely difficult because people
tense up and it's personal and emo-
tional for all of us," he said. "The
University will continue to work on
its own internal procedures to try
to develop procedures for victims of
assault, and people who are accused
of assault also deserve fair treat-
In his interview with The Daily,
Schlissel said he felt the meeting was
very productive and he was glad he
got to hear the voices of some of the
University's undergraduates.
"It's most of my job. I'm first and
foremost a teacher; I've spent over
20 years teaching all different kinds
of courses, undergrads, medical stu-
dents," he said. "One of the reasons I
wanted to take this job was to influ-
ence education, and to do that job
well I have to hear the kinds of things
we heard today, from the students
who are living the experience here'."
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From Page 1A
memory here," Steele said. "I have
watched the campus change."
Currently, the regents are
accessible through e-mail and
phone to commenters, as well as
give the public the opportunity
to speak during the public com-
ments portion of their monthly
Steele said his primary initia-
tive - to increase transparency at
the University - involves hosting
public office hours to engage with
the community both on campus
and rotating office hours in dif-
ferent districts of the state.
"The students, let alone the
faculty and some administrators,
are hungry for this," Steele said.
"They want (to give their) input."
Steele noted that this initiative
was part of his platform in 2012.
Lack of administrative trans-
parency has been an ongoing
topic of conversation over the last
few years. In July, The Detroit
Free Press sued the University
over violations of the Open Meet-
ings Act in regards to the Regents
monthly meetings.
"We are elected statewide and
yet have no interaction with the
public," Steele said. "It is just
astounding to me."
Steele said he intends for these
hours to not only be for the fac-
ulty, staff and administrators, but
also the people who live in the city
and run the city.
Additionally, if elected, Steele
said he would initiate posting the
checkbook and budget publicly
online. According to Steele, the
Regents need to represent the
state and the taxpayers' view of
their state-chartered University.
In 2011, state appropriations
were cut 15 percent. The past
three years, however, funding
for higher education has been on
the rise, including a 6.1-percent
increase for the 2015 fiscal year.
"This state appropriation in
essence is the venture capital that
allowed the University to flour-
ish," Steele said. "The Univer-
sity has used that venture capital
extremely well. They have par-
layed into this $9-billion endow-
ment and this incredible physical
plant that you see here."
With this investment comes
responsibility, Steele said.
"The University must abso-
lutely do more to propel and assist
in the future of the state," Steele
said. "I think we need to work on
making sure our best and bright-
est come here and are encouraged
to stay, as a way to pay back the
state, a return on investment."
Steele proposes that the Uni-
versity grants tuition refunds
to students who graduate with
STEM degrees and stay in the
state for five years. He said this
program should be funded by the
state taxpayers receive their best
possible return on investment.
"We don't want them to come
here and then leave - we need
them to stay in the state, we need
to encourage them," Steele said.
See STEELE, Page 3A
From Page 1A
results fro
dent surv
ed that 91
were eithe
be there for hours and that is a satisfied"
big issue that they've experi- received.
enced," Brown said. Students
Not unlike her classmates, with the cc
LSA junior Madeleine Rose the lowest
Kimble said she had less-than- which Er
positive experiences with Uni- around 801
versity Health Service. Kimble "We th
noted experiences when she was because it
too sick to get out of bed and had feeling lou
to wait long periods to receive not muchu
aid at UHS. said.
r, Ernst provided
m around 3,000 stu-
eys, which indicat-
percent of patients
r "satisfied" or "very
with the care they
s who went to UHS
ommon cold reported
-rated overall scores,
nst said were still
ink that might be
turns out people are
sy and there's really
we can do about it," he
Ernst attributed possible
negative student perception to
a bump in same-day visits to
the clinic. The month of Sep-
tember, the number of patients
in the same-day appointment
clinic increased from 1,400 in
2012 to more than 2,000 in 2014.
The number of students seen by
appointment has remained the
same since 2013.
The longest waits are associ-
ated with same-day visits, which
leads to disgruntled students.
