The Michigan Daily -
Friday, September 6, 2013 - 3A
Prof. tells students
'raped' U.S.
An award-winning novelist
who told students that Republi-
cans have "raped this country"
lost his fall teaching assignments
at Michigan State University after
acknowledging the remarks were
offensive, the school said Thurs-
William Penn, whose writings
often focus on his American Indi-
an heritage, welcomed his stu-
dents last week with an attack on
Republicans as cheap, greedy and
old. His remarks were captured
on video by a student and posted
online by Campus Reform, which
is affiliated with the Leadership
Institute, a conservative group
based in Arlington, Va.
Penn met with his bosses and
"acknowledged that some of his
comments were inappropriate,
disrespectful and offensive and
may have negatively affected the
learning environment," Michi-
gan State spokesman Kent Cas-
sella said.
SAN JOSE, Calif.
Google claims
e-mail scanning
S practice is legal
Google's attorneys say their
long-running practice of elec-
tronically scanning the contents
of people's Gmail accounts to help
sell ads is legal, and have asked a
federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit
that seeks to stop the practice.
In a federal court hearing
Thursday in San Jose, Google
argued that "all users of email
must necessarily expect that their
emails will be subject to automat-
ed processing."
The lawsuit, filed on behalf of
10 individuals, is expected to be
certified as a class action and is
widely seen as a precedent-setting
case for other email providers.
KABUL, Afghanistan
Indian author
murdered by
Islamic militants
An Indian woman whose mem-
oir about life under Taliban rule
was turned into a Bollywood
movie was shot dead Thursday
by suspected members of the
Islamist militia, officials said.
The killing of Sushmita Baner-
jee was the latest in a string of
attacks on prominent women
in Afghanistan, adding to fears
women's rights in a country
where many are barely allowed
outside the house will face set-
backs after U.S.-led foreign forces
fully withdraw in 2014.
The militants arrived before
dawn at Banerjee's residence in
eastern Paktika province, which
lies in Afghanistan's east - a
region where the Taliban are
especially influential. Her hus-
band, Jaanbaz Khan, answered
the door, only to be quickly bound
and blindfolded, provincial police
chief Gen. Dawlat Khan Zadran
told The Associated Press.
Russian to
evacuate citizens
from Syria
The Kremlin's chief of staff
says Russia has been sending war-
ships to the Mediterranean Sea
for possible evacuation of Russian
citizens from Syria.
Russian news agencies on
. Thursday quoted Sergei Ivanov as
saying that Russia has been boost-
ing its naval presence in the Med-
iterranean "primarily" in order to
organize a possible evacuation of
Russians from Syria.
Russia has been one of Syrian
leader Bashar Assad's staunch-
est allies in the civil war that has
been raging for more than two
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports
Egypt's Interior
Minister escapes
Julie Pousson, right, and Jennifer Echeverry, left, celebrate after a non-discrimination ordinance was passed by the San
Antonio city council, Thursday in San Antonio.
S an Anton io C ity Councl
passes LGBT protections
City leaders approve
anti-bias ordinances
in 8-3 vote
Antonio's leaders on Thursday
approved anti-bias protections
for gay and transgender resi-
dents, over the disapproval of top
Texas Republicans and religious
conservatives who packed a City
Council hearing and occasion-
ally shamed supporters for com-
paringthe issue to the civil rights
The 8-3 City Council vote in
favor of the ordinance was a vic-
tory for gay rights advocates and
for Democratic Mayor Julian
Castro, a top surrogate of Presi-
dent Barack Obama. Castro has
called the ordinance overdue in
the nation's seventh-largest city,
where there is a stronger current
of traditionalism and conserva-
tism than other major Texas cit-
ies that already have similar gay
rights protections.
San Antonio joins nearly 180
other U.S. cities that have non-
discrimination ordinances that
prohibit bias based on sexual
orientation or gender identity,
according to the Human Rights
"This ordinance is about say-
ing there are no second-class
From Page 1A
her of the men's gymnastics
team, performs a back flip on a
trampoline in the Law Library.t
Another depicts a number of
students marching across thet
Wave Field on North Campus.
