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March 31, 2014 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-03-31

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Monday March 31, 2014 - 3A

From Page 1A
that entire party is immediately
removed from the election.
Social Work student Steven
Richards, a FORUM legislative
candidate, filed a similar suit last
week against the Defend Affirma-
tive Action Party, citing e-mail
use violations. The UEC found
DAAP not guilty on the basis that
the sender of the e-mail in ques-
tion was not proven to be officially
affiliated with DAAP campaign-
ing. The main evidence FORUM
was able to provide against the
defendant was that the sender of
the e-mail was a close friend of a
DAAP member.
The complaints against
FORUM, the Party Party and the
House of Cards Party regard-
ing campaign finances would not
From Page 1A
Another offering, the Finish
1.2 Mile, provided participants
who want to finish a marathon
but may not have the stamina or
ability to finish it in a single day,
the opportunity to complete the
From Page 1A
The sophomore guard had
the reins to the offense. He kept
the Wolverines in the game with
an explosive first half and used
his court vision to find chances
for teammates in the second.
He finished with 24 points, but
that couldn't stop Julius Randle,
Dakari Johnson, Alex Poythress
and Marcus Lee.
"It's never easy, especially when
they get a decent amount of post
touches," said redshirt junior cen-
ter Jon Horford. "They kept feed-
ing them and feedingand feeding."
The four Kentuckybig men com-
bined for 42 points and dominated
Michigan on the boards and in the
paintcthroughout the second half.
The four posedsize mismatches
for Michigan, prompting Beilein
to move into a 1-3-1 zone defense
early in the second half. The
switch didn't make much of a dif-
ference, though, as Kentucky con-
tinued its assault on the boards.
The Wildcats collected 17 offen-
sive rebounds and 35 total com-
pared to Michigan's 24.
The Wolverines handled Ken-
tucky's size respectably in half-
court sets, but once the shot was
up, Michigan was in trouble. Per-
sistence on the glass helped Ken-
tucky coach John Calipari's team
neutralize Michigan's talent on the
perimeter. The Wolverines were
limited to a shot each possession,
while the Wildcats were present-
ed the luxury with two or three

affect election results as drasti-
cally as the e-mail violation, but
percentages of total votes may still
be deducted from each party.
Fernandez is calling for four
demerits to be assigned to each
party in question for campaign
finance violations. Each demerit
results in a 3-percent deduction of
total votes. If found guilty by the
UEC, FORUM, the Party Party
and House of Cards Party will
each have 12 percent of their total
votes deducted.
Each party in question did not
provide receipts for its campaign
funding, an infraction outlined in
the election code. The campaign
disclosure forms list each party's
expenditures, yet at the close of
campaigning, no receipts were
published. The receipts would
verify those expenditures.
Nine expenditures by FORUM,
four by the Party Party and four
first 25 miles during the months
leading up to the marathon date.
These runners logged their miles
and completed the final 1.2 miles
on Sunday.
Northfolk, Virginia resident
Ramiro Bravo, one of the par-
ticipants, said he is currently
attempting to run half-marathons
in all 50 states. He resolved in 2012
to finish the Chicago Marathon,
but Bravo said he hated running
attempts per trip down the floor.
"Whether they were tipping it in
or tipping it back, they were really
doing a good job just keeping it alive
on offense," said fifth-year senior
Jordan Morgan, who found himself
in foultrouble for much ofthe game.
The teams traded blows early,
each using its bestasset to sock the
other. Stauskas foundhimselfwith
plenty of space to operate, and he
alone provided Michigan's fire-
power in the first half. He made his
first three shots to give the Wol-
verines a quick 10 points before
taking his game to the rim. He fin-
ished the half with 18 points.
Kentuckyused its long and leap-
ing size to attack Michigan with
finishes on either side of the bas-
ket. The surprise was that it was
Lee and not Randle responsible for
the damage early on. Lee, who's
averaged 2.1 points per game this
season, scored 10 points in the first_
half. He made five shots, all within
a foot of the rim, to help the Wild-
cats erase a 32-22 Michigan lead to
force a 37-37 tie at halftime.
"You can see the size disad-
vantage was obvious out there,"
Beilein said. "But we still felt we
could finda way to win with a few
other breaks."
Michigan was able to create
opportunities late in the shot clock
and stayed within arm's reach of
John Calipari's team in the final
minutes. Twice, the Wildcats tried
to break away from Michigan in
the half - right out of the halftime
break and again with seven min-
utes remaining. They held a 62-55
advantage with 6:31 to play, but
Michigan had plenty in the tank.

