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October 08, 2014 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-10-08

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

2A - Wednesday, October 8, 2014Tm


Fire at Michigan State apartment

A fire that took place Sunday Martin added that dam-
evening at a Michigan State age estimates to the building
University apartment complex, wouldn't be available until the
The Landings, left many of its apartment complex receives a
residents temporarily out of statement from their insurer.
housing, The State News report- Some of the complex's resi-
ed Monday. dents were able to recover
Though no injuries have been their belongings from their
reported, significant damage apartments without any dam-
was done to the building. The age.
Michigan State police were
called and arrived on the scene Penn State to become more
in six minutes and had no rea- energy efficient
son to suspect foul play.
According to Adam Martin, Pennsylvania State Univer-
WestPac Campus Communi- sity has became the newest
ties manager, some apart- member of the U.S. Department
ments on the third floor were of Energy's Better Buildings
burned. Others were damaged Challenge, The Daily Collegian
by smoke and water, a result of reported. They will work to
the firefighters taking action. lessen its building portfolio's

Art & Design Prof. Sherri Smith works with Art &
Design sophomore Yilin Tong in the fabrics studio at
the School ofArt and Design Tuesday.


Royal music of Evolution and Goldman Sachs
West Africa faith lecture info session

Election data
A Michigan Daily survey
shows the estimated amount
of registered voters, their
demographics and impor-
tant issues amongthe stu-
dent body.
Soccer rivalry
The Michigan- Notre Dame
rivalry stretches beyond the
football field. The soccer
team also strives to beat the
Irish any chance they get,
making games more compel-
ling for players and fans.

energy use by 20 percent over
the next 10 years. Penn State
plans to invest $60 million for
five years overall of energy
efficiency involving its various
Penn State:President Eric
Barron spoke of his pride for
the university in taking this
step in ensuring a sustainable
future. Penn State will join
with the federal government,
businesses and academic part-
ners in what Barron refers to as
an "ampbitious challenge."
George Washington Uni-
versity sees increased number
of burglaries, first time in five
The American journalist
being treated for Ebola
in Nebraska received an
experimental drug Tuesday,
ABC News reported. This
experimental drug is the
same drug used to treat the
Liberian patient in Texas.
2This week, members of
The Dailystafftelltheir
stories in a series of
personal narratives exploring
a love and fear of sports, 21st
birthdays, homesickness and
Tinder love affairs.
An American physicist
and two Japanese col-
leagues received the
Nobel Prize in physics, NBC
News reported Tuesday. The
trio created an invention for
the spectrum for LEDs by
creating diodes that shines in
blue wavelengths.

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The Michigan Daily (5sN 0745-%7) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
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WHAT: Nana Kwadwo
Nyantakyi III and Nana
Afia Adoma II will discuss
royal culture in Africa.
WHO: Center for World
Performance Studies
WHEN: Today from 7
p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
WHERE: Ann Arbor
District Library

WHAT: This lecture will
focus on the relationship
between evolution and the
Christian faith.
WHO: Dr. Deborah
WHEN: Today from 12
p.m. to 1 p.m.
WHERE: Campus Chapel,
1236 Washtenaw Ct.

WHAT: This session will
provide students with
information regarding
career opportunities and
summer analyst positions.
WHO: The Career Center
WHEN: Today from 5 p.m.
to 6 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union,
Kuenzel Room

Sustainability Eating disorder Employer
town hall lecture worshop

WHAT: A presentation
on the University's efforts
to improve sustainability
across the campus
through reducing food
waste and composting.
WHO: Leaders for
Environmental Awareness
and Discussion
WHEN: Office of Campus
WHERE: Today 4 p.m. to
5:30 p.m.