Schlientz said responsest
from surveys sent out to stu-1
dents, faculty, staff and alumnii
during the research phase spe-t
cifically mentioned the Uni-1
versity's academic excellence1
as a point of pride. The ads are1
designed to highlight the aca-
demic advantages for any stu-
dent who attends, whether they1
come from Michigan or China.
"Michigan is a great brand,1
but as you move beyond thei
borders of the State of Michi-
gan ... the playing field gets lev-i
eled pretty fast," he said. "We1
don't want to shy away from
athletics. That's a key compo-1
nent of who we are."
...At the same time again,i
we want to make sure thatt
that academic message comes
through loud and clear." I
University spokesman Rick
Fitzgerald said the ads will bet
translated into Spanish and
Mandarin to appeal to an inter-1
national audience. 1
From Page 1A1
professors and researchers t
develop their ideas into prod-
ucts and companies and to pro-r
vide jobs for Michigan," SickL
Total funding for the pilotc
program is $330,000, withs
which each one-year project
receiving an average of $50,000a
to $75,000 with costs split
between the Michigan Eco- 1
nomic Development Corpora-c
tion and the University. E
M-TRAC is currently in theI
process of choosing projectsI
to fund. An oversight com-r
mittee consisting of a mix oft
University leaders, ventures
citizens in San Antonio," Castro
Supporters in red shirts and
opponents in blue sat on oppo-
site sides of the ornate council
chamber Thursday. Church
leaders vowed petitions to
recall council members, and
the shouts of protesters outside
City Hall often carried through
the stone walls of the century-
old building.
More than 700 people regis-
tered to speak Wednesday dur-
ing a marathon session of citizen
testimony that stretched past
midnight. Just a few hours later,
100 people signed up Thursday
morning to get in a final word
before the vote.
Dee Villarubia, 67, said she's a
former Air Force officer whose
landlord at a San Antonio apart-
ment evicted her two years ago
because she is gay.
"When I say the pledge of alle-
giance, I say 'justice for some'
because there's an asterisk that
means not me," Villarubia said.
"Today, I would take that aster-
isk away and finally say 'justice
for all"'
The local measure roiled
conservatives nationwide
and was opposed by big-name
Republicans, including U.S.
Sen. Ted Cruz and Texas
Attorney General Greg Abbott.
Abbott, a Republican who is
"Marketing the university
and putting out that brand,
there's a unified effort all
across campus as we've never
seen before," Fitzgerald said.
In preparation for the debut
of the advertisements, posters
showing various stills from
the videos have been posted
across campus with "#Vic-
torsValiant" printed across
the bottom. Schlientz said the
inspiration to use "victors" in
more than just the aptly titled
University fight song came
from University of Michigan
Health System commercials,
which also feature the song.
"This word 'victor' isn't just
tied to a football team on the
football field, or a basketball
team on the basketball court;
it's in the DNA of Michigan,"
Schlientz said. "They took this
iconic song and these incredi-
ble words and brought it to life."
After the ads debut, the
University will look for stu-
dent feedback as they contin-
ue to refine their advertising
The 60-second video will
premiere Friday at the "Maize
Out. Lights On." pep rally on
the Diag. The 30-second spot
will premiere at the Michigan
Football game against Notre
Dame on Saturday.
capitalists and transporta-
tion experts will choose the
projects and provide mentor-
ship starting in early Decem-
Apart from choosing the
projects, committee members
will also mentor project par-
ticipants. The candidates will
do the technical work them-
selves, while the committee
will assist with the business
aspect of the project.
Sick said the committee is
looking for a product idea that
can be licensed quickly and
efficiently. The committee
plans to choose two or three
projects initially, but once
more funding is available the
ultimate goal will be to spon-
sor 10 to 12 projects.
seeking the governor's office,
predicted a lawsuit over reli-
gious freedoms, though he has
not said the state will challenge
the ordinance.
Attention intensified after
City Councilwoman Elisa Chan
was caught on tape calling
homosexuality "disgusting"
and arguing that gays should
not be allowed to adopt. Chan
has defended her comments.
