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April 22, 2014 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-04-22

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 - 5A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Tuesday, April 22, 2014 - SA


Stars of franchise
talk 'Transformers'

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ies newcomers on anxiety.
"I am a huge fan of Transform-
ing revamped'Age ers, and the film and what (Bay)
has done with these films is so
of Extinction mind-blowing," Peltz said.
Both actors have loved Trans-
By KAREN YUAN formers since they were children,
DailyArts Writer which influenced their decision to
join the new cast.
"Transformers" franchise "I wasn't even aware of the
hree films, each directed existence of the cartoon series
chael Bay, and a TV series 'Transformers' until I was about
y under its belt, allowing 14 or 15, but I did havelike, a range
prawling storyline that can of Transformers toys when I was
oom for new characters and really young. And I used to play
The enduringbattle between with those all the time, and I have
ots and the evil Decepti- very vivid memories of them,"
serves as a backdrop for a Reynor said.
-new cast of characters in "I grew up with six brothers, so
coming fourth film, "Trans- I was a huge - I am a huge fan of
rs: Age of Extinction." the 'Transformers' films and the
ough familiar robots will cartoon, so it's so exciting for me
, including Optimus Prime to just get the opportunity to audi-
d by Peter Cullen), the next tion," Peltz said.
[ment stars newcomers Nic- As newcomers from smaller
ltz (TV's "Bates Motel") and projects, however, the two stillihad
eynor ("What Richard Did") much to adjust to in a big budget
ssa Yeager, the daughter of film. "Bates Motel" is a TV series
hanic, and Shane, her love now in its second season while
st. Taking place four years "What Richard Did" is an Irish
the events of the third film, independent film. One of their
sformers: Age of Extinction" major challenges was the interac-
a reboot but rather an exten- tion with CGI characters.
f the plot laid out by the prior "It was a big challenge to step
This time, Tessa Yeager and onto, you know, such a monumen-
ther (Mark Wahlberg, "Ted") tal franchise like this, and have to
a discovery that draws the try and react to something that
ion of Autobots, Decepticons wasn't there. And you really have
overnment officials. to rely on your imagination in that
a conference call with The circumstance," Reynor said.
gan Daily, Peltz and Reynor "You're doing these scenes and
about the opportunity to join you're doing them against a pole,
stingfranchise. and then it's either, you know,
hink that when you step into Optimus's face cut out, taped
nchise that's already been to the top, or Bumblebee, and
ished, there is that stigma of Michael always said, you know,
ner are you going to be able 'You might feel silly doing it, but
e up to the expectations of you can't hold back. You'll have to
e who've been, youknow, die- completely go for it,' " Peltz said.
ans of the previous franchise Another challenge the two
uff," Reynor said. faced was the physical training
both Peltz and Reynor that the film required.
* that their excitement to "Jack and I did what they call
on the film outweighed any 'boot camp' the month before

filming, and we really got in good
shape. And we did boxing and a
lot of cardio," Peltz said.
"Physically and mentally
and psychologically, it's - yes,
just kind of a hard process to go
through. But we had alot of sup-
port on it as well, you know, and
it was all good," Reynor added.
Being able to guide the "Trans-
formers" franchise in a new
direction made all the challenges
worth it. Peltz and Reynor stated
that the fusion of the original
films' and the fourth film's plots
would appeal to both previous
audiences and new ones.
"This is just as much, if not
more, action-packed than any
of the three previous films,"
Reynor said. "Again, you know,
we're revisiting some of the most
beautiful cars in the world in this
film, and, you know, people who
are fans of the automotive indus-
try are certainly going to want to
reengage with the series at this
And beyond its entertain-
ment appeal, Peltz and Reynor
explained that "Transformers:
Age of Extinction" also says
important things about the world
we live in today.
"This 'Transformers' is a little
bit darker than the previous ones
were maybe, and I think that it
- I think that you're going to see
the Autobots in this movie maybe
reflect a little bit of a sense of
anger and resentment that might
be something that we see in con-
temporary society, particularly
in the United States," Reynor
The film gives out a lighter
message too.
"In this film, you see that I get
separated from my dad, and at
the end of the movie you just see
it come together so beautifully,"
Peltz said. "That really shines in
this film. It has a really beautiful
human element to it."

Daily Arts Writer
The bubble is a difficult place to
be in.When the writers don't know
whether their show is coming back
for another year,
it leads them to
go one of two
ways: end the Parenthood
show on a huge
cliffhanger that Season Finale
dares the net- Available for
work to renew streaming
the series or NBC
have a quiet
finale that, while
not providing complete closure,
ties up enough loose ends that it
doesn't feel like the viewer is left
hanging. "Parenthood" usually
opts for the latter kind of finale,
and this season was no exception.
While these finales don't set up
much for the next season, they
serve as reminders of the warmth
and genuine feels that the show
produces each episode.
An interesting thing that the
"Parenthood" writers typically do
with their finales is throw in some-
thing completely unexpected in
order to increase hype surround-
ing the final hour. This season,
the twist involved the return of
Haddie Braverman (Sarah Ramos,
"Private Practice"), who, after
only being mentioned on one or
two occasions this year, returned
home from college with her girl-
friend (nodoubtsothatNBC could
include shots of them kissing in
the promos). While the storyline
did feel shoehorned into the epi-
sode, it provided great trademark
moments for Ramos and Monica
Potter ("Boston Legal"), as she told
her daughter she would accept her
no matter what.
The show didn't forget about its
other ongoing stories, providing
payoff for some, yet not allowing
them to completely close. Hank
(Ray Romano, "Men of a Certain
Age") and Sarah (Lauren Graham,
"Gilmore Girls") finally kissed,
the culmination of what had been

