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April 17, 2014 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-04-17

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Thursday, April 17, 2014 - 5A

The Michigan Daily's 2014 Finals Study Guide

Bring the fun back
to college campuses


WeekendRoundup Editor
Dear Reader,
As you may or may not know,
the Weekend Roundup is a news
section of The Daily created this
semester to inform the campus
community of all of the amaz-
ing events that take place here
at the University each weekend,
as well as provide entertaining
columns and fun features for
students to consume when they
aren't looking for something su-
per serious. Whether or not it
but hopefully, this section will
only continue to expand and
improve in the future (and sug-
gestions are always welcome).
I've been an advocate for
this section because I believe it
fills an important hole not only
in the Daily, but on campus as
well: Students need fun. And
while I'll be the first to tout
the importance of hard news,
expert sources and in-depth
reporting, sometimes students
just need a break from that.
Tuesday, Slate published
a thought-provoking piece, at
least for all of us high-achieving
University students, entitled
"The Sad Demise of Collegiate
Fun." In it, author Rebecca
Schuman laments the loss of
fun and freedom that college
students once. enjoyed, before
you were considered a slacker
if you weren't receiving con-
current MBAs and P.h.Ds or

founding your own company. grades and your future, it
I nodded my head through- doesn't work that way. When
out the article, remembering all forgetting to submit one forum
of the times I gave up beautiful response on CTools can mean
spring days in the Arb and wine dropping from an "A" toa "B" in
nights with my roommates be- a class, there doesn't seem to be
cause there was an assignment I alot of room to make mistakes.
just had to finish - lest my grade This semester, I think I actu-
in a class, and therefore my en- ally allowed myself less "me"
tireGPAandfuture,bedestroyed time than in the past, promising
for one stress-free hour of fun. that I would make it up to my-
I thought back to all of the self in the three weeks between
texts from my parents, asking graduation and the start of my
what shenanigans I was get- new job. Any time I wasn't
ting into over the weekend. I working on an assignment or
usually laughed and sent back searching for a job or com-
a snarky response about all of pleting a task on my ever-ex-
the studying I had to do, and panding to-do list, I felt guilty.
how great it must be to be an Of course I regret it now.
adult with zero responsibilities. And I hope that other stu-
What, you think college is fun? dents really are just having
Don't get me wrong, I've had fun in college. For the fresh-
an amazing time in Ann Arbor, man, sophomores and even ju-
and I've checked a lot of tasks niors, you have so much time
off of my college bucket list. I've left here - don't waste it in the
met amazing people, attended UGLi. So far in my job seeking
inspiring performances and process, not a single employ-
speeches and took the occasion- er has asked me for my GPA.
al weekend off from working I know it's unrealistic to ex-
(please don't tell my professors). pect that this article will cause
I even made a pact with some sort of campus-wide
myself at the beginning of this epiphany, as if you weren't
semester, my last semester, to well-aware of the pressures
care less about class and care you face and the personal time
more about my relationships, you lack. But what I hope it in-
extracurriculars and "me" spires in at least a few people
time. When else would I be is that they take a look at all of
able to do whatever I wanted the events we highlight each
without the pressures of the week in the Weekend Roundup
real world crashing in on me? and find one that appeals to
But as many students can them - and actually go do it.
attest to, no matter how much You may miss one question
you promise yourself you're on the exam, but I can guar-
just going to stop caring about antee you it will be worth it.

