2 - Tuesday, October 21, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
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Studying complex systems
Scott E. Page is the Leonid diversity within complex sys- What can you share about the
Hurwicz Collegiate Professor of tems. I have also worked with a classes you are teaching now?
Complex Systems, Political Science large amount of faculty here.
and Economics at the University Right now, I am teaching two
and also directs the Center for the Whateis it like being back in classes. One is an undergraduate
Study of Complex Systems. He was Ann Arbor after your year class called Introduction to Mod-
elected to the American Academy on sabbatical? eling Political Processes, where
of Arts and Sciences in 2011. modeling and game theories are
734-418-4115 opt.3
Arts Section
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letters to the Editor
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What is your research
I have written three books
that(are comprised of) researchI
have compiled: "The Difference,"
which is diversity-based, "Com-
plex Adaptive Systems," which
was written as an introduction to
complexity theory, and "Diversity
& Complexity," which discusses
False alarm I
Ann Arbor firefighters
responded to a report of y
a fire on the third floor of T
Hutchins Hall in the Law
Quadrangle. The area was
cleared for reentry after it B
was determined that there
were no smoke or flames
Pearl Jamv
rocks The Joe c
After hearing that Joe Louis
Arena was scheduled to be g
demolished, the members C
of Pearl Jam set out to play 0
one last show there, pay- u
ing homage to the historic tc
Ann Arbor is such a vibrant discussed. There are about 100
place to be. (The University) has students in this class. I also teach
all of the benefits of a private a graduate-level class in complex
school but has the soul of a pub- systems where there are about
lic school. It's definitely been an 18 students enrolled. Along with
adjustment being back at work, those, I am teaching an online
however. Most people think (the class about model thinking.
sabbatical) is kind of ridiculous There have been about 500,000
but it definitely serves a purpose. students who have taken the
There is much more time to sit online version of this course. It's
back and do deeper research than really fun to teach this class.
you would have time to. - EMILIE PLESSET
Schosl of Manic, Theatre & Dance iunior Cassidy
sGodlatt perfsrms at the Student Composers'
Recital Monday at the Moore Building.
String quartet Gentle Yoga Conflict
recital workshop discussion
WHAT: The string quartet
lass will play the works of
Haydn's op. 64.
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Today at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Moore Building,
Britton Recital Hall
WHAT: Students are
invited to a free yoga
WHO: Council for
Disability Concerns
WHEN: Today from 2 p.m.
to 3 p.m.
WHERE: Hatcher
Graduate Library Gallery
razz concert The Greened
WHAT: Polish jazz
ocalist Grazyna
uguscik and Matt Ulery,
hicago-based bassist
nd composer, will
erform and promote their
sapective new albums.
WHO: Copernicus Pro-
ram in Polish Studies and
.enter for World Perfor-
mance Studies
WHEN: Today from 8 p.m.
o 10 p.m.
WHERE: Kerrytown Con-
ert House, 415 N. 4th Ave.
WHAT: HGTV host Jeff
Wilson will discuss how his
family's use of a Deep Energy
Retrofit greatly reduced their
energy bills and created a
healtier environment.
WHO: Matthaei Botanical
Gardens and Nichols Arbo-
WHEN: Today from 7:30
p.m. to 9 p.m.
WHERE: Matthael
Botanical Gardens
WHAT: Speakers will dis-
cuss different approaches to
the Israel and Gaza conflict.
WHO: Judaic Studies and
Center for Middle Eastern
and North African Studies
WHEN: Today from 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
WHERE: Rackham
Graduate School
Dogs on the
WHAT: Students can pet
and play with puppies and
grown service dogs.
WHO: Council for
Disability Concerns
WHEN: Today from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
WHERE: The Diag
0 Please report any
error in the Daily to
San Francisco radio sta-
tions have blacklisted
Lorde's "Royals" in sup-
port of the San Francisco
Giants, The Daily Beast
reported Monday. The San
Francisco baseball team will
play the Kansas City Royals
in the World Series Tuesday.
There are 20 days until
the Michigan men's
basketball season tips
off. But junior guards Spike
Albrecht and Caris LeVert
have been bonding since long
before then. FOR MORE, SEE
Los Angeles Kings
defenseman Slava
Voynov was suspended
from the NHL after being
arrested for domestic vio-
lence, NBC Sports reported
Monday. Voynov will remain
suspended indefinitely, but
will continue to be paid.
Katie Burke ManagingEditor kgburke@michigandaiy.com
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be prepaid. The Michigan Daly is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.
Mayoral candidate sets
priorities for Ann Arbor
Taylor to focus
on balancing
issues, improving
Daily Staff Reporter
As Ann Arbor's mayoral elec-
tion quickly approaches, City
Councilmember Christopher Tay-
lor (D-Ward 3) has been prioritiz-
ing the main issues he would like
to resolve if elected as mayor in
Taylor, the Democratic nomi-
nee, said he would like to address
a variety of issues to ensure that
Ann Arbor has affordable living
conditions, not focusing on any
particular aspect of the city.
