2A - Thursday, January 30, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
2A - Thursday, January 30, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
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Sitch: A philanthropic leader
Denise Ilitch, a Democratic
member of the University's Board
of Regents, earned her bachelor's
degree from the University and
received her law degree from the
University of Detroit. She current-
ly serves as the President of Ilitch
Enterprises, Inc., and is the owner
of Ilitch Designs, owner and pub-
lisher of Ambassador Magazine
and Of Counsel at Clark Hill PLC.
She has earned several honors
including "Marketing Innovator of
the Year" from the Marketing and
Sales Executives of Detroit and
"Best & Brightest Marketer" from
AdvertisingAge magazine.
How do the organizations you
were involved with in college
relate to your work in the
Detroit community today?
I was not as involved in organi-
zations while at the University of
Michigan, although I was a mem-
ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma and
lived in the sorority house in Ann
Arbor. That experience taught
me the importance of being able
to coexist with lots of different
types of people and personali-
ties and to appreciate the value of
our similarities and differences.
It was great preparation for my
work in the Detroit community.
Why did you decide tobecome
a member of the Board of
Regents for the University?
I decided to become a member
of the Board of Regents because
of my love and passion for the
University of Michigan. After all
these years, my heart still skips a
beat when I step on to campus. I
also wanted to give back and con-
tribute to my alma mater.
Do you have any advice for
current students?
My advice to current students
is to take advantage of every
resource at the University of
Michigan. Make sure your expe-
riences are rich and live every
moment of your college life to the
fullest because it flies by all too
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Chef Peter Julian gives a recipe themed 'Sassy work-
shop' in the Union Wednesday, teaching students
household tasks they wouldn't learn from classes.
Liar, pants
not on fire
WHERE: Wall St.
WHEN: Monday around
5:45 p.m.
WHAT: A heating unit was
reported to be on fire in the
parking lot of a construction
site. The unit was not on fire
and functioning properly.
Without a trace
WHERE: Bursley Hall
WHEN: Monday around
4:25 p.m.
WHAT: Less than $100 was
reported to have been miss-
ing from the retail store
safe with no signs of forced
entry. No suspects were
identified. The date of the
incident is unclear, but may
have occured between Dec.
15 and Jan 14.
WHERE: 1500 Block E
WHEN: Monday around
10:15 a.m.
WHAT: A vehicle was
reported to have driven into
a cement pillar. While there
were no injuries, the vehicle
suffered from significant
Left means
WHERE: Northwood
WHEN: Monday at 8:55 p.m.
WHAT: A University bus
was reported to have been
struck by another vehicle
driving in the wrong direc-
tion on a one-way street.
There are no injuries, but
damages are unknown.
WHAT: A workshop for stu-
dents interesting in learning
beginners' meditation tech-
niques for stress, anxiety
and focusing purposes.
WHEN: Today from 5:30 to
6:00 p.m.
WHERE: CAPS office in
the Union
Fred lersch
WHAT: Hailed as one of
the most innovative jazz
pianists of the 21st century
by Vanity Fair and The New
York Times, Fred Hersch
will perform.
WHO: University Musical
WHEN: Today at 7:30 and
9:30 p.m.
WHERE: The Michigan
Black History
Month lecture
WHAT: In the Black Histo-
ry Month Keynote Lecture,
Melissa Harris-Perry will
discuss race talk and leader-
ship on campus.
WHO: Office of Multi-Eth-
nic Student Affairs & Trot-
ter Multicultural Center
WHEN: Today at 5:30.
WHERE: Rackham Audi-
A Jan.29 article "Obama
emphasizes domestic
policy in State of the Union"
misattributed a quote from
Public Policy senior Adam
Watkins, vice president of
College Democrats. The
original story attributed
the quote to LSA junior
Mary Bridget Lee.
" Please report any
error in the Daily to
CNN reported a letter
by former U.S. Senate
aide Jesse Ryan Loskarn,
who recently commited
suicide, explained why he
watched child porn. Loskarn
said he felt connected with
the films because he was sex-
ually abused as a child.
Daily Arts takes an in-
depth look at the Uni-
versity's unique co-op
food culture by visiting
local kitchens. A new per-
formance arts minor is also
After about 3 inches of
snowfall, massive sec-
tions of Atlanta have
been shut down as driv-
ers attempt to adapt to icy
driving conditions. Gridlock
has shut down businesses
and caused people to stay the
night in their cars.
Katie Burke ManagingEditor kgburke@michigandaily.com
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The Michigan Daily (ssN 0e45-96) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
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Winter term ( panuarythrough Aprl is ,ye a g Se r m through Apri) si s u niversity affiliates
e uce pe.O-mpusbiptions frfal term are 3s Sbscriptionsm est
be prepad The Michigan Daly is a memberof The Assoiated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.