Students pet therapy dogs in the Diag on Wednesday, April 16,2014.
MGo Study
"Feeding campus squirrels is calming
and may increase your final grade by
38%. #empiricalsquirrel #MGoStudy"
"#MGoStudy I always listen to Dem
Franchize Boyz on repeat while
studying for EECS 381 #LeanWitlt
"All Taylor Swift all the time while
studying for finals #MGoStudy"

T ,4
"Neighbors" advanced
7 p.m.
State Theater
14th Annual Latin@
Culture Show
7 p.m.
Mendelssohn Theatre
Green Opera Project
7:30 p.m.
Stamps Auditorium
Thursday Night Live and
Kol HaKovod concert
7:30 p.m.
Free EDM concert
4-7 p.m.
Achievement in the Arts
awards show
8 p.m.
Mendelssohn Theatre
Salto Dance Company
4 to 6 p.m.
Mendelssohn Theatre
Softball vs. No 12
7:00 p.m.
Wilpon Complex

Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest and most widely recognized scholarly honorary society in America. Founded in 1776 at the College of William and Mary, it celebrates
excellence in the liberal arts and sciences. The UM chapter, Alpha of Michigan, was founded in 1907 and inducted its hundred and sixth class into membership on
April 13, 2014. An invitation to join Phi Beta Kappa requires a history of impecable academic performance that reflects not only grades but breadth and depth of
intellectual engagement. Membership as a junior requires an almost perfect record. The Executive Committee of the Alpha of Michigan Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa
recognizes and congratulates the new members of this venerable society.

Monica S. Arkin
Jessica Ann Begley
Sarah Nicole Blegen
Paige Annalise Bommarito
Xing Dong Chen
Cathy Yee Chow
Eli Joseph Cornblath
Julie Angelica Cruz
Julia Lorenson Adams
Niki Aggarwal
Neal Patrick Anderson
Matthew Thomas Andonian
Jennifer Nicole Angell
Audrey Kay Armitage
Ramya Reddy Baddigam
Stephanie Grace Bahorski
Megan Leila Baker
Zoe Ariella Balaban-Feld
Raanan Shabtai Barach
Lauren Margret Beck
Lorela Berisha
Allie Bery
Alexis Catherine Biaggi
Alexander Donald Blaty
Sara Renee Blumenthal
Julia Margaret Braid
Cara Rose Brennan
Katherine Brill
Daniel Fletcher Brown
David John Bruce
Meredith Charlene Buck
Rachel Marianne Cash
Renjie Chen
J. Amdlie Chenet-Smith
Jordan Rae Chick
Peter M. Chutcharavan
Cameryn Cecile Clark
Ali Rae Cohen
Kevin William Collon
Erin Shea Corrigan
Hannah Rose Cottrell
Samantha Marie Cunningham
Katherine Darr
Adam Daniel Davidson
Andrea Maria Davila
Joshua Dean
Peter Mitchell DeJonge
Diana Regina Dodge
Michael Walter Dolot
Hailey Dotterer

Sara Elizabeth Drlik
Julia Sarah Feldman
Evan Jacob Field
Elizabeth Rose Gorson
Timothy Leif Helland
Nirbhay Suman Jain
Anne Helen Kalinowski
Saabir Bashir Kaskar
Timothy Doyle
Taylor Kuren Drexinger
Rebecca Ariel Dyckman
Kelsey Mae Ehnle
Benjamin Matthew Eilender
Zachary John Esposito
Katarina Danielle Evans
Eliana Danielle Fenyes
Peter Charles Fielek
Ben Robert Fine
Daisy Ann Finley
Adam Gregory Fisher
Makenzie Braid Flynn
Edward Joel Fox
Amy Lauren Friedman
Calum Fullarton Galt
Eleanor Anna Gamalski
Elise Grace Ghattas
Maia Joy Gleason
Sarah Elizabeth Godwin
Haley Slone Goldberg
Danielle Goldstein
Molly Colleen White Gordon
Grace Morrison Goudiss
Natalie Elizabeth Graves
Erin Gray
Erin Jane Greer
Renee Lia Gross
Katherine Sophia Hacala
Sean Robert Hacker
Mikel David Haggadone
Mariam S. Hamid
Joseph J. Han
Erik Grant Hanson
Sarah Kolin Harper
Amy Hassan
Zoe Wilson Hawks
Zachary Daniel Helfand
Amy Z. Henson
Nicole Castor Hess
Michael Henry Ho
Michael Hu

