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November 14, 2013 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-11-14

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2A - Thursday, November 14, 2013

This Week in History Professor Profiles In Other Ivory Towers Alumni Profiles Photos of the Week
Like a Rolling Stone

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
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University alum Mark Binelli some music stuff; that was real-
is an author and contributing ly my first foray into journalism.
editor at Rolling Stone magazine I was an English major and did
and Men's Journal magazine. the creative writing sub-con-
While on campus Binelli wrote centration, so I was doing lots of
for The Michigan Daily, even- writing.
tually serving as an arts editor.
Binelli grew up in St. Clair Shores Do you have any advice
and moved back to Detroit for for students interested in
three years to immerse himself in journalism or writing?
the city and write his most recent
book, "Detroit City Is the Place to I was just really willing to do
Be." anything early on ... The way I
got my foot in the door at Roll-
Did your time at the ing Stone was I was willing to
Universityimpact your write for the "Random Notes"
career choices? section. People know that it's
just basically a long photo cap-
You know working at the tion, like 50-word captions,
Daily, that was sort of invalu- and I was willing to do stuff
able. I started off reviewing like that, and work really hard
movies ... by the end I was doing on even these very stupid, un-

bylined captions. That got my
foot in the door, and then edi-
tors really started letting me do
bigger and bigger things.
What is your job like at
Rolling Stone?
I'm a contributing editor; it's
kind of an odd title because I
don't really edit anything. I'm
basically just a contributing
writer, so I have a contract with
them. I don't have to go into the
office; I just have to write a cer-
tain number of words per year,
which translates into between
five and seven stories, so it's
pretty great. I get to do a great
variety of stories.
Read more at michigandaily.com

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LSA senior Maggie Grundler mixes beer as part ofan
upper-level biology class.



Clean freak Yellow means Blood Battle Arab world

WHERE: School of
WHEN: Tuesday at
about 11:45 p.m.
WHAT: Custodial supplies
were stolen from a storage
closet between Nov. 9 and
Nov. 11, University Police
reported. No suspects have
been reported.

WHERE: 1300 Block Fuller
WHEN: Tuesday at about
8:05 a.m.
WHAT: Two vehicles col-
lided, but no injuries were
confirmed, University
Police reported. The crash
was caused by the failure of
one driver to yield.

WHAT: Come donate blood uprisings
to not only help those in
need of it, but also to beat discussion
Ohio State University in the
32nd annual blood battle. WHAT: University alum
The blood drive will be con- Jill Dougherty will speak
tinuing until Nov. 27. about the Arab Spring.
WHO: Blood Drives United WHO: History of Art
WHEN: Today 8 a.m. to WHEN: Today at 6 p.m.
11:30 p.m. WHERE: Museum of Art,
WHERE: Michigan Union Helmut Stern Auditorium
The Barber Conversations
of Seville on Europe

Fashion police Hold your
strikes horses

Snapchat recently reject-
ed an $3 billion cash
offer from Facebook, The
Wall Street Journal reported
Wednesday. Evan Spiegel,
the 23-year-old founder, says
that the company will not
consider offers until 2014,
when value will rise.
Michigan's men's bas-
ketball team is looking
to follow its Final Four
run from last season and the
Wolverines will be led by
mild-mannered sophomore
guard Glenn Robinson III.
During the trial of one
of his stalkers, Alec
Baldwin cried while on
stand, New York Daily News
reported Wednesday. A for-
mer friend of Baldwin told
the courtroom that Baldwin
had slept with the alleged

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The Michigan Daily is amember of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.

WHERE: Chemistry
WHEN: Tuesday at
about 8:30 a.m.
WHAT: A garment bag
was taken from a room on
the first floor, University
Police reported. The theft
occurred sometime
on Nov. 8.

WHERE: 2200 Stone
WHEN: Tuesday at about
12:55 p.m.
WHAT: A driver was
approached by police while
at a stop sign, and accused
of drivingwith a suspended
license, University Police
reported. The driver was
arrested, but later released.

WHAT: Rossini's twoact
comic opera and the
famous Figaro will be
playing today. Tickets are
being sold in the League;
students tickets are just $10
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Today at 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Power Center for
the Performing Arts

WHAT: Princeton Uni-
versity's David Bell will be
addressing students on the
"Birth of Militarism in the
Age of Revolutions," and
will be arguing the differ-
ences between the miliatary
and civilian spheres.
WHO: Center for European
WHEN: Today 4-5:30 p.m.
WHERE: School of Social
Work Building

MORE ONLINE Love Crime Notes?
Get more online at michigandaily.com/blogs/The Wire

Coleman, business professors

First month of Obamacare

to attend alumni event in India website sees low enrollment

India conference will
seek to strengthen
University's ties
to nation
Daily Staff Reporter
Sharing leadership techniques
with the world's largest democ-
racy, the Ross School of Business
will once again take its work over-

seas. University administrators,
faculty members and students
will collaborate with alumni and
business leaders in India Saturday
for the University of Michigan
India Conference.
The India Conference, primar-
ily organized by the University
of Michigan India Alumni Asso-
ciation, succeeds the Business
School's India Business Confer-
ence, which took place Nov. 1
in Ann Arbor. Over the last five
years, University affiliates have
held two conferences annually

Do Your Yoga with a rope!
*E 30 days
unlimited release
215 s. state ann arbor
urn..,, 1 1K

