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October 21, 2014 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-10-21

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-- Tuesday, October 21, 2014 - 3

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Tuesday, October 21, 2014 -3

Second teen found
guilty of 13-year-
old boy's murder
A second teenager has been
found guilty of murder in the fatal
shooting of a Kalamazoo middle-
schooler during a gang fight.
A Kalamazoo County Circuit
Court jury on Monday convicted
18-year-old Rashad Perez of sec-
ond-degree murder and firearms
charges in the May 26 shotgun
death of 13-year-old Michael Day.
Perez faces up to life in prison
when he's sentenced Nov.17.
On Friday, a separate jury con-
victed 16-year-old Victor Garay
of first-degree murder and other
. charges. He faces up to life in
prison without parole.
Alabama House
speaker arrested
on felony charges
Powerful Alabama House
Speaker Mike Hubbard has been
arrested on felony ethics charges,
accused of using public office for
personal gain.
Hubbard was indicted by a
grand jury on 23 charges accus-
ing him of misusing his speaker's
office and his previous post as
chairman of the Alabama Repub-
lican Party. Acting Attorney Gen-
eral Van Davis announced the
indictment Monday.
Hubbard says the charges,
weeks before the November vote
in which he's favored for re-elec-
tion, constitute "a political witch
If convicted, Hubbard faces
from two to 20 years in prison and
a fine of up to $300,000 on each
Jallah family
emerges Ebola
Youngor Jallah spent the last
three weeks confined to her
small apartment with her chil-
dren and boyfriend, fearing they
had contracted the deadly Ebola
virus from her mother's fian-
But with the household emerg-
ing symptom-free from a 21-day
incubation period, Jallah's fam-
ily members are now trying to
resume their lives - replacing
the personal belongings inciner-
ated in a cleanup at her mother's
home, and overcoming the stig-
ma of the Ebola scare that has
gripped Dallas.
On Monday, Jallah beamed
as she sent her children back to
school with clearance from the
Dallas County health depart-
ment tucked into their back-
packs. Her mother emerged from
her own confinement and started
looking for a new place to live.

SURUC, Turkey
Turkey says it
helps Kurdish
fighters enter Syria
Turkey said it was helping
Iraqi Kurdish fighters cross into
Syria to support their brethren
fighting Islamic State militants
in a key border town, although
activists inside embattled Koba-
ni said no forces had arrived by
Monday evening, raising ques-
tions about whether the mission
was really underway.
The statement by Turkey's
Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavu-
soglu came hours after the U.S.
airdropped weapons and ammu-
nition to resupply Kurdish fight-
ers for the first time. Those
airdrops Sunday followed weeks
of airstrikes by a U.S.-led coali-
tion in and near Kobani.
After a relative calm, heavy
fighting erupted in the town
as dusk fell, with the clatter
of small arms and tracer fire,
as well as the thud of mortar
rounds and big explosions of two
airstrikes that resounded across
the frontier.
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports

From Page 1
the University administration to
adopt several measures to foster
inclusion on campus and improve
diversity, including a demand
to increase Black enrollment to
10 percent of the overall student
population. This year, Black stu-
dents make up 4.63 percent of
the graduate and undergraduate
student body, according to data
provided by the Office of the Reg-
istrar. Enrollment percentages for
Hispanic and Native American
students are 5.14 percent and .21
percent, respectively.
Figures provided by the Office
of Budget and Planning are slight-
ly larger, since they break down
a federal category that sepa-
rates students who identify as
more than one race. This data set
shows the University's total Black
enrollment is 5.8 percent.
In January, University Pro-
vost Martha Pollack announced
a package of initiatives designed
to address diversity and inclusion,
including the creation of a new
administrative position focused
on increasing minority retention
and recruitment.
But constrained in part by Pro-
posal 2, the 2006 ballot initiative
that banned the consideration of
race in college admissions, among
other factors, the University has
struggled to increase minority
enrollment. Black students made
up 4.65 percent of the under-
graduate population in fall 2013,
compared to 7 percent in fall
2006. However, race and ethnic-
ity reporting categories changed
to comply with federal reporting
guidelines after 2010, meaning
the figures are not entirely com-
Ishop said there is still work to
be done to improve racial diver-
sity on campus, but added that the
University is responding to stu-
dent concerns by engaging them
in conversation related to the
admissions process.