Yeo Won Kim
Jacob Douglas Light
Aroosa Mushtaq Malik
Allison Leigh Moody
Amanda Marie Morrison
Christina Grace Na
Bardia Nadim
Kirtana Ramadugu

Jessica Leigh Schroeder
Haley Lorraine Soshnick
Gladys Tan
Matthew Alan Thimm
Carolyn Tong Zhao
Alisa Rose Zoltowski

Jiaxin Huang
Claire Zelda Jaffe
Gayatri Jainagaraj
Monica Jean Janke
Nikhil Sanjay Jethwani
Joyce Sunny Jib
Rayyan N. Kadi
Maxwell Graham Kahn
Michelle Dana Kappy
Andrea Elizabeth Kapustka
Laura Elyse Katsnelson
Kaitlin Ann Keane
Katherine Suzanne Keller
Elizabeth Anne Kennedy
Yeun Joo Kim
Adam Ryan Kleven
Jeanne Marie Kochkodan
Jessica Michelle Koolick
Lucille Hirsch Krebsbach
David James Laczynski
Oliver Lam
Karen Ariella Layani
Cindy Lee
Juhee Lee
Michael Henry Lerner
Mollie Lesser
Melissa Irene Levin
Lindsey Cara Levinson
Alexa Lynn Levitz
Sarah Jean Lewis-Crow
Baihan Li
Mona Li
Francis Xavier Liesman III
Mengyao Liu
Gina Michele Lucchesi
Erika Morgan Lutins
Sean Marinelli
Meredith Martz
Caitlin Margaret Miller
Allison Mischel
Kyle David Moored
Lorna Mae Mosher

Avielle Yedida Movsas
Kelsey Ann Mozola
Ayui Louise Murata
Rohit Nallani
Natasha Hope Nanus
Kristen Ann Nelson
Michael Robert Nevitt
Kaia Rose Olson
Maggie Elizabeth O'Reilly
Salvatore James Parenti III
Rujul Harshadkumar Parikh
Neil Dinesh Patel
Maria Chrisa Pliakas
Kristine Elizabeth Pollock
Michael Rozman Proppe
Jennifer Lynn Prouty
Alyson Dena Raphael
Kari Lynne Rea
Erica Courtney Reich
Brady Lloyd Rennell
Emily Nicole Richards
Judith Lois Rontal
Holly Elaine Roseborough
Karin Elisabeth Roszell
Taylor Sloan Rothman
Hasan Hunaid Safiuddin
Hayley Samantha Sakwa
Anthony Joseph Sanna
Ariel Shalev
Elizabeth Grace Shutty
Zachary Phillip Siegel
Jason P. Singh
Koral Christine Skeen
Karinne Marie Smolenyak
Colleen Mary Smythe
Ryan Ashraf Soheim
Katherine Anderson Sommer
Zoe Rachel Stahl
Lindsay Brooke Steckler
Katherine Elizabeth Steen
Kylie Elizabeth Steenbergh

Raymond John Strobel
Aashna Sunderrajan
Gia Lorretta Tammone
Matthew Anthony Tanzer
Madeleine Laurel Tayer
Rachel Ann Terry
Patrick Kyle Tierney
Courtney Brynn Tipton
Michael Robert Toner
Julia Tsinberg
Andrew Nicholas Tuck
Eva Jean Tulchinsky
Kyle Francis Twadelle
Sophia Catherine Usow
Emily Jeanne Vandusen
Christine Nicole Vanek
Elizabeth Florence Vanwieren
Subhashini Janani
Catherine Eve Vogt
Xiao Wang
Nicholas John Wasylyshyn
Ruth Wen-Ching Wei
Abby Renee Weinstein
Kevin Matthew Weiss
Adam Joshua Werther
Christopher Daniel Whalen
Kaidi Wu
Michael Kuan Hua Wu
Lo-Han Mollie Yuan
Kevin Juan Zhang

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