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September 06, 2013 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-09-06

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2A - Friday, September 6, 2013

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Michigan Marching Band
Director John Pasquale leads
practice at Elbel field on
Tuesday. To see more photos of
the Michigan Marching Band's
preparation for 'Under the
Lights' this Saturday check the
gallery at michigandaily.com
Like the view?
Attend a mass
meeting Sept. 12
7:30 p.m.
420 Maynard St.

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WHERE: 2600 Block of
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 3:35 p.m.
WHAT: An automobile was
struck by an exiting vehicle,
according to University
Police. There were no inju-
ries. One driver was arrested
for driving with a suspended
Patio pilfer
WHERE: 500 Block S. State
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 7:25 p.m.
WHAT: Two patio chairs
were stolen and a table was
damaged, University Police
reported. They were dam-
aged sometime after 8:50
p.m. Tuesday. There are
currently no suspects.

WHERE: 1200 Block
Washtenaw Court
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 10:25 a.m.
WHAT: A subject report-
edly exposed himself to a
passenger in a parked car
according to University
Police. The suspect was
described as a white male
with white hair in his late
50s to early 60s.
Rocking out
WHERE: Law Quad
WHEN: Wednesday at 3:20
WHAT: A window was
found damaged from
thrown rocks, University
Police reported. The rocks
are thought to have pos-
sibly been thrown from a
lawn mower. The incident
occurred overnight.

Foreign service
career lecture
WHAT: Kelly McCaleb,
University alum and
consular officer to the U.S.
Embassy in Burkina Faso,
will give a lecture about
her experiences.
WHO: Program in
International and
Comparative Studies
WHEN: Today at 12 p.m.
WHERE: School of Social
Work Building, Room 1644
WHAT: MTango will be
holding o comprehensive
beginner's tango series for
interested students. The
cost is $25 for the series.
WHO: MTango
WHEN: Today from 8 p.m.
to 9:30 p.m.
WHERE: Mason Hall, 3rd

The Duhks
WHAT: The Duhks, a
band of five musicians from
Canada, are returningto the
Ark to perform their mix
of a wide variety of music
styles. General admission
costs $21 and reserved
admission costs $28.
WHO: Michigan Union
Ticket Office
WHEN: Today at 8 p.m.
WHERE: The Ark
. An article inthe Sep-
tember 5 edition of the
Daily ("Gift benefits high-
profile departments")
misquoted Justin Pope
regarding the purpose
of the Ross donation.
" An article in the Sep-
tember 4 edition ofthe
Daily misstated Steven
Ward's position. He is
an associate professor.

1Many schools are now
sending letters to parents
in order to notify them
that their children are over-
weight, according to CBS
Los Angeles. Experts say 19
states across the country are
sending letters of the sort to
Michigan squares off
against Notre Dame
under the lights part
II in what will be the last
matchup in the historic rival-
ry for years to come.
Australian billion-
aire Clive Palmer said
Thursday he plans to
sue Rupert Murdoch over
Murdoch's accusations that
Palmer's wife is a Chinese
spy, according to AFP. Clive
says Murdoch willbe brought
to Austrailia to face charges.

Matthew Slovin Managing Editor mjslovin@michigandaily.com
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Khare, DanielWasserman,LizVukelich
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The Michigan Da ly is a member of The A AsiatressrnThrAsociated Collegiate Press.


