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November 13, 2013 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-11-13

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Wednesday, November 13, 2413 - 3A

Selfridge Air Base
cited for eight
safety violations
The Occupational Safety and
Health Administration cited Sel-
fridge Air National Guard Base
for unsafe or unhealthy working
Eight notices were issued to
the military base northeast of
Detroit, the U.S. Labor Depart-
ment said Tuesday in a release.
The base is located in Macomb
County's Harrison Township
and is home to the Michigan Air
National Guard. It employs 790
" people, according to the press
An inspection was conducted
in accordance with the Federal
Agency Local Emphasis Program.
Project's 'House of
Soul' burns down
Another house that makes
up the internationally known
Heidelberg Project outdoor
art installation in Detroit has
* WWJ-AM reports the build-
ing known as the "House of Soul"
was destroyed Tuesday morning.
It's located about a block from
Heidelberg Street. The cause
of the fire at the house, which
had been covered with old vinyl
albums, is under investigation.
Last month, a fire burned the
Obstruction of Justice House
at the Heidelberg Project on
Detroit's east side for a second
time. Also known as the O.J.
House, it dated back to 1995 as a
piece of art. The house also had
been damaged during a May fire.
Tyree Guyton, creator of the
Heidelberg Project, transformed
his decaying, crime-ridden
neighborhood into an interactive
sculpture park.
U.S. doctors
1 urge wider use of
cholesterol drugs
The nation's first new guide-
lines in a decade for preventing
heart attacks and strokes call
for twice as many Americans -
one-third of all adults - to con-
sider taking cholesterol-lowering
statin drugs.
The guidelines, issued Tues-
day by the American Heart Asso-
ciation and American College
of Cardiology, are a big change.
They offer doctors a new formula
for estimating a patient's risk that
includes many factors besides a
high cholesterol level, the main
focus now. The formula includes
age, gender, race and factors such
as whether someone smokes.
The guidelines for the first

time take aim at strokes, not just
heart attacks. Partly because of
that, they set alower threshold for
using medicines to reduce risk.
EU vows youth
unemployment to
ease within 2 years
European youths still face ris-
ing joblessness at a rate far higher
than their American counterparts
- but European leaders insisted
Tuesday that scenario is going to
improve over the next two years.
Leaders from 24 European
nations as well as labor minis-
ters and European Union offi-
cials met Tuesday in Paris to talk
about youth unemployment. They
announced no new programs but
many expressed confidence that
plans now in place will reverse the
rising joblessness for the under-25
set over the next two years.
With budgets still tight,
Europe's youth unemployment
rate stands at 23.5 percent, up
from23.1 percent ayearago. Inthe
U.S., the rate is about 16 percent.
Europe has pledged 45 billion
euros ($60 billion) between 2013
* and 2015 to fight youth unemploy-
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports

From Page 1A
community is her involvement
in Appreciate + Reciprocate, a
group of student scholarship
recipients who give back to the
community through service
projects and fundraising for
the LSA Emergency student aid
LSA junior Preeta Gupta,
president of Appreciate + Recip-
rocate, also received part of the
Shipman Scholarship before her
freshman year. She believes her
duty as a scholarship student is
to give back to other in-need stu-
From Page 1A
She stayed on at SAPAC post-
graduation and has been in her
current position for sixyears.
Huhman said the crisis line is
thereto supportaperson, no mat-
ter what they need or when they
need it. She said it'svery common
for advocates to get phone calls at
3 a.m. while they're on shift.
"If the phone rings, we drop
everything we are doing to
ensure we give attention to who-
ever is on the line," Huhman
said. "It could be a survivor or
a friend or a family member, or
really anyone inthe community."
Advocate Heather Colohan,
SAPAC's program manager for
community outreach and sys-
tems advocacy, said advocacy
work is especially relevant on
college campuses.
Colohan described a recent
call from a student who was
concerned for her friend, who
had been drinking. The friend
was in a room alone with a male
student, and the caller was con-
cerned that she would be asked
to engage in sexual activity. If
the friend was intoxicated, she
may have been incapable of giv-
ing consent.
Colohan talked the caller
through the situation, instructing
her to distract the perpetrator by
from the roomto do him a favorso
that the caller could remove her
friend from the situation.
"It felt really good to have my
training and my education about
prevention come to fruition,"
Colohan said. "You know that
what we're trying to spread is
not falling on deaf ears."
At the SAPAC office, there is
always a member of the profes-
sional staff on call.
From Page 1A
DP Day is the wide range of
projects," Novo said. "There's
something for everyone here.
We have projects with children,
the elderly, health and wellness
along with lots of other things."
Most of the approximately
300 volunteers already signed
up for Service Dayare University
students. LSA senior Josh Kurtz,
the president of Circle K, said he
would like to see that eventually