by the House of Cards Party,
are unaccounted for by receipts.
Make Michigan claims that since
such spending is outlined in the
list of expenditures, the failure to
provide corresponding receipts is
in violation of the election code.
The recent complaints that
are delaying the release of offi-
cial election results have already
received comment via social
media. The Party Party and Make
Michigan both officially acknowl-
edged the conflict on Twitter late
Saturday evening.
"A hotdog costume $18 / A
rhythmic gymnastics wand $7 /
Iron on t shirts $100 dollars / @
MakeMichigan filing a suit about
our expenses: Priceless," read a
tweet by the official Party Party
Twitter account, @umpartyparty.
@MakeMichigan, the official
account of Make Michigan, favor-
ited the tweet.
the full26.2 miles, and is now run-
ning only half-marathons.
He's ran in 11 states so far, and
Ann Arbor has been one of the
more pleasant experiences for him.
"The only bad part from a run-
ning aspect was the roads being
as bad as they are," Bravo said.
"Other than that, it was nice, sce-
nic and well put together. It seems
like a pretty good community here
in Ann Arbor."
Giving Kentucky a taste of
its own medicine, the Wolver-
ines scrapped for three offensive
rebounds in their final possession
of the season with under a minute
left, culminating in a Morganlayup
to tie the game, 72-72.
A possession later, it was over.
"It was the most fun I've ever had
playing in a basketball game," said
sophomore forward Glenn Robinson
Michigan had won its last nine
or less,butthe good fortune ran out.
"That's basketball. Sometimes that
ball'sgonnago in for you, sometimes it
canhurtyouandgoinfor them,"Rob-
insonsaid. "Ijustlookbackonbeating
Purdue when I hit the buzzer-beater
and we were on the other end ofit and
how excited we were. Thatwas them
Along with Morgan, Lucas Oil Sta-
dium on Sunday aftmroon my have
seen the swan songofsome of Michi-
gan'sgreatest talents.
The loss brings about the next
phase in the Michigan basketball
yearly cycle. Stauskas, Robinson and
sophomore forward Mitch McGary
will all be wooed by the NBA, and
they'll make their decisions in the
After being eliminated, Beilein
reflected on coaching one of his most
"It was so maintenance-free," he
said. "There wasn't drama. There
was just 'Coach, we're here to go to
It was what I think coaches
really get into coaching for, to have"
that opportunity to coach a team
like this."

The White House announced Friday that President Barack Obama will visit Ann Arbor Wednesday to discuss raising
the minimum wage. Above, President Obama gave a speech in Bowling Green, Ohio on September 26, 2012.
Obama to discuss min.
wage at 'U' Wednesday

Presidents stop House, confirmed the president
will be visiting Ann Arbor, add-
in Ann Arbor will ing that further details will be
made available over the next few
be his second in days.
University spokesman Rick
Michigan since Feb. Fitzgerald could not confirm
final plans for the visit but said
By SAM GRINGLAS the White House is exploring
Daily News Editor potential locations on campus
to house the event. It has not yet
President Barack Obama will been determined whether the
visit Ann Arbor Wednesday to event will occur on campus or
gather support for his campaign at another location in the city of
to increase the federal minimum Ann Arbor.
wage, The Detroit Free Press University Police could not
reported Friday. confirm the plans, but said simi-
Keith Maley, regional commu- lar events require White House
nications director for the White advance teams to explore a vari-
event. Afterward, attendees
AWA RENESS were given 30 minutes to walk in
From Page 2A Palmer Field.
Kelley Coleman, a community
followed by a recovery-based member who had struggled with
yoga session hosted by Inner an eating disorder, gave the clos-
Door Center, a sponsor of the ing remarks at the NEDA Walk.