"Just because I disagree with
the lifestyle of the LGBT com-
munity doesn't mean I dislike
them," Chan said before the
vote. "Similarly, just because
one opposes this ordinance,
does not mean one is for dis-
San Antonio City Attorney
Michael Bernard told the coun-
cil the ordinance would apply
to most city contracts and con-
tractors. It prohibits council
members from discriminat-
ing in their official capacity
and forbids workers in public
accommodation jobs, such as
at restaurants or hotels, from
refusing to serve customers
based on their sexual orienta-
tion or gender identity.
Opponents say the ordinance
- which takes effect immedi-
ately - would stifle religious
expression and does not have the
support of most of the city's resi-
From Page 1A
dent fundraising efforts on cam-
Many student organizations
- including Dance Marathon,
Galens Medical Society and Greek
life - regularly raise money for a
variety of University causes, and
the student campaign committee
aims to expand that practice.
"It's exciting to have students
across the University who are
going to come together and say,
'We want a better University now
and for the students who will fol-
low in our footsteps,' "Walsh said.
Walsh added that Stephen Ross,
the philanthropist and real estate
tycoon who made the largest
donation in University history of
$200 million, serves as an exam-
ple of someone who understands
the value of philanthropy.
Serving as the chair of the fun-
draising campaign, Ross set the
bar high with his donation, which
willbe splitbetweenhis namesake
school and the Athletic Depart-
"He will convince people that
it is important to give," University
President Mary Sue Coleman said
in an interview on Wednesday. "It
is not only important for the Ross
From Page 1A
will succeed because of its offer-
ings and placement.
Bookbound hopes to build off
of Peter Blackshear's 20 years
working with Borders' corporate
stores and retail locations. The
store will take advantage of his
connections with resellers and
will sell bargain books along-
side a large number of children's
books to connect with the grow-
ing market in that genre.
Megan Blackshear said she and
her husband originally thought
about opening their store down-
town, but their "shoe-string
budget" conflicted with high
downtown rents.
She added that Bookbound
22 wounded in first
bomb attack since
Morsi's departure
CAIRO (AP) -Egypt's interior
minister narrowly escaped assas-
sination Thursday when a car
bomb tore through his convoy,
wounding 22 people and leaving
a major Cairo boulevard strewn
with debris - the first such
attack since the military ousted
the country's Islamist president.
The strike raised fears of a
militant campaign of revenge for
the coup and the likelihood of an
even tougher hand by authorities
against protesters demanding
Mohammed Morsi's return to
The interim president com-
pared the attacktotheinsurgency
waged by Islamic militants in the
1980s and 1990s against the rule
of now-ousted autocrat Hosni
Mubarak, when militants car-
ried out numerous assassination
attempts, killing the parliament
speaker. Mubarak himself sur-
vived an assassination attempt in
1994, when militants attacked his
convoy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
That insurgency provided
Mubarak with a justification
for a nationwide state of emer-
gency, lifted only after he was
driven from power by an upris-
ing in 2011.
Since Morsi's ouster in a July3
coup, Egypt has been back under
emergency law, and police have
arrested nearly 2,000 members
of his Muslim Brotherhood and
other Islamistsupporters.
In mid-August, authorities
forcefully dispersed two pro-
Morsi sit-in camps in Cairo after
days of warnings, setting off vio-
wide. The move led to retaliatory
strikes on government buildings,
police stations and churches
around the country.
Islamic hard-liners have since
stepped up attacks on security
forces in the Sinai Peninsula and
inthe south, and have increasing-
school, the athletics, the medical
areas, in English, in writing, in
history; we need those resources
for our students all over the place."
Rather than serving an honor-
ary role, Ross is already actively
serving as chair by speaking to
potential donors and connecting
alums to the University, according
to Baird.
While the University has
received a flurry oflarge donations
- what Baird calls "leadership
gifts" - from Ross, Charles Mung-
er and the Zell Family Foundation,
the campaign will likely receive
gifts of all shapes and sizes.
Judy Malcolm, senior director
of executive communications at
the Office of University Develop-
ment, said the University received
a record-setting number of gifts
that were less than $25,000 this
past year.
