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October 08, 2014 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-10-08

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Snyder keeps
deep A2 ties
as election

BAMN member Shandira Vaughn speaks about supporting the movement against alleged police brutality in Ferguson, Missouri at the Central Student
Government meeting Tuesday in the CSG Chambers.
CSGvotesdo Fergason
resolution, after debat~e

Despite several
assembly decides
against proposal
DailyStaff Reporter
Nearly a month after its ini-
tial introduction, Central Stu-
dent Government voted against
the adoption of a resolution that
would have formally affirmed

CSG's support of the people of
Ferguson, Mo. and their dem-
onstration efforts following the
death of Michael Brown.
The resolution received 22
dissenting votes and 11 affirma-
tive votes.
After being proposed Sept.
16 and postponed Sept. 23, the
assembly was given opportuni-
ties to propose amendments,
three of which were voted upon
and passed.
The resolution asked CSG to
stand in solidarity with the Fer-
guson community and against

"increased racist, unjustified
police brutality," while support-
ing any nonviolent actions of
youth against this alleged police
In August, following the
shooting of an unarmed Black
teenager, Michael Brown, by
a white police officer, Darren
Wilson, a protest against police
brutality escalated as police
responded to the protest, accom-
panied by incidents of looting.
The events spurred national
discussion this past summer on
the topic of racial stereotyping

by law enforcement and over-
militarized police forces, many
voicing the opinion that use of
armored vehicles, automatic
weapons and body armor was
unnecessary for handling the
Past approvedamendments
included the removal of milita-
rization language, the phrase
"local cops are trained and
armed to treat local residents
like criminals," and the addi-
tion of language that would only
ask CSG to consider supporting

Governor has
maintained roots
in Ann Arbor area
since 1975
Daily StaffReporter
Republican Gov. Rick Snyder,
one of Michigan's most popular
conservative leaders, resides in
Ann Arbor, a city comprised of
mostly liberal-leaning citizens.
Though the 48th governor
spent his childhood in Battle
Creek, Mich., he moved to Ann
Arbor after being accepted to the
University. He currently lives in
the city with his wife Sue, with
whom he has three children.
Snyder entered the University
in 1975. By the time he turned 23,
the future governor had received
a bachelor's degree, business
degree and law degree, and
earned his license as a Certified
Public Accountant.
Snyder left Ann Arbor to work
as a tax accountant for Coopers

& Lybrand in Detroit, going on to
become one of the firm's youngest
partners after working for only six
years. He then moved to Chicago
to work at Gateway Computers for
six years and eventually became
the company's president. Snyder
moved backto Ann Arbor in1997to
form two Michigan-based venture
capital funds worth about $200
million in investment capital.
Along with living in the city,
Snyder served as the chair of Ann
Arbor SPARK, a nonprofit orga-
nization dedicated to economic
development in the greater Ann
Arbor region, and served as an
adjuwnct assistant professor of
accounting at the University from
1982 to 1984.
The governor keeps in close
contact with his alma mater,
holding talks at the University
and sponsoring an internship
program in his office that many
students participate in. Most
recently, he visited the Univer-
sity to speak at the inauguration
ceremony for University Presi-
dent Mark Schlissel.
"What makes the University of
See SNYDER, Page 3A

.. -

90 year old builds own
backyard 'Disneyland'


Szylak creates
tourist attraction
in Hamtramck
Daily Detroit Arts Columnist
When I walked into Dmytro
Szylak's backyard, I was greeted
by a towering structure com-

prised of wood, carousel horses,
windmills, rockets, helicopters
and ceiling fans. Everything has
been painted with bright col-
ors and connected together in
a ramshackle way that makes it
look like it could fall down at any
moment, which, Szylak assured
me, it will not.
It's been standing as is for
more than 20 years.
For a 90 year old, Szylak

moves quite fast, bustling about
his yard, pushing the tail end of
an airplane, sending it spinning
in a circle. His face is wrinkled,
his hat covered in paint and his
chin dotted with white whiskers.
I ask if we can chat about the
project, but before he'll tell me
anything, he gestures over at a
box with a hand-painted sign
that reads "FREEDONATION".
See DETROIT, Page 6A

Music, Theatre & Dance freshman Stua

n performs "Nalma" in the String Showcase at the Moore Building

D University joins movement
to reduce use of disposables
That equals to wants to raise 'Kill the Cup' The University is one of 10 the Ross School of Business,
of landfill waste levels of colleges participatingin the first and with Kill-A-Watt, which is
reusable takes next step in annual Kill the Cup University an energy conservation effort
Challenge. The initiative is a at the University. Social Ven-
Containers sustainability effort sustainability effort aiming to tures for Sustainability, which is
reusa ble from to have an environmental impact basedin SanDiego, is anonprofit
Container by 2015 By JACK TURMAN by reducing the number of dis- organization that partners with
#c, ,, _ ~~~~~oly ufR epnr tr pou-t-c--e1cps-se on..,.L. cosiege,..., ....campusest,,. an..oc.......... ommuni-......

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use rose


cups saved
during first trial

Daily Staff Reporter
With midterm exams loom-
ing and paper deadlines rapidly
approaching, it's no surprise
that more students are turning
to coffee to get their caffeine fix.

posable coffee cups used on
campus. The competition began
Oct. 6 and will last until Oct. 31.
Kill the Cup, a Social Ven-
tures for Sustainability project,
is partnered with Net Impact, a
nonprofit organization through

college campuses and communi-
ties to promote environmentally
responsible behavior.
To participate in the competi-
tion, coffee shop customers have
to bring their own reusable cups
See CUPS, Page 3A


Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail Data: Student opinions on election issues
news@michigandaily.com and let us know. MICHIGANDAILY.COM/BLOGS

Vol. CXXV, No. 7
02014 The Michigan Daily

NEW S ........................2A ARTS................ ...... 6A
SUDOKU..................... 2A CLASSIFIEDS..............6A
OPINION................... 4A STATEMENT................1B


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