Though she had faith in the
University's commitment to
increasing diversity on campus,
she said seeing results from the
new initiatives and achieving
racial diversity are part of an
ongoing process.
"This is a long-term solution,"
Ishop said. "It's not just about
bringing bodies to campus, but it's
about finding students who want
to go to Michigan and engaging
them on campus and making sure
they have a positive and fruitful
For the eighth consecutive
year, the University received a
record number of applicants. The
University accepted 15,985 stu-
dents - approximately 32 per-
cent of the students who applied
- down rate about 1 percent from
last year.
Though the University nor-
mally admits more students than
it plans to enroll since many
accepted students choose other
schools, about 500 more students
enrolled in this year's entering
class than University officials
The over-enrollment also
placed additional strain on Uni-
versity residence halls, causing a
shortage of emergency housing.
Ishop said the University plans
to curb enrollment over the next
few years by limitingearly admis-
sions in order to accommodate for
a potentially greater "yield," the
number of students who matricu-
late after being accepted to the
In response to growing enroll-
ment numbers over the past
decade, Pollack announced a
plan at the Sept. 18 meeting of the
University's Board of Regents to
reduce the size of future fresh-
man classes, including a recom-
mendation to shift more early
applicants to the waitlist.
"We have been over-enrolling
every year for the past five years
and we have to stop this,"she said.
"I'm not happy about it."
Daily NewsEditor Sam Gringlas
contributed reporting.

From Page 1
Collection, which is owned by
the M Den, is the second tenant
in the lease.
Duerksen graduated from
Michigan State University with
a degree in interior design and
transformed the former spirit
shop into a fashion hub.
Verbena is working to appeal
to the college student budget
and to a wide range of styles,
Duerksen said.
"It doesn't have to be expen-
sive to be fashionable," Duerk-
sen said. "The student price line
is probably the first thing we
look for while buying."
The store caters to a host of
tastes, which Kate described as
urban, bohemian and earthy. In
addition to selling clothes, Ver-
bena offers unusual wares such
as rustic mermaid bottle open-
ers, knick-knack dishes, globes,
local crafts and even small
plants - yes, succulents are sold
among mini-skirts.
"I've been, from the begin-

ning, envisioning the college girl
and what you can do to make
your dorm room your own,"
Duerksen said.
Clothing, jewelry and decora-
tive products create a vibe that
is unique to the boutique.
"We're quite a few things,"
Duerksen said. "I think it's impor-
tant (while choosing merchan-
dise) to look for more than just
your own style and branch out."
Shortly after opening, Infor-
mation junior Samantha Coff-
man approached Duerksen and
offered to help the store connect
with students through social
"They hadn't had alot of pub-
licity yet on campus," Coffman
said. "And I kind of know the
Coffman developed a social
media plan for Verbena, which
included promoting the busi-
ness on Facebook, Pinterest,
Instagram and Twitter. Coff-
man said although she helped
shape the store's advertising
strategy, she sees herself more
as an event planner.
"They want to imitate thaft

for the future," Coffman said.
"That's kinda where my role
more is rather than just daily
social media, but I definitely
think my official position is
I advise on social media and
how they should be approach-
ing it."
For example, Verbena recent-
ly hosted a Greek life-exclusive
event that offered sorority
members a 15-percent discount
on merchandise. Duerksen said
although this event was not
open to non-Greek life mem-
bers, she hopes to host many
more events for anyone who is
In line with hosting events
for students, the store's broader
marketing strategy focuses on
appealing to locals first. How-
ever, Coffman said this is just
the start.
"Our goal for the future is to
have the social media grow so
much that the business grows as
a brand outside of Ann Arbor,"
Coffman said. "And to getecom-
merce going for the boutique
so it's profitable not just in Ann
Arbor, but online."

