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December 06, 2013 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-12-06

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2 - Friday, December 6, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

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RIGHT Ohio State University
students participate in the
annual Mirror Lake jump on
Tuesday, a game week tradition
in Columbus, Ohio.
TOP LEFT Jeff Zuck, owner of
Name Brand Tattoo, applies the
finishing touches to a tattoo.
monettes perform at the Kill-
A-Watt Unplugged Concert
in East Hall Wednesday. The
concert, which featured many
campus a capella groups, was
zero waste and low-energy.

734-418-4115 opt.3
Arts Section
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.Display Sales
Online Sales
Matthew Slovin ManagingtEditor

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my bike?
WHERE: C.C. Little Bldg.
WHEN: Wednesday at
around 10:00 a.m.
WHAT: A bike was
reported stolen after being
left at the bike rack for
about a week, University
Police reported. There are
currently no suspects.

Medical Center Textile time Laughing
Wendy's employee Amy
misstep WHAT: This exhibition out loud Seiber was arrested and
will explore African and fired after a customer
WHERE: University Scottish cultures through WHAT: The stand-up discovered a half-smoked
Hospital textiles, specifically the comedy show will feature joint in their hamburger,
WHEN: Wednesday Anchor Thread, which is the University's student the Atlanta Journal-Consti-
around 6:45 a.m. used because of its versitile comedians. tution reported. Seiber told
WHAT: A staff member color and texture. WHO: The LOL ROFL stu- police that she "misplaced" it
was suspected of stealing WHO: University Library dent stand-up comedy club in the burger.
drugs and the police were WHEN: 8 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. WHEN: Today at 7:30 p.m.
notified. The suspect has WHERE: Hatcher WHERE: The Michigan
since been identified. Graduate Library League, Room 4 The Michigan hockey

Adam Rubenfire Managing News Editor arube@michigandaily.com
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The Michigan Daily is a member of The AssociatedPressanThAssocated Collegiate Press.


Martha or . .
Mry ormp? Chemical spill 50 shades
Mary Jane? I

11411 _ ' V C.111L " _______

WHERE: Martha Cook
Residence Hall
WHEN: Wednesday
at 8:40 p.m.
WHAT: A possible case
of marijuana posession
was reported and will be
handled internally by the
residential staff, University

WHERE: Brehm Tower
WHEN: Wednesday at
around 6 p.m.
WHAT: Two vials of Adru-
cil were found broken,
requiring an Occupational
Safety and Environmental
Health team to come in for
clean up, University Police
reported. There were no
renrted ininries.


of green
WHAT: The exhibit will
showcase wintertime
nature to demonstrate
all aspects of the word
"green" in fields such as
psychology, art, research
and literature.
WHO: Matthaei Botanical
Gardens and Nichols
WHEN: 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: Matthaei

Sounds of the
Season concert
WHAT: This holiday-
themed concert will feature
seasonal choirs and string
WHO: The Detroit Center
WHEN: Today at 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: Detroit Center
0 Please report any
error in the Daily to

team blew a 4-2 lead in
the final minute in an
exhibition game against the
National Team Development
Program before falling in
overtime, 5-4.
Philadelphia police
have released footage
of two suspects stealing
holiday decorations from out-
side a house, the Associated
Press reported. The suspects
apparently left faux presents
at the home as well.


Information gap causes issues

Nelson Mandela dies at age

for the future of Medicaid users 95 in Johannesburg home

Government says
states using federal
website experience
the problem
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - People
shopping for insurance on the fed-
eral marketplace may be informed
they're eligible for Medicaid and
that their information is being
sent to state officials to sign them
up. However, states say they aren't
able to enroll them because they're
receivingincomplete data fromthe
Obama administration.
The Center for Medicare and
Medicaid Services wrote a memo
to the 36 states using the federal
website last week acknowledg-
ing the information wasn't being
transferred automatically and
saying another system was being
developed to send it. More com-
plete files could be sent as soon as
next week.

The technical problem could
affect tens of thousands of Medic-
aid applicants and represents the
latest issue to arise in the rollout
of a website that's been plagued
with long waits for users and other
Some users who fill out appli-
cations on the federal site may
believe that they're already being
enrolled in Medicaid or that state
officials will contact them, even
though the agencies aren't receiv-
ing the information they need,
said Matt Salo, executive direc-
tor of the National Association
of Medicaid Directors. The data
transfer problem is occurring in
the 36 states where the federal site
is deployed, regardless of whether
they chose to expand Medicaid.
"Essentially, if you're a consum-
er on healthcare.gov, it will tell
you you're eligible for Medicaid
and the state agency will take care
of it, but there's no real way for the
state Medicaid agency to know
anything about it," said Salo, who


leads the nonpartisan membership
group for state Medicaid chiefs.
The federal marketplace was
designed to help people buy pri-
vate insurance under President
Barack Obama's health overhaul.
If shoppers qualified for Medic-
aid, the site was supposed to send
their data to the Medicaid agency
in their state.
As explained on healthcare.gov,
"When you finish this application,
we'll tell you which programs you
and your family qualify for. If it
looks like anyone is eligible for
Medicaid, we'll let the Medicaid
agency know so your coverage can
start in 2014."
The site also says: "If you or a
member of your family qualify for
Medicaid or CHIP, a representa-
tive will contact you to enroll."
CHIP is a health insurance pro-
gram for children.
The federal Center for Medicare
and Medicaid Services has devised
an alternative way of sending files
including the patient information
to the states.
"CMS announced that we will
be providing states with additional
flexibility to use existing processes
to enroll individuals in Medicaid
and CHIP who applied through
the federal marketplace. This pro-
cess will ensure that coverage will
begin on Jan. 1 for newly eligible
enrollees," said spokeswoman
Emma Sandoe.
Salo said the federal govern-
ment is currently sending states
incomplete data files on people
deemed eligible online - data
called "flat files" - so that agen-
cies can get a rough estimate of
how many people they may need
to enroll.
New files with more informa-
tion could be sent as soon as Tues-
day, Salo said. But states are unsure
the new files will be complete or
accurate enough for enrollments.
"States that want to can take it
as gospel and use the information
to enroll people," he said. "But that
sets up the question, how sure are
we the information is going to be
correct? Is hasn't been up until
now. Can the state afford to just
take that on faith?"