"My goal is to confront the city
with balance, to strive to maintain
and improve basic services, while
at the same time making tangible
quality of life improvements," he
Taylor has demonstrated an
interest in a multitude of issues
during his six years on City Coun-
cil, sponsoring legislation ranging
fromtransportationto downtown
development and zoning. In this
vein, Taylor said he will focus on
ensuring maintenance of pub-
lic safety matters and work to
improve streets and municipal
While Taylor said all of these
issues are important, he added
that transportation is an areathat
has the most opportunities for
improvement and reinvestment.
He also emphasized the impor-
tance of transportation in Ann
Arbor during the firstpost-prima-
ry debate.
Taylor said transportation
infrastructure, including that for
non-motorized modes of trans-
portation such as walking and bik-
ing, needs to be updated to make
traveling easier and more acces-
"Traffic is a concern to resi-
dents," he said. "We need to make
sure that people can come in and
out of the city efficiently and
With regard to walking and
biking, Taylor said non-motorized
transportation is a vital compo-
infrastructure. He has focused on
the importance of non-motorized
transportation by sponsoring leg-
islation that required City Admin-
istrator Steve Powers to develop
a non-motorized transportation
implementation strategy in 2013.
"Making sure our bike lanes
improve and expand is a co-equal
concern when designing streets
and crosswalks," Taylor said.
Along with updating transpor-
tation infrastructure, Taylor has
supported the expansion of mass
transit services since the spring,
specifically regarding the Ann
Arbor Area Transit Authority.
Additionally, he supports the con-
struction of a new A mtrak train
Civilians gather at the scene of a car bomb explosion, killing and wounding tens of people, in a commercial area in the
southern Shiite holy city of Karbala, 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Baghdad on Monday.
Bombings in Iraqk ateast
43 amid wave of II attacks
station, an initiative that is still in
the planning process.
While working on expand-
ing mass transit services, Taylor
would also like to see the growth
of ridesharing services such as
Uber and Lyft in Ann Arbor.
6 1 "Uber and Lyft provide servic-
es safely throughout the country
2 5 3 9 and I'd like to see Ann Arborites
continue to have the benefit of
their operation," he said.
3 9 4 5 7 In September, he co-sponsored
legislation that required Powers
9 to negotiate an operating agree-
ment with transportation net-
3 2 8 workcompanies. Taylor said he is
unaware of whether Powers has
successfully negotiated an operat-
5 ing agreement.
Even though the improvements
6 8 4 3 to mass transit services and ride-
sharing services have not been
4 fully implemented yet, Taylor said
he is looking forward to exploring
these opportunities to ensure that
9 4 quality of life is high.
He did not provide a timeline
for when he would deal with
these problems because of the
complex governmental process.
Top Shiite cleric
lends support to
government's fight
against extremists
BAGHDAD (AP) - Iraq's top
Shiite cleric on Monday gave his
support to the new government
battling the Islamic State group
as militants unleashed a wave of
deadly attacks on the country's
majority Shiite community, kill-
ing at least 43 people.
The blitz by the militants this
summer plunged Iraq into its
worst crisis since U.S. troops left
at the end of 2011. While there
was no claim of responsibility for
Tuesday's attacks, they seemed
likely calculated by the group to
sow fear among Iraqis and keep
pressure on the new Shiite-led
government in Baghdad.
Prime Minister Haiderual-Aba-
di, who took office last month,
met Monday with top Shiite cleric
Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in
the southern city of Najaf. He said
after their talks that al-Sistani
welcomed the recent formation
of the government that Al-Abadi
now leads.
The spiritual leader wields
considerable influence among
Iraq's Shiite majority, and the
meeting carried symbolic sig-
nificance because al-Sistani has
shunned politicians in recent
years to protest how they run the
"We have a long and hard mis-
sion ahead of us," al-Abadi told
reporters after emerging from
the meeting with the cleric, who
is believed to be 86 years old.
"One of the missions is related to
security. We need arms and we
need to reconstruct our security
Al-Sistani lives in the Shiite
holy city of Najaf, 160 kilometers
(100 miles) south of Baghdad, and
rarely appears in public.
The day's attacks killed dozens
in Baghdad and the Shiite holy
city of Karbala.
Inthe capital, the bomber blew
himself up among Shiite wor-
shippers as they were leaving a
mosque in a central commercial
area after midday prayers Mon-
day. That blast killed at least 17
people and wounded 28, a police
officer said.
In Karbala, four separate
car bombs went off simultane-
ously, killing at least 26 people
and wounding 55, another police
officer said. The city, about 90
kilometers (55 miles) south of
Baghdad, is home to the tombs of
two revered Shiite imams and the
site of year-round pilgrimages.
The explosives-laden cars were
parked in commercial areas and
parking lots near government
offices, the officer added.
Medical officials confirmed
the casualty figures. All officials
spoke on condition of anonymity
as they were not authorized to
talk to media.
The attacks in Baghdad and
Karbala, the latest in relentless
assaults that have challenged the
Shiite-led government, came a
day after a suicide bombing tar-
geted another Shiite mosque in
the Iraqi capital, killing 28 peo-
The latest attacks bore the hall-
marks of the Islamic State group,
which has recently claimed sev-
eral other large bombings in
Baghdad and elsewhere, particu-
larly in Shiite areas.