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March 31, 2014 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-03-31

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2A - Monday, March 31, 2014

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
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Students protest new policy
39 years ago (April 1, 1975) 30 years ago (April 7,1984) the code's implementation.

Several teaching assistants
in the German Department
made claims of discrimination
in connection with summer hir-
ing for the department. The 10
TAs, who all participated in a
Graduate Employees Organiza-
tion strike three weeks earlier,
were rejected across the board
for summer positions. The nine
individuals who were chosen for
the posts did not participate in
the strike.
Valentine Hubbs, the chair-
man of the department, said he
passed over the TAs because he
made the appointments during
the first week of the strike, when
they weren't in their offices.

Students strung yarn,
campus and skipped class i
test of the implementation
non-academic code, which
allow the University to di
punish students involved h
academic crimes such as ar
vandalism. Previously, th
versity had jurisdiction ove
academic behavior.
LSA junior Molly Adam
of the protesters, told the
that the protest was import
raise student awareness, t
she acknowledged that a
part of the student popu
did not participate in the pi
She added that studenta
would be a significant fac

across 11 years ago (April 1, 2003)
n pro-
of the The U.S. Supreme Court heard
would arguments in two lawsuits filed
irectly against the University's race-
n non- conscious admissions policies.
son or The lawsuits, Grutter v. Bol-
e Uni- linger and Gratz v. Bollinger,
er only addressed the policies of the Law
School and LSA, respectively.
s, one Jennifer Gratz, a plaintiff, said
Daily all she and the two other plain-
tant to tiffs wanted was equal treat-
hough ment, regardless of race.
large "That's what the Constitution
lation requires, and that's what we'll
rotest. ask the Supreme Court to reaf-
apathy firm tomorrow," she said.
History lecture Diplom

734-418-4115 opt.3
Arts Section
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News Tips
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Students throw colored powder at the Holi color tag
on the Diag Sunday. Holi is a festival that signifies
the arrival of spring with roots in Hinduism.

THE W! maw".:
""ON EB-- 66' d,
' 7

EUC cases
FORUM and Make
Michigan were both
found not guilty of
violating campaign rules
by the University Election
Commission late Friday
night. However, UEC
issued LSA freshman Josh
Podell, a FORUM legislative
candidate, three demerits.
Son Lux
Son Lux, with opener
Leverage Models, performed
electronic music to a small
crowd at the Magic Stick
in Detroit. Harwood's
experience waiting for the
main act to take the stage
comprised bowling and
tweeting at the lead singer
after hearing that he had
pizza backstage.

Wu-Tang Clan
Bajgoric explores
rap's role in the world of
art following Wu-Tang
Clan's announcement
that their new album will
not be available digitally.
Their website says mass
production devalues music
and cheapens its artistic
Obama in A2
President Barack Obama
will visit Ann Arbor
Wednesdayto gather support
for his campaign to increase
the federal minimum wage.
University spokesman Rick
Fitzgerald said the White
House is exploring potential
Read morefrom these
blogs at michigandaily.com

WHAT: Historian Vladimir
Tikhonov will discuss the
history of Japanese and
Korean intermarriage in
early colonial Korea and
WHO: Nam Center for
Korean Studies
WHEN: Today from 4-5:30
WHERE: School of Social
Work. Room 1636
Service abroad
WHAT: Peace Corps
Co-founder Harris Wofford
will discuss why doing
a year of service abroad
functions as an important
rite of passage for students.
WHO: Center for
International and
Comparative Law
WHEN: Today from 4:15-
5:15 p.m.
WHERE: Hutchins Hall,
Room 116

WHAT: Former State
Department official Richard
Boucher will discuss new
avenues for diplomacy in
the modern world.
WHO: Ford School of
Public Policy
WHEN: Today, 4-5:30 p.m.
WHERE: Weill Hall,
Annenberg Auditorium
Mr. Greek
WHAT: Male members
of campus fraternities will
compete for the title of Mr.
Greek, as part of Greek
WHO: Michigan Union
Ticket Office
WHEN: Today at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Power Center
" Please report any
error in the Daily to

A magnitude-5.1
earthquake hit Los
Angeles Friday night, The
Los Angeles Times reported.
About 50 p eople were
displaced and several others
suffered minor injuries in a
resulting rockslide in Carbon
Connor Jaeger and
Dylan Bosch of
the Michigan men's
swimming team won NCAA
titles in their respective
events. This is Bosch's first
title and Jaeger's second. >
Same-sex marriage
was legalized in both
England and Wales
Saturday at midnight, the
Daily Beast reported. The
first marriage was held in
Camden, North London,
and was presided over by
Camden's mayor.