"It's open to anyone in the
community who wants to partic-
ipate," Kurtz said. "We actually
would love to have more people
from the community other than
just students and make it more of

"It felt like an investment," Michigan campaign, has been
Gupta said. "It motivated me to criticized for splitting his record
give back and take advantage $200 million donation between
of all the opportunities I have the Athletic Department and the
here." Business School, two programs
Gupta and the other Appre- that are in less need than other
ciate + Reciprocate members units on campus.
see the Victors campaign as a Because tuition keeps rising,
needed resource for admitted Epstein believes University pri-
students. ority should be helping deserv-
"Our mission, raising ing students pay their bills and
money for scholarships, receive a Michigan education.
aligns really well with theirs," "The value of a Michigan
Gupta said. education is really, really huge
Epstein also appreciates the and it should be available to
need for a fundraising effort anybody who can do the work,"
directed at student aid instead Epstein said. "It should be
of "high profile" efforts like ath- based on what you can do at
letics or infrastructure. Stephen school, not how much you can
Ross, chair of the Victors for pay to get here."
Typically one to two survi- replace therapy.
vors come into the SAPAC office "I'm a geochemist; I'm not a
per week. There is a noticeable therapist," Blakowski said. "I
increase in visits when fresh- mostly want you to feel that you
man come to campus in the fall. can manage your stress and that
Huhman attributes this to the you have support."
vulnerability of new students Blakowski said being in a
on campus, when first-year stu- group with fellow students cre-
dents are especially eager to ates commonalities that dis-
make friends and may be taken tinguish the Peer-Led Support
advantage of more easily. Group from the rest of the orga-
For crisis-line calls, advocates nization, which is often focus on
are often sent to residence halls support from professional staff.
or University Hospital. The professional staff may
SAPAC dispatches an advo- continue to have a relationship
cate to the hospital if a survivor with survivors they have advo-
discloses in the emergency room cated for, and may continue to
that he or she has been sexually advocate ifa survivor needs help.
assaulted and is a student, facul- This sometimes takes the form
ty or staff member at the Univer- of academic advocacy, where
sity. Following initial contact, SAPAC can contact a professor
the SAPAC advocate meets with ifa survivor needs extra time for
the social worker assigned by an assignment because they are
the hospital and police investi- recovering from trauma, or if a
gators. survivor needs to take an exam
Colohan said her role is to in a different room because the
help the survivor make informed alleged perpetrator is in the class.
decisions and that it's okay to not LSA senior Meghana Kulkar-
have an answer to every question ni, co-coordinator of the Men's
that might be asked of them. Activism program for SAPAC,
After the initial meeting, said the professional staff of
whether that takes place in the SAPAC does one of the most
SAPAC office, the hospital or important jobs on campus.
a residence hall, SAPAC typi- "Even in Ann Arbor, which is
cally sends a follow up e-mail a very liberal campus, our com-
that informs survivors of other munity is still very victim-blam-
resources. ing," Kulkarni said. "Having
The Peer-Led Support Group as much support for survivors
is one ofthose resources. On where people tell them, This is
Wednesday nights, LSA senior not your fault, even though you
Molly Blakowski and School of were drinking, this should not
Public Health student Merry- have happened to you,' these
belle Guo facilitate the support kinds of affirmations are really
group, which is a support group beneficial."
structured around self-care and Though it's her job, Colohan
ways to reduce anxiety. said advocacy work is a reward-
Three people usually come ingexperience.
to the meetings each week, but "To be the first person to tell
during the winter semester them that they did not deserve
attendance is expected to rise what happened to them is pretty
to five or six. Blakowski empha- amazing," Colohan said. "You
sized that the forum is intended might be the only person in the
to support survivors, but not survivor's life who is providing
a community-wide event." national, which seeks to raise
According to Kurtz, the pur- funds to eliminate maternal and
pose of Service Day is to give neonatal tetanus by 2015.
back to the community and Along with raising money for
spark an interest in commu- The Eliminate Project, Gizicki
nity service. Circle K provides will also be donating his hair to
free food and transportation to the non-profit Children With
encourage people to volunteer. Hair Loss.
"The idea is to show people "I do service because I've
how much good they can do in never really had moneyto donate
such a short amount of time," but I always feel it's better to
Kurtz said. "We just want to give donate my time," Gizicki said.
people the opportunity to get "The reason I started growing
involved in service." out my hair was because I knew
The event will close Sunday at I wanted to donate it in the end
8 a.m with a special ceremony. and I felt like this was the per-

LSA senior Zachery Gizicki has fect opportunity to do it and go
been growing out his 16-inch- out with a bang."
long hair since middle school Club members encourage
and will cut it to raise money for anyone who is interested in vol-
the Eliminate Project, the global unteering with the organization
campaign of Circle K's parent to visit the website for registra-
organization, Kiwanis Inter- tion.