Prominent civil
rights leader leaves
legacy as fighter for
peace, equality
Nelson Mandela was a master of
South Africa's first black
president spent nearly a third
of his life as a prisoner of apart-
heid, yet he sought to win over
its defeated guardians in a rel-
atively peaceful transition of
power that inspired the world.
As head of state, the for-
mer boxer, lawyer and inmate
lunched with the prosecutor
who argued successfully for
his incarceration. He sang the
apartheid-era Afrikaans anthem
at his inauguration and trav-
eled hundreds of miles to have
tea with the widow of the prime
minister in power at the time he
was sent to prison.
It was this generosity of spirit
that made Mandela, who died
Thursday at the age of 95, a glob-
al symbol of sacrifice and recon-
ciliation in a world often jarred
by conflict and division.
Mandela's stature as a fighter
against apartheid - the system
of white racist rule he called evil
- and a seeker of peace with.his
enemies was on a par with that
of other men he admired: Amer-
ican civil rights activist Mar-
tin Luther King Jr. and Indian
independence leader Mohandas
K. Gandhi, both of whom were
assassinated while actively
engaged in their callings.
Mandela's death deprived the
world of one of one of the great
figures of modern history and
set the stage for days of mourn-
ing and reflection about a colos-
sus of the 20th century who
projected astonishing grace,
resolve and good humor.
Dressed in black, South Afri-
can President Jacob Zuma made
the announcement on television.
He said Mandela died "peace-
fully," surrounded by family, at

around 8:50 p.m.
"We've lost our greatest son.
Our nation has lost its great-
est son. Our people have lost a
father," Zuma said. "Although
we knew that this day would
come, nothing can diminish our
sense of a profound and endur-
ing loss."
At times, Mandela embraced
his iconic status, appearingbefore
a rapturous crowd in London's
Wembley Stadium soon after his
1990 release from prison. Some-
times, he sought to downplay it,
uneasy about the perils of being
put on a pedestal. In an unpub-
lished manuscript, written while
in prison, Mandela acknowledged
that leaders of the anti-apartheid
movement dominated the spot-
light but said they were "only part
of the story," and every activist
was "like a brick which makes up
our organization."
He pondered the cost to his
family of his dedication to the
fight against the racist system of
government that jailed him for
27 years and refused him per-
mission to attend the funeral of
his mother and of a son who was
killed in a car crash. In court, he
described himself as "the loneli-
est man" during his mid-1990s
divorce from Winnie Mandela.
As president, he could not forge
lasting solutions to poverty,
unemployment and other social
ills that still plague today's
South Africa, which has strug-
gled to live up to its rosy depic-
tion as the "Rainbow Nation."
He secured near-mythical sta-
tus in his country and beyond.
Last year, the South African cen-
tral bank released new banknotes
showing his face, a robust, smiling
image of a man who was meticu-
lous about his appearance and
routinely exercised while in pris-
on. South Africa erected statues
of him and named buildings and
other places after him. He shared
the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize with
F.W. de Klerk, the country's last
white president. He was the sub-
ject of books, films and songs and
a magnet for celebrities.
In 2010, Mandela waved to

the crowd at the Soccer City sta-
dium at the closing ceremony of
the World Cup, whose stagingin
South Africa allowed the coun-
try, and the continent, to shine
internationally. It was the last
public appearance for the for-
mer president and prisoner, who
smiled broadly and was bundled
up against the cold.
One of the most memorable of
his gestures toward racial har-
mony was the day in 1995 when
he strode onto the field before
the Rugby World Cup final in
Johannesburg, and then again
after the game, when he con-
gratulated the home team for its
victory over a tough New Zea-
land team. Mandela was wear-
ing South African colors and the
overwhelmingly white crowd of
63,000 was on its feet, chanting
"Nelson! Nelson! Nelson!"
It was typical of Mandela to
march headlong into a bastion
of white Afrikanerdom - in
this case the temple of South
African rugby - and make its
followers feel they belonged in
the new South Africa.
The moment was portrayed
in "Invictus," Clint Eastwood's
movie telling the story of South
Africa's transformation through
the prism of sport.
It was a moment half a cen-
tury in the making. In the 1950s,
Mandela sought universal rights
through peaceful means but was
sentenced to life imprisonment
in 1964 for leading a campaign
of sabotage against the govern-
ment. The speech he gave dur-
ing that trial outlined his vision
and resolve.
"During my lifetime I have
dedicated myself to this struggle
of the African people," Mandela
said. "I have fought against white
domination, and I have fought
against black domination. I have
cherished the ideal of a demo-
cratic and free society in which
all persons live together in har-
mony and with equal opportuni-
ties. It is an ideal which I hope
to live for and to achieve. But if
needs be, it is an ideal for which
I am prepared to die."

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