"Can you pass the potatoes, please?"

a seas(
For ev
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he swi
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his cha
Julia (
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this se,
on a no
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on of romantic tension. "happy" ending if the show were
eryone who didn't watch to end here.
- the critically acclaimed, However, "Parenthood" isn't
d-too-soon TNT drama necessarily about the overarch-
nano's performance this ing stories. It's about the little
has been a revelation, as momentsin life. The montage that
tched from a sitcom star closed the show, set to a beautiful
itimate dramatic actor. As cover of Bob Dylan's "The Times
struggled with coming to They Are a-Changin'," conveyed
with his Asperger's diagno- the emotions purely off the
nano gave a collected per- strength of the cast. The sequence
ce that perfectly embodied was a reminder of an earlier
racter. moment in the season, when Max
(Max Burkholder, "The Purge")
told his parents about how the
ere's honin r kids in his school make fun of him
hopn because of his disability. It was
get another an incredibly sad and beautiful
moment that perfectly embodied
son with the "Parenthood" 'sspirit.
"Parenthood" 's chances of
raverrm ans. returning next year are about
50-50. Though it often built on its
lead-in and provided consistency
in a tough timeslot for NBC, its
stable number was undeniably
also got to see Joel low, while the show's vast ensem-
Jaeger, "Eli Stone") and ble cast is extremely expensive
(Erika Christensen, "Six to maintain. If "Parenthood"
s") be happy in a room is canceled, it would be a damn
er. This has been one of shame. Audiences enjoy spending
ore problematic stories time with the Bravermans each
ason, but the finale left us week. But if it's back for even a
atural moment to end. It's short-order final season, the lit-
ite a reconciliation for the tle moments that "Parenthood"
g couple, but it is a pay- handles so well will be worth the
t would be considered a investment for NBC.

'Dangerously' good 'Years'

DailyArts Writer
"I .had never heard of cli-
mate change," said Nellie Mon-
tez from Plainview, Texas, now
after the clos- A
ing of a Cargill
meatpacking Years(of
plant, which Ling
killed another
2,300 jobs with Dangerously
it. Plainview S
had been suf- Sundays at
fering from a 10 p.m.
drought for the Sh.wime
last three years
and could no
longer grow the wheat necessary
to keep the plant alive. Montez
was forced to learn something
"Years of Living Dangerous-
ly," a nine part Showtime docu-
mentary series that premiered
on April 14, explores stories like
this one across the world from
Texas to Syria. The focus is our
changing climate; the damage
that has already been done and
that which is yet to come. These
stories are woven together to
create what Showtime is brand-
ing as "the biggest story of our
time." The hope is that audiences
will come to agree.
The show is a remarkable
combination of efforts. Execu-
tive producers include James
Cameron and Arnold Schwar-
zenegger. Hollywood actors like

Harrison Ford, Don Cheadle and
Matt Damon help play the role
of investigative reporters, along
with today's leading journalists,
like New York Times columnist
Thomas Friedman. Each inves-
tigator takes on a different case,
narrating their travels and expe-
rience, and the heart of the issue
is poked at with more depth than
the camera itself presents.
The first episode follows three
different stories, whose central
issues range from politics to reli-
gion. These important variations
underscore the near incompre-
hensible complexity of climate
change and the reason why
approaching it effectively has
brought so many challenges.
The series is taking a new
approach to get people to pay
attention. Whether it's the stars
that pull you in, the producers,
an interest in the issue itself or
just an attempt to get educated,
this series will satisfy, provid-
ing both explanation and per-
spective. Powerful images, like
praying and singing families in
Plainview, an unprotected 86
thousand hectors of burnt forest
in Indonesia and the unsettling
signs of war crossing the Syrian
border, are reminders of where
we might find ourselves in the
future. "Years of Living Danger-
ously" throws this reality direct-
ly in our face.
At the same time, it also does
an excellent job dispelling popu-
lar myths with sensitivity. That

God is the cause of droughts,
for example, is a sentiment that
echoes throughout the episode.
This is an opinion shared by
many Americans: climate change
is a fallacy. Many of those who
share this belief are introduced
in the episode. Still, there are
exceptions, such as the evangeli-
cal minister who preaches about
the dangers of climate change.
This minister is a powerful rep-
resentation of the way that prog-
ress needs to happen in America.
Faith and science aren't nec-
essarily incompatible and don't
have to be. Accepting the reality
of climate change does not mean
sacrificing other values and mor-
als. Therefore, adaptation will
mean more than changing our
behavior, like recycling and cut-
ting back on plastic; it means a
radical change of mindset - or
at least that's what the showrun-
ners are trying to get across.
The changes necessary now
are far more expansive than
most realize and demand revi-
sion in our economic system and
everyday life. What is happen-
ing in other parts of the country
and world, whatever the physical
distance might be, should be at
the height of our priorities here
today. It is pure foolishness, to
borrow Friedman's adjective,
to believe anything else, and
even more so not to act. That
being said, if you are in need of
reminder, "Years of Living Dan-
gerously" will do so with care.






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