Ernst said one commonly
trotted-out opinion from stu-
dents and parents is that the
quality of care at UHS is lower
than what would be expected
from a University of Michigan
Health System hospital or clin-
ic, or a local family medicine
"I feel really conflicted about
that because I think that's a gen-
eral misunderstanding, because
I've not heard that so much from
actual users," Ernst said.
Kimble said though she
wishes service was improved,
the staff is nevertheless com-
5 petent.
"I do think the doctors them-
selves are very caring and very
thorough," Kimble said.
Ernst said health provid-
ers come to college campuses
especially to focus on young
adult well-being, and that this
commitment shows through at
"It's really more important
for parents to know that people
don't go to practice in a college
health service program unless
" they are really committed to
taking care of students," Ernst
From Page 1A
with policy solutions outlined in
a change.org petition by activ-
ist Shaun King and the Dream
Defenders - a social justice
organization from Florida.
LSA senior Michael Chrzan
said this resolution differed
greatly from earlier resolutions
because it was more University-
"The resolution focused more
on this campus as far as what
students at Michigan can actu-
ally do to address the issue of
police brutality," Chrzan said.
In addition, the resolution
said the authors of the resolution
will partner with the Commis-
sion on Student Safety and Secu-
rity to host an event focused on
dialogue about police brutality.
"The event will feature dis-
cussion about what police bru-
tality is to bring awareness to
this campus," Chrzan said. "We
also want to talk about how we
can proactively work to make
sure issues of police brutality
don't happen here at the Univer-
sity and how we can maintain a
safe campus."
Further details about the
event will be announced Nov. 15.
Introduction of resolution
to amend Constitution of the
Student Body of Ann Arbor
CSG representatives intro-
duced a resolution to amend the
nomination process for justices
in the Central Student Judiciary.
The resolution will grant CSG
members the power to recom-
mend potential candidates for
seats within CSJ, as well as grant
the CSG President the authority
to approve those nominations.
The current nomination pro-
cess, which has existed since
1979, allows only returning jus-
tices to nominate new candi-
dates for seats, and the assembly
members are only allowed to
participate in the votes to con-
firm those nominations.
Law student Justin Kingsolv-
er, CSG Student General Coun-
sel, worked alongside other CSG
representatives in drafting the
resolution, and said the amend-
ments to the constitution will
help make CSG assembly mem-
bers more active in the judiciary
appointment process.
"We want the assembly mem-
bers involved in the nomination
process from stage one," King-
solver said. "We want assembly
members to also be able to rec-
ommend candidates, rather than
only returining justices choosing
the remainder of the judiciary."
Kingsolver and the rest of
the authors of the resolution
acknowledge that the existing
process for Justice selection has
been successful in selecting the
highest quality justices, but the
new resolution will ensure that
CSG will truly embody a demo-
cratic student government.
The CSG assembly plans
to vote on the resolution next
Introduction of resolution to
increase accountability for
CSG legislative discretionary
With substantial funds
available for allocation to
partnered student organizations
this year, the assembly also
discussed a new resolution to
amend how they allocate funds
to partnered organizations.
The resolution seeks to
standardize and formalize the
existing process by requiring
student organizations to sign
a grant agreement before they
are allocated requested funds
toward their organizations.
CSG Treasurer Alex Abdun-
Nabi, an LSA senior and one of
the authors of the resolution,
said the grant agreement will
require student organizations to
adhere to certain stipulations set
by CSG.
"The grant agreement will
give CSG the authority to
impose certain conditions on
student organizations," Abdun-
Nabi said. "We want to make
sure we're funding things we've
agreed to fund, and not things
we didn't."
The grant agreement will
require student organizations to
provide receipts demonstrating
how funds from CSG have been
spent. Itwill also statethatifthis
condition is not met, repayment
will be required.
Overall, Abdun-Nabi said
the resolution will hold
organizations that request
funding from CSG more
accountable for how they spend
those funds.
"The student body
contributes to the budget that
is for allocation to student
organizations," Abdun-Nabi
said. "We want to ensure that
all money allocated is spent
effectively and appropriately."