Research shows ACA will
boost lower-class incomes
New healthcare laws
will result in minor
wealth redistribution
Maybe the health care law was
about wealth transfer, after all.
New research shows that the
Affordable Care Act will sig-
nificantly boost the economic
fortunes of those in the bottom
one-fifth of the income ladder
while slightly reducing average
incomes on the rungs above.
Economists at the nonpar-
tisan Brookings Institution, a
Washington public policy cen-
ter, found an average increase of
about 6 percent in the incomes
of the poorest 20 percent of the
United States, meaning those
making below approximately
$20,600 a year.
The study used a broad defi-
nition of income that counts
the value of health insurance,
WHAT IS YOURfavorite.
which is not normally measured
by Census Bureau income statis-
Changing the distribution of
incomes was not a stated objec-
tive of the health care law, co-
authors Henry Aaron and Gary
Burtless wrote. "Nonetheless,
the ACA may do more to change
the income distribution than
any other recently enacted law."
"This is certainly a very big
deal for the income distribu-
tion of the United States," Burt-
less said. "If you are raising the
incomes of the people in the bot-
tom fifth by 6 percent, then we
are talking about a big change."
A leading economic adviser to
Republicans said he agrees with
the broad findings.
"This was always portrayed as
a health reform, not a big redis-
tribution policy, but it turns out
they are the same thing," said
Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president
of the American Action Forum,
a center-right public policy
That could mean the health
care law may one day be seen as
President Barack Obama's big-
gest legacy to the poor, not just
the uninsured. The two groups
often overlap, but not always.
Major programs such as
Social Security, Medicare and
Medicaid redistribute income
in various ways: from workers
to retirees and disabled people;
from wealthier people to those
of more modest means; and
from younger people to older
Americans describe such pro-
grams as "social insurance," or
the "safety net."
Burtless said the Brookings
researchers used a large gov-
ernment survey of more than
60,000 people. They developed
a measure of income that includ-
ed not only categories such as
wages, rents and investments,
but also the value of health
insurance benefits, whether
provided by an employer or
obtained through a government
A python is is prepared for transport Wednesday Jan. 29 in Santa Ana, Calif., at the home of William Buchman. Buch-
man has been arrested for investigation of neglect in the care of animals.
California teacher's stench-
i1led home tips off police
Teacher's snake-
filled home part of
an 'enterprise'
SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP)
- A California schoolteacher
was arrested Wednesday after
hundreds of living and dead
pythons in plastic bins were
found stacked floor to ceiling
inside his stench-filled home in
suburban Orange County.
As investigators wearing
respirator masks carried the
reptiles out of the house and
stacked them in the driveway,
reporters and passers-by gagged
at the smell. Some held their
noses or walked away from the
five-bedroom home to get a
breath of air.
"The smell alone - I feel like
I need to take a shower for a
week," said police Cpl. Anthony
Bertagna. "They're pretty much
in all the bedrooms - every-
Officers found as many as
400 snakes, as well as numerous
mice and rats, in the Santa Ana
home of William Buchman after
neighbors complained about
the smell. He was arrested for
investigation of neglect in the
care of animals, Bertagna said.
Buchman, 53, was still incus-
todyWednesdayafternoon, Ber-
tagna said. The Newport-Mesa
Unified School District, where
he works, declined comment,
saying it was a police matter.
Buchman has not yet had a
court appearance or been for-
mally charged and it wasn't
clear if he had an attorney.
Authorities said he lived
alone, and neighbors said his
mother, who had lived with him,
had passed away within the past
few years.
Sondra Berg, the supervi-
sor for the Santa Ana Police
Department's Animal Services
Division, said four bedrooms
in the home were stacked from
floor to ceiling and wall to wall
with plastic bins on wooden
and metal racks. The bins were
packed so tightly, Berg said, that
they didn't require lids because
there was no room for the
snakes to slither out.
Each snake was catalogued
by name and type, and Berg said
Buchman told authorities he
was involved in a snake-breed-
ing enterprise.
"House of Horrors: That's
the best way to describe it,"
Berg said of the house. "I mean
there's so many dead snakes ...
ranging from dead for months
to just dead. There's an infes-
tation of rats and mice all over
the house. There are rats and
mice in plastic storage tubs that
are actually cannibalizing each
Some of the snakes were little
more than skeletons. Others,
only recently dead, were cov-
ered with flies and maggots.
Next-door neighbor For-
est Long Sr. said he has known
Buchman for years, adding the
men had once been friendly, get-
ting together to watch sports on
But he noticed a change in his
neighbor about a year ago, he
said, adding Buchman stopped
coming around and, when he
did, he appeared to have gained
a good deal of weight.
"Something changed in Bill,
yes it did," he said. "Something
triggered it because I couldn't
even think that that was going
The odor from the house,
meanwhile, became unbearable
about five months ago.
"It got so bad as to where my
wife would throw up," Long
said. "She'd get out of the car
and run into the house."