Malcolm could not provide
the exact numbers, but said Jerry
May, vice president for develop-
ment with the office of Univer-
sity Development, will include the
data in his presentation on the fis-
cal year at the University's Board
of Regents meeting on Sept.19.
While the Michigan Difference,
the previous capital campaign,
focused more on infrastructural
projects with a total of $3.2 billion
raised, Baird said this campaign
wouldn't need to sell the same
amount of inventory as Borders
did to stay open, noting that the
store is only 2,000 square feet
whereas the downtown Borders
was 42,000 square feet.
Hilary Gustafson, who owns
and operates the similarly
sized Literati with her husband
Michael, said the past five months
have been great for the store, as
they have developed a base of
customers that includes both foot
traffic and regulars.
"We will be here for a while,"
Gustafson said. "We can't speak to
the long term, as it only has been
five months, but we will be here
for at least the next year if this
continues the way it does."
Gustafson, who advised the
Blackshears on the book market
in Ann Arbor before they signed a
ly brought attacks to the capital.
Still, Thursday's bombing
against Mohammed Ibrahim,
who heads the police force wag-
ing the crackdown, was a sub-
stantial escalation. There was no
immediate claim of responsibil-
Interim President Adly Man-
sour's office vowed it would "not
allow the terrorism the Egyptian
people crushed in the 1980s and
90s to raise its ugly head again."
Military leader Abdel-Fattah el-
Sissi, the man who ousted Morsi,
pledged to continue the fight
Egyptian mediahave for weeks
vilified the protesters, blaming
the violence on Morsi's support-
ers and a terrorism campaign.
After Thursday's attack, state
media urged citizens to exercise
caution, report suspicious activi-
ties or individuals, and called on
authorities to widen their crack-
down on suspected terrorists.
The attack is likely to further
isolate the Islamists. Liberal poli-
tician Amr Moussa called on the
ousted president's backers tontake
a clear position against the bomb-
"When lives of innocents are
targeted, those who support that
or justify it will not be accepted
amongus," said Moussa, who sits
on a newly appointed constitu-
tional panel.
Morsi's supporters sought to
distance themselves from the
The Anti-Coup Coalition, a
group of Islamist factions that
has spearheaded protests since
Morsi's ouster; predicted it would
be used asa pretext for widening
the crackdown on its opponents.
"The coalition is against any
violent act, even if it is against
those who committed crimes
against the people," the group
said. "It expects that such inci-
dents will be used to extend
the state of emergency and to
increase the use of oppression,
repression and detention which
have been used by the coup
team will ensure that donors
knowthesignificance of their gifts
going toward financial aid rather
than physical enhancements to
the campus.
"Donors give where their pas-
sions are," Baird said. "I think our
donors understand the challenges
our students have in terms of pay-
ing for their education. We're
going to see a tremendous amount
support for students tocome."
In an interview Wednesday,
Tim Slottow, the University's
executive vice president and chief
financial officer, said philanthro-
py has allowed the University to
grow. Slottow said that providing
financial aid to every in-state stu-
dent who is in need - and work-
ing toward offering the same to
out-of-state students - will allow
the University to develop its
"We went all the way to the
Supreme Court to fight for affir-
mative action and diversity, and
we studied and proved that diver-
sity prepares students more for
successful lives," Slottow said.
"So, that's avery important thing."
More details about the cam-
paign will be released at the
kickoff on Nov. 8. The Office of
University Development plans to
host a press conference regarding
the campaign on Nov. 7.
lease, said she is confident in Book-
bound's ability to stay open in the
"The book market is really hard,
but Ithink Bookbound did it rightby
going on the north side which really
doesn't have (abookstore)," she said.
"They are fitting a niche by selling
bargain books as well as doing the
independent bookstore thing."
She advised Bookbound to
carry magazines as the absence of
Borders has left the city without a
store carrying a wide selection.
Meagan Blackshear said there
is space in their location to expand
their inventory and she hopes to
do so in the coming months.
"Despite what you hear, there
are quite a lot of people who
actually still read real books
and want to support indie book-