WHAT: This lecture will
focus on the symptoms,
treatment and the
diagnostic criteria of eating
disorders, such as anorexia
nervosa and bulimia
WHO: Professor Renee
WHEN: Hatcher Graduate
WHERE: Today from 12
p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

WHAT: This workshop
will focus on what
employers are looking for in
WHO: The Career Center
WHEN: Today from 2p.m.
to 3 p.m.
WHERE: The Career
" Please report any error
in the Daily to correc-

Debates in New Mexico US healthproviders expand


now conductedin Spanish

Ebola prevention programs

Gov. officials
embrace southern
bilingual trend
- The moderator gave New
Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez
the nod to start her opening
statement. She smiled, then
looked at the camera.
"Welcome. And thank you
very much for the opportunity
to talk to the Hispanic people of
my community," Martinez said
in Spanish.
It marked Martinez's entry
in an emerging trend as Repub-
licans and Democrats around
the U.S. court Hispanic voters.
From California to Texas,
colleges and Spanish-language
networks are hosting similar
Spanish debates regardless of
candidates' fluency ,amid the
growing influence of Latinos as

swing vote
dates, for e
a Spanishd
both GOP
former G
In Cali
and Dem
Amanda I
a debate
ish on Sat
the state's
District in
In New
came as
lenger Ga
replace M
lican and
Latina el
any state.
is the son
"I appre
to be here
his voice fa


rs in key races. lator's words. He then attacked
gubernatorial candi- Martinez for her opposition to
example, will meet in raising the state's minimum
debate Friday, though wage and for the state's low
Gov. Rick Scott and ranking on child well-being.
ov. Charlie Crist, a The New Mexico debate
will use a translator. and others like it acknowledge
fornia, Republican the ability of the growing and
san David Valadao increasingly independent vot-
ocratic challenger ing bloc to swing an election.
Renteria conducted The overwhelming major-
entirely in Span- ity of Hispanics in New Mexico
:urday in a race for speak English, butthe culture of
21st Congressional bilingualism runs deep. Across
central California. the state, some local govern-
Mexico, the debate ment bodies start meetings
Democratic chal- with the Pledge of Allegiance in
ry King sought to English and Spanish.
Martinez, a Repub- Still, Matt Barreto, co-
the country's first founder of a nonpartisan Lati-
ected governor in no political research firm and
King, who is white, a University of Washington
of a popular former political science professor, said
Hispanic voters see Spanish-
ciate the opportunity language debates as a sign of
today," King said as respect and a genuine effort to
aded away to a trans- acknowledge their importance.
"The debate is more for sym-
bolism," Barreto said.
In recent years, other nota-
ble Spanish debates included a
2010 event in California and a
2007 Democratic presidential
The KLUZ-TV Univision
3 Nuevo Mexico-sponsored
forum for Martinez and King
1 offered few surprises. Both
candidates just repeated pre-
vious talking points, and the
debate ran a mere 30 minutes.
However, the debate did
give Spanish-speaking voters a
chance to hear the candidates'
6 views on a state law that allows
immigrants in the country ille-
gally to obtain driver's licenses.
King said he was for it. Marti-
nez said she was against it for
3 4 safety reasons.
"It's not a problem of immi-
1 gration. It's a problem of secu-
rity," Martinez said in Spanish.
Barreto said in 2010 Marti-
6 nez took around 38 percent of
the Latino vote in New Mexico
at a time when most GOP can-
didates garnered 20 percent

Across the nation,
response teams put
preemptive protocol
in place
NEW YORK (AP) - Public
hospitals in New York City are so
concerned about Ebola, they've
secretly been sendingactors with
mock symptoms into emergency
rooms to test how well the triage
staffs identify and isolate possible
A small Ohio hospitalhas hung
up signs imploring patients to let
nurses know immediately if they
have traveled recently to West
And across the U.S., one of the
nation's largest ambulance com-
panies has put together step-by-
step instructions for wrapping
the interior of a rig with plastic
There hasn't been a single con-
firmed case of an Ebola infection
happening on U.S. soil; the case
confirmed in Dallas involves a
man who, like several health care
workers treated in the U.S., con-
tracted the virus in Liberia. But
health care providers are worried
enough to take a wide variety of
It isn't yet clear whether these
preparations are overkill, or not
But health care experts say
that at the very least, the scare is
providing a chance to reinforce
and test infection control proce-
"The attention has been, in a
sad way, very helpful," said Dr.
Richard Wenzel, an epidemiolo-
gist at Virginia Commonwealth
University and a former president
of the International Society for
Infectious Diseases.
Even small hospitals far from
international travel, hubs should
be reviewing protocols and
screening questions, and poten-
tially buying protective equip-
ment such as face masks and
protective suits, he said. This will
help them avoid repeating the