- one in India and one in Ann
Arbor - that showcase the busi-
ness trends in both countries.
With speakers and attendees that
represent both demographics, the
conferences seek to highlight and
connect business leaders.
Business Prof. C.K. Prahalad,
who passed away in 2010, initi-
ated engagement between India
and the Business School in 1994
before India was recognized as a
potential emerging market. The
Business School has continued
his academic and research legacy
in the country through the India
Initiatives program.
India Initiatives, which
launched in August 2011, connects
the Business School with India
through opening research, aca-
demic, executive education and
outreach activities in both Ann
Arbor and India. The program
works to coordinate Ross-India
conferences in both locations
and conducts executive training
programs in Indian corporations,
such as the Tata and Mahindra.
"We're all ina connected world
now," said M.S. Krishnan, fac-
ulty director of India Initiatives.
"From a business standpoint,
whether it is a pure economic
opportunity or an opportunity
to (tackle) social issues, India is a
great place."
Unlike the conference that took
place in Ann Arbor, the Mumbai
conference won't be branded as an
exclusively business conference in
an attempt to expand the number
of disciplines addressed.
Of the University alumni who
have founded businesses in India,
most were not graduates of the
Business School, Bharat Govinda,
secretary of the UMIAA, said ina
July interview. The India Alumni
Association, through the confer-
ence and other networking initia-
tives, aims to connect alumni from
all of the University's schools and
"If I was to think of the Uni-
versity of Michigan asa stock, the
University is trading extremely
below its face value," Govinda
said. "The association tries to
break boundaries."

Federal website
signed up 26,794
people in October
Planting a paltry number on a
national disappointment, the
Obama administration revealed
Wednesdaythatjust 26,794 peo-
ple enrolled for health insur-
ance during the first, flawed
month of operations for the fed-
eral "Obamacare" website.
Adding in enrollment of more
than 79,000 in the 14 states
with their own websites, the
nationwide number of 106,000
October sign-ups was barely
one-fifth of what officials had
projected - and a small frac-
tion of the millions who have
received widely publicized pri-
vate coverage cancellations as a
result of the federal law.
The White House raced to
reassure anxious Democrats
who are worried about the con-
troversial program, which they
voted into existence three years
ago and which seems sure to
be a major issue in next year's
election campaigns. The admin-
istration, trying to regain the
initiative, for the first time indi-
cated a willingness to consider
legislation to stave off the wave
of cancellations that's com-
pounding the website technol-
ogy problems.
Some Democrats are seeking
changes in Obama's signature
program, and key Republicans,
many pressing for repeal, said
that even Wednesday's feeble
sign-up figures appeared to be
pumped up. The final number -
106,185 people - would be even
smaller if it counted only those
who finalized their enrollment by
actually paying their first month's
premium, Republicans said.
Administration officials and
senior congressional Demo-
crats expressed confidence
in the program's future. "We
expect enrollment will grow
substantially throughout the
next five months," said Health

and Human Services Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius, who is in
overall charge.
"Even with the issues we've
had, the marketplace is working
and people are enrolling," Sebe-
lius said. Responding to GOP
critics, she said the first premi-
ums are not due until Dec. 15.
The online, state-level insur-
ance markets were envisioned
as the new portal to coverage for
people who don't have health
plans on the job. But the fed-
eral market was overwhelmed
by technical problems when it
opened Oct. 1, and the experi-
ence of state-run markets has
been mixed.
The administration said an
additional 1 million individuals
have been found eligible to buy
coverage on the markets, with
about one-third qualifying for
tax credits to reduce their pre-
miums. Another 396,000 have
been found eligible for Medic-
aid, the safety-net program that
is shaping up as the health care
law's early success story.
For many Democrats, con-
cerns over the cascade of
website problems has been
compounded by the focus on
Obama's misleading promise
that Americans who liked their
health insurance plans could
keep them under the over-
haul. But millions of people are
receiving cancellation notices.
They have plans that for vari-
ous reasons don't qualify for the
law's "grandfather clause" pro-
tection against cancellations.
Obama has said he's sorry that
people are losing their coverage
and has vowed to find ways to
address "holes and gaps" in the
law. Advisers originally said the
White House was considering
administrative fixes, not legisla-
tive options.
On Wednesday, Obama
spokesman Jay Carney said, "If
we can achieve this administra-
tively, we will certainly look at
that possibility," but he added
that the White House was also
considering legislative ideas.
Senate Majority Leader

Harry Reid, D-Nev., sched-
uled an all-Democrats meeting
Thursday with White House
health care officials.
Republicans, meanwhile, are
holding hearings to keep the
overhaul's problems in the spot-
light ahead of an election year.
"It's kind of interesting to see
as Obamacare implodes how
everybody's running for cover,"
said Rep. John Mica, R-Fla.
And Senate Republican Leader
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
said, "Obviously, panic has set
in on the other side."
The administration has
staked its credibility on turning
the website around by the end of
this month. From the president
on down, officials have said that
HealthCare.gov will be running
smoothly for the vast majority
of users by Nov. 30. They have
not specified what "running
smoothly" means.
The day was another blow for
the administration and its sup-
porters in Congress, who had
been counting on Obamacare as
a neutral if not winning issue in
next year's midterm elections.
Three more swing state
Senate Democrats seeking re-
election in 2014 signed onto
legislation drafted by Sen. Mary
Landrieu of Louisiana to ensure
that anyone liking their current
coverage would be able to keep
it, an attempt to resolve the
issue of cancellations.
In the House, meanwhile,
majority Republicans set a vote
for Friday on legislation to per-
mit insurance companies to con-
tinue selling existing policies
that have been ordered scrapped
because they fall short of cover-
age standards in the law.
On daily media calls, Health
and Human Services depart-
ment officials have described
a situation where problems get
fixed and then new issues crop
up as consumers are able to ven-
ture further into the website.
It's a bit like traffic heading back
to a city late on a summer Sun-
day: You get past one jam, and
odds are you run into another.



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