ety of venue options and work
with the University to formulate
a security plan.
Obama has visited the Univer-
sity twice during his presidency.
In 2010, he spoke to graduates at
Michigan Stadium as the Uni-
versity's Spring Commence-
ment speaker. In January 2012,
Obama delivered a speech at the
Al Glick Field House in which he
announced multiple proposals to
address financial aid for higher
Last month, Obama traveled
to East Lansing to sign the farm
bill, a legislation largely guided
by Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-
"You can live a life free from
the grasps of an eating disorder.
Your mind, body and soul can be
healed. Your thoughts and your
heart can be mended," Coleman
said. "I'm standing in front of
you because I'm living proof."


Ben & Jerry's chair talks
company's beginnings

Jeff Furman
discusses social
responsiblity of
his business
Daily StaffReporter
Despite 40-degree weather and
cloudy skies, more than 200 peo-
ple went to Rackham Auditorium
Friday afternoon for free Ben and
Jerry's ice cream - and a talk from
one of the men who started it all.
Jeff Furman, chairman of the
board of directors of Ben & Jerry's
Ice Cream, discussed the compa-
ny's socially responsible business
practices and its evolution from its
humble beginning. The difficulty
of making profits while focus-
ing on social justice led to both
growth and difficulties, culmi-
nating in the sale of the company
almost 14 years ago to Unilever,
a consumer goods company that
owns more than 400 brands.
The School of Information
sponsored the event with sup-
port from Innovate Blue, the Ross
School of Business and Innovation
and Social Entrepreneurship at
the School of Public Health. The

event included free Ben & Jerry's
ice cream and a signing ofthe book
"Ice Cream Social: The Struggle
for the Soul of Ben and Jerry's."
Furman, who has been chair-
man of the board of directors since
2010, helped found the company's
first location in 1978. It now has
more than 600 locations across
the globe, including a franchise on
South State Street inAnn Arbor.
"The struggle to maintain our
identity has always been a difficult
thing for us," he said.
The company has a three-part
mission focused on quality prod-
ucts, strong profits and social jus-
tice. Furman spoke extensively
about the company's actions to
support a variety of causes. Ben &
Jerry's shuns the use of genetically
modified organisms in its products
and uses fair trade ingredients as
often as possible, Furman said.
"To put it simply, we believe that
businesses must actively lead in
global solutions or there may never
be global solutions," Furman said.
"We must challenge the status quo."
In 2010, the company faced criti-
cism from a Washington-based
watchdog group, the Center for
Science in the Public Interest, for
marketing its ice cream as "all-
The criticism stemmed from the

use of chemically modified ingre-
dients, such as alkalized cocoa and
corn syrup. The company does use
cage-free eggs and dairy without
bovine growth hormones, but nev-
ertheless removed the "all-natural"
"We have decided to remove
these claims and focus more
strongly on our other core values,"
said CEO Jostein Solheim wrote in
a letter to CSPL
Ben & Jerry's pays hourly
employees more than double most
states' minimum wage, and until
the company was acquired by
Unilever, the company limited its
CEO's pay to 17 times what a nor-
mal full-time worker in a store
would make.
"People can't live on $7.40 an
hour," Furman said. "We do not
treat people as transactions but
rather as individuals."
LSA sophomore Maddie Jursek
attended the event because she is
interested in social responsibility
in business.
"I'm interested in hearing about
how corporations are dealing
with changes ahead of us like cli-
mate change, poverty and similar
causes," Jursek said. "I thought it
was interesting to hear from a com-
pany that was so socially respon-

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