mistakes of Dallas, where a Libe-
rian man with Ebola symptoms
was sent away despite telling
a hospital staffer he had trav-
eled from Africa, and potentially
infected many others before he
was readmitted two days later.
"The debacle in Texas should
stimulate improved awareness
and responses," Wenzel said.
A growing number of false
alarms are already giving hos-
pitals around the country ample
opportunities to test infection
control procedures.
In New York, 24 patients
screened for Ebola have been put
into isolation over the past eight
weeks in city-owned hospitals,
accordingto Dr. Ross Wilson, the
chief medical officer at the New
York City Health and Hospitals
Corporation. None had the dis-
ease (some had malaria and one
had typhoid), but Wilson said iso-
lating potential cases as quickly
as possible is essential to keep the
virus from spreading.
"We're taking this very seri-
ously," he said.
Emergency room staffers have
been confronted with actors to
test their triage measures, and
some have been retrained on how
to properly put on and remove
protective gear, Wilson said.
At the city's flagship. Bellevue
Hospital Center, technicians are
assembling a lab to exclusively
handle Ebola blood tests, keep-
ing samples from contaminat-
ing other equipment, and a small
number of beds are ready and
waiting in an isolation ward for
any confirmed cases.
New York City's 911 operators
have been told to ask people who
describe Ebola-like symptoms
and ask for ambulances if they've
traveled to West Africa recently.
That question is also becoming
private ambulances in 40 states.
It has told its staff of 19,000
paramedics and EMTs that if
patients with these symptoms
answer yes, they must alert other
health authorities and put on
extra protective gear, including
shoe coverings, a mask and gog-

"We don't want to respond
with apresumptionthateveryone
in the field has Ebola" said Dr.
Ed Racht, AMR's chief medical
officer. "The idea is, if the travel
question is positive with the
... It doesn't mean immediately
putting on the space suits."
That said, the company has
issued step-by-step instructions
for using plastic sheeting, gar-
bage bags and ducttapecto protect
the ambulance and driver from
patients with the virus. Step No.
2: "Place sheeting on the floor of
the rig and affix to bench seat,
jump seat and walls to create a
bowl affectinanefforttochannel
any body fluids toward the center
of the floor causing fluids to col-
lect inone area:'
A more commonplace pre-
caution is in place at the Mercer
County Community Hospital
in Coldwater, Ohio, a village of
4,400 people near the Indiana
state border. Nicole Pleiman, an
infection prevention and control
nurse, said the hospital posted
signs at entrances a month ago
telling patients to notify the staff
immediately if they've traveled
recently to African countries hit
by the outbreak.
"We will definitely revisit that
to see if we need to do anything
additional," she said.
And three major hospitals in
Dallas have established isolation
units and consulted with staff on
handling anyone else with Ebola.
With eight children sent home
from school because they had
direct contact with the lone con-
firmed Ebola victim, Children's
Memorial Hospital in northwest
Dallas is preparing for pediat-
ric Ebola patients, and doctors
at Parkland Memorial Hospital
and Baylor University 'Medical
Center have identified teams of
doctors and nurses to be ready.
As has' become commonplace
nationwide, the Dallas hospitals
are screening incoming patients
to see if they've traveled to West
Africa within the last three


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