Obama pushes G-20
to support Syria strike e

President cites Group of 20 economic summit, cussion about the crisis during a
where he mostly made his case four-hour dinner hosted by Rus-
chemical weapon behind the scenes. sian President Vladimir Putin,
China's G-20 delegation one of Syria's strongestbackers.
use as a reason for spokesman, QinGangwas among The dinner at St. Petersburg's
those who countered, saying: Peterhof Palace stretched into the
proposed strike "War isn't the fundamental way early hours of Friday and ended
to solve problems in Syria." with an elaborate fireworks and
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia Obama's public and private laser light display.
(AP) - President Barack Obama diplomatic wrangling partly was White House advisers said
pressed fellow world leaders on intended to ratchet up pressure Obama was seeking "political
Thursday to support a U.S.-led on lawmakers back in Washing- and diplomatic" support from his
strike on Syria, but he ran into ton as they debate authorizing international counterparts, not
opposition from Russia, China military action. The Senate For- necessarily military cooperation.
and even the European Union eign Relations Committee passed And Ben Rhodes, Obama's deputy
- which condemned the deadly a use-of-force resolution this national security adviser, said
recent chemical weapons attack week, but the measure's pros- the type of action the U.S. is con-
in Bashar Assad's country but pects in the full Senate and the templating "does not come with
declared it too soon for military House of Representatives are significant requirements of inter-
action. uncertain. national participation."
"The use of chemical weapons The prospect of military action While Obama has long called
in Syria is not only a tragedy but against Syria overshadowed the for the ouster of Assad, a deadly
also a violation of international global growth agenda at the two- chemical weapons attack near
law that must be addressed," day G-20 summit, which opened Damascus two weeks ago pushed
Obama insisted during a meeting Thursday in this historic Russian the U.S. to the brink of military
with Japanese Prime Minister city on the Baltic Sea. Leaders action for the first time during
Shinzo Abe on the sidelines of the did, however, hold a lengthy dis- Syria's civil war. The U.S. position
on Syria has increased tensions
with Putin, one of Assad's most
U (OS f l important economic and military
O M j jj jj backers. Putin has blocked efforts
at the United Nations to take
action and has questioned intelli-
gence reports American officials
say link the chemical weapon
6 2.deployment to the Syrian leader.
British Prime Minister David
Cameron said Thursday that the
United Kingdom had fresh evi-
dence that was being examined at
British laboratories.
Ahead of the U.S. president's
arrival in St. Petersburg, Putin
told The Associated Press in an
S- interview that it was "completely
ridiculous" to assert that Assad
was behind the use of deadly
gases against Syrian citizens. The
Kremlin also announced it was
boosting its naval presence in the
Mediterranean, where the U.S.
7 6 has five destroyers on standby for
1a military strike.
9 In keeping with the economic
T theme of the meeting, Chinese
officials said military action
would have a negative impact on
the global economy, particularly
oil prices.

Rebels withdraw from the Masisi and Sake areas in eastern Congo in November 2012. Rebels have been retreating from
previously captured villages in hopes of obtaining a ceasefire with the government.
Presidents of Congo and
Rwanda call for peace talks

Hope for dialouge
between rebels and
government renew
The presidents of Congo and
Rwanda on Thursday called for
peace talks to quickly resume
between the Congolese gov-
ernment and a rebel movement
that is widely believed to be
backed by Rwanda.
The summit organized in
Uganda's capital marked a rare
opportunity for Congolese Presi-
dent Joseph Kabilaand Rwandan
President Paul Kagame to hold
face-to-face meetings at a time
when their countries are on edge
over Rwanda's alleged military
involvement in eastern Congo.
The negotiations between
the Congolese government and
the M23 rebels have repeatedly
stalled since late last year.
In a statement issued late
Thursday, the presidents and
other regionalleaders called for
peace talks to resume within
three days' time "and conclude
within a maximum periodof14
days during which maximum
restraint must be exercised on
the ground to allow for talks to

In August, Congolese troops
backed by U.N. forces battled
M23 rebels near the eastern
city of Goma, home to nearly 1
million people along the Rwan-
dan border. Rwanda accused
the Congolese military of firing
missiles across the border and
warned that "this provocation
can no longer be tolerated."
Then the M23 rebels last
week declared a unilateral
cease-fire following a week of
heavy fighting with the Congo-
lese troops, saying they want-
ed to "give peace a chance,"
although Congo's government
said it wants M23 disbanded.
Congo's government now
will be less keen on the talks as
its army and a newly strength-
ened U.N. intervention force
appear to have the upper hand
in the most recent clashes with
the rebels, according to Jason
Stearns, a Congo expert who
runs the Usalama Project, a
think tank that researches
Congo's armed groups.
"The primary drive to get
back to the negotiating table
is coming from Uganda and
Rwanda," he said. "They (Con-
go's government) feel that they
are in a position of strength."

Congo's government would
be interested in talks that can
lead to "the decapitation of
M23," he added.
Thursday's meeting in the
Ugandan capital of Kampala
was called by Ugandan Presi-
dent Yoweri Museveni "to stop
the fighting and get beck on the
negotiating table," according
to James Mugume, the perma-
nent secretary at Uganda's For-
eign Ministry.
The summit in Kampala was
organized under the banner of
a regional bloc called the Inter-
national Conference on the
Great Lakes Region. It also was
attended by United Nations spe-
cial envoy Mary Robinson, who
has urged a political solution to
a crisis that recently threatened
to spill over Congo's borders.
In their statement Thursday,
the presidents said they "strong-
ly condemn" the deaths of civil-
ians on both sides of the border
and also urged M23 to stop its
"M23 should put an end to
all military activities, and stop
war and threats of overthrow-
ing the lawful government
of (Congo)," said the state-
ment signed by the presidents
including Rwanda's Kagame.

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