Katie Burke ManagingEditor kgburke@michigandaily.com
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967)tis published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
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RHA encourges students
to join'allyhood' in event

'Becoming an Ally'
closes series of
diversity events
hosted by the group
Daily StaffReporter
Students gathered Sunday
in Couzens Residence Hall to
learn about the importance of
allies and allyhood as part of
the Residence Hall Associa-
tion's event titled "Becoming
an Ally: The Basics of Under-
standing Diversity."
Event leaders described
allyhood as important in sup-
porting and diversifying voic-
es of oppressed groups. Allies
are typically members of a
group perceived to be privi-
leged or dominant in society.
LSA sophomore Drew
Walker, chair of the RHA

Committee for a Diverse and
Welcoming Community, said
her goal for the event was for
people to learn something new
and feel inspired to help peo-
ple in marginalized groups.
Walker added that though
the University is a diverse cam-
pus, diversity and the presence
of minority students has dwin-
dled since the 2006 state ban
on affirmative action.
The event was the fourth
and final in a series of diver-
sity events hosted by RHA this
year. Other events included
discussions about cultural
appropriation and feminism
in Miley Cyrus' new image
and the portrayal of women
in Disney movies, as well as a
screening of the movie "42" for
Black History Month.
Walker said she hopes these
events change the way stu-
dents view the RHA.
"People have this image that
RHA is just a funding source,"

Walker said. "But we have a lot
of strength on campus ... and
can be really beneficial to peo-
ple living in residence halls."
Participants discussed priv-
ilege and how identities affect
different situations. In groups,
students were randomly
assigned an identity such as
Muslim, obese, light-skinned,
middle-class, blind or physi-
cally disabled. Students were
asked to consider how these
identities would affect them
in certain situations, such as
when applying to a corporate
level job or how they would act
at a frat party.
LSA junior Emily Paull said
this activity made her think
more about what others with
different identities might face,
particularly those with learn-
ing disabilities.
"At Michigan, there is such
a strong environment of com-
petition, people are so focused
on getting the grade and hav-
ing the GPA," Paull said. "Peo-
ple don't stop and think about
people who have a learning
Paull said an understanding
of allyhood is critical to cel-
ebrate the diversity that exists
on campus.
Walker said people usually
think of an ally as an LGBTQ
ally, but she thinks the defini-
tion of allyhood is broader.
"I think an ally can be in any
form, if you're in a minority, a
female or someone with a dis-
ability," Walker said. "Even
just a plain old friend is an
You're not

vici LIU/Daily
Participants of the Martha Cook National Eating Disorder Awareness walk practice recovery based therapy in the multipur-
pose rooms of Couzens Hall Saturday.
Martha Cook walk firndraises

$15k to fig
Nearly a fifth of
screen positive for
an eating disorder
Daily StaffReporter
On Saturday, approximately
200 students and faculty mem-
bers gathered to raise nearly
$15,000 for a variety of Nation-
al Eating Disorder Association
The walk's goal was to also
facilitate open conversation
about the prevalence of eating
disorders and raise awareness
of the disease. Beneficiaries
of the event include the Feed-
ing Hope Fund for Clinical
Research & Training, National
Eating Disorder Awareness
Week and Proud2Bme, an
online teen community that
promotes a healthy view of self-
NEDA is a nonprofit organi-
zation dedicated to preventing
eating disorders as well as help-
ing those with eating disorders.
NEDA has previously organized

ht eating disorders

walks in other states such as
Arizona, Ohio and Pennsylva-
nia. The walk held in Ann Arbor
was the first of its kind held in
Though organizers planned
to hold the event in the Nich-
ols Arboretum, icy condi-
tions forced them to relocate
the majority of the event to
Couzens Residence Hall. Par-
ticipants completed the walk at
Palmer Field.
LSA junior Michelle Zaydlin
helped bring the NEDA Walk
to Ann Arbor. As the service
chairwoman in the Martha
Cook Building, Zaydlin orga-
nizes service projects for the
residence hail. After she con-
tacted NEDA, with the support
of the organization and the
Martha Cook service commit-
tee, the first Michigan NEDA
Walk was created.
"I have seen the impact of
eating disorders personally
and living in a building of 140
women we see a lot of issues
surrounding body image and
disordered eating," Zaydlin
wrote in an e-mail. "By having
this event on campus we allow
students to easily attend and
learn about the impact of eating

disorders and what resources
are available."
Among attendees included
members of student organiza-
tions such as the University's
chapter of Psi Chi, a psychology
honors society.
According to a study con-
ducted by U-SHAPE at the
University, 27.8 percent of
female undergraduates and 11.8
percent of male undergradu-
ates on campus screened posi-
tive for an eating disorder. For
graduate students, 21.5 percent
of females and 10.3 percent of
males also screened positive.
"These diseases often bring
with it shame, guilt and silence.
Yet, today we are here to fight
the stigma and help support eat-
ing disorder awareness, treat-
ment and research,"Zaydlin
said at the beginning of the
She showed a video montage
detailing the stories of many
men and women in the commu-
nity who have struggled with
eating disorders. Zaydlin con-
cluded her opening remarks by
discussing her own experience
with an eating disorder.
The opening remarks were


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