From Page 1
e-mail statement, which Taylor
"The non-discrimination ordi-
nance before you tonight is not
just the right thing to do, it is by
extension necessary," the e-mail
While the new ordinance was
widely praised, Councilmember
Mike Anglin (D-Ward 5) point-
ed out that this is just one step
in the larger fight for universal
Living Wage Ordinance
The Council also discussed
the resolution to exempt human
services nonprofits from the Liv-
ing Wage Requirement in City
Contracts and Grants, a measure
sponsored by Sabra Briere (D-
Ward 1) and Eaton.
The Living Wage Ordinance
mandates that companies that
have contracts with the city
must pay employees $12.17 per
hour if they provide health care
benefits, and $13.57 per hour if
they do not. Currently, nonprofit
organizations are required to
abide by the city's Living Wage
Councilmember Sally Hart
Petersen (D-Ward 2) said non-
profits were required to follow
the ordinance because the city
provides support to many non-
profits. However, she said this
expectation is flawed.

"Being nonprofits, they can-
not always afford to pay market
rates," she said in an interview
with the Daily.
As a result, many nonprof-
its have 'requested that the City
Council revise this requirement.
While the city's Housing and
Human Services Advisory Board
suggested that all nonprofits
with annual city contracts of
$10,000 or more abide by the
Living Wage Ordinance, Peters-
en proposed raising this thresh-
old to $25,000.
In their report, the HHSAB
concluded that raising the
threshold to $25,000 would not
be effective.
"Such an amendment would
have no positive effect, but
would only exempt agencies that
have not asked for an exemption
and may not need it," the report.
However, in his review of the
HHSAB recommendations, City
Administrator Steve Powers
refuted these claims.
"Matching the threshold for
Living Wage compliance to con-
tracts $25,000 and over would
align the Living Wage with
the City Charter's standard for
City Council approval of con-
tracts and procurement policy.
The City's procurement process
would be simplified and be more
efficient," he said.
Ultimately, the Council unani-
mously passed the ordinance
revision with exemptions begin-
ning at the $25,000 threshold.

. .

From Page 1
learning that puts you in the
shoes of the entrepreneur and
makes you an entrepreneur
University alumni Rick
Bolander and Bob Stefan-
ski, both managing directors of
Michigan eLab, are two of the
seven donors.
Bolander said the move by a
group of working professionals
to commit a portion of their sal-
ary to a university on a regular
basis is unprecedented.
"The entire management
team is basically gifting that
profit of their bottom line to a
third-party entity," Bolander
said. "I've never heard of anyone
doing that with any univer-
sity before."
Bolander, who was a CFE
board member and helped
develop the "pay it forward" <
initiative, said the idea's
inspiration came from his
experiences as a student at
the University, where finan-
cial aid played a large role in
his ability to attend.
He added that because the
"rich experience at Michi-
gan ... exists predominantly
outside of the classroom," it
is important that resources
like the CFE have ongoing
funding to encourage stu-
dents' creativity and entre-
preneurial spirit.
"Entrepreneurship is as
much about collecting the
best and brightest talent in a
concentrated way and over-
laying a culture on top of that
that allows for great things
to happen," Bolander said.
"When you create a culture
of expectation, of disruptive
education and greatness, you
trap people who want to be
there in that world."
Stefanski, a current CFE
board member, said the
focus on entrepreneurship
at the University has blos-
somed since his attendance
in the 1980s. He added that
he wants to promote the idea
that entrepreneurship is not
limited to tech startups, and
feels that the pay-it-forward

donations reflect this notion.
"When we talk about entre-
preneurship ... that doesn't
necessarily just mean starting
Google," he said. "That includes
social entrepreneurship. That
includes civil rights. That
includes people that are thought
leaders and being entrepreneur-
ial and paving the way in all
sorts of facets of life."
In the spirit of the diversity
of entrepreneurship, Bolander
and Stefanski said there will
be an opportunity for individu-
als to specify specifically what
their donations will go toward,
though currently the donations
will go directly to the CFE. For
example, both said they would
have an interest in endowing
student scholarships angled
toward entrepreneurship.

"In my mind, that is very
much what this is all about,"
Stefanski said. "If we can cre-
ate a greater culture where we
have more people saying, 'I'm
going to pay a portion of my
future profits back to the Uni-
versity,' you have a much more
sustainable or ongoing flow of
Bolander said he hopes this
system of donation will lead to
higher accessibility to post-sec-
ondary education.
He called today's education
costs "untenable," and said they
are responsible for creating a
"caste system" that excludes
others. He added that in the
future, he'd like for all students
at the University with a grade
point average above 3.0 to not
have to pay for schooling.

Race g


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