From Page 1A
alumni carefully evaluated both
cars in the decision to enter the
upcoming race.
The team concluded Quan-
tum could provide opportuni-
ties for younger engineers to
cooperate with recently gradu-
ated alumni who had worked on
Quantum during their time on
the team.
Though Generation was not
totaled in the crash, it won't
arrive back in Ann Arbor until
at least January. Sullivan said
that timetable would not pro-
vide enough time to retrofit the
vehicle and prepare it for the
"It takes a while to get a car
halfway around the world," Sul-
livan said.

Generation would also require
additional redesigns regardless
of its condition for an American
Solar Challenge, which has dif-
ferent specifications for partici-
pating cars than the World Solar
Sullivan didn't comment on
specific factors composing the
team's evaluation of Generation
and Quantum.
"We decided Quantum would
give us the best chance to win the
race," he said.
Quantum won the American
Solar Challenge in 2012, com-
pleting the race 10 hours earlier
than the next-fastest competitor.
Sullivan said the team has
not ruled out the possibility of
Generation returning to com-
pete in future races. He said
the car would be evaluated
once it returns to Ann Arbor
from Australia.

From Page 1A
ue in their positions though they
are given demerits, a penalty
system will give the University
Elections Commission authority
to revoke a percentage of votes
Also in this resolution, the
backup election director who
works with the election direc-
tor will no longer be a voting
member of the UEC. The elec-
tion director and backup election
director are the only two who
know election results before they
are released.
"It will help eliminate
some biases," Conrad said.
"It helps them give a cleaner
rule of the law. There will be
no ulterior motive for any rul-
This resolution has not yet
been voted on and will be dis-
cussed further at upcoming
During the community con-

cerns section of the meeting,
LSA senior Sonja Karnovsky,
co-president of the Roosevelt
Institute - an organization
encouraging students to cre-
ate and advocate for pub-
lic policy - introduced LSA
sophomore Trevor Dolan.
Dolan explained his idea to
donate instead of waste dining
dollars left over at the end of
every term.
"We either want to allow
people to donate dining dollars
through swipes - they could
tell the cashier 'I would like to
donate $10 to the purchase of
non-perishable goods to a nearby
homeless shelter,' and then we
ourselves could determine how
that money is put to use," Dolan
He said the alternative option
would be to have bins where
students could donate non-per-
ishable goods purchased with
dining dollars.
CSG Fall 2013 elections will
occur next Thursday, Nov. 20
and Friday, Nov.21.

Hawaii Senate passes
gay marriage bill

Governer anticipates
signing bill, which
was passed 19-4
HONOLULU (AP) - The state
Senate passed a bill Tuesday
legalizing gay marriage, putting
Hawaii a signature away from
becoming a same-sex wedding
Gov. Neil Abercrombie, who
called lawmakers to a special
session for the bill and has vocal-
ly supported gay marriage, said
in a statement he will sign the
measure. It will allow thousands
of gay couples living in Hawaii
and even more tourists to marry
in the state starting Dec. 2.
"I look forward to signing this
significant piece of legislation,
which provides marriage equity
and fully recognizes and pro-
tects religious freedoms," Aber-
crombie said.
President Barack Obama
praised the bill's passage, say-
ing the affirmation of freedom
and equality makes the country

"I've always been proud to
have been born in Hawaii, and
today's vote makes me even
prouder," Obama said.
Senators passed the bill 19-4
with two lawmakers excused.
Cheers erupted inside and out-
side the gallery when the vote
was taken, with a smattering of
boos. Senate President Donna
Mercado Kim, who voted against
the bill, banged her gavel and
told members of the public to
quiet down.
More than half the chamber's
lawmakers spoke in support of
the bill, with many urging the
public to come together to heal
divisions within the community.
"This is nothing more than the
expansion of aloha in Hawaii,"
said Sen. J. Kalani English, a
Democrat from Maui.
Sen. Sam Slom, the chamber's
only Republican, said the gov-
ernment should stay out of legis-
lating marriage.
"People have differences, and
you can't legislate morality. You
can try, but you can't do it," Slom
said before voting against the

China, Russia & Cuba elected
UN human rights council

Countries are among
14 new members to
human rights abuses
watchdog group
- China, Russia, Saudi Ara-
bia, Vietnam, Cuba and Algeria
won seats Tuesday on the U.N.
Human Rights Council, ril-
ing independent human rights
groups who said their election
undermined the rights watch-
dog's credibility.
The General Assembly
elected 14 new members to the
47-seat Geneva-based council,
which can shine a spotlight on
rights abuses by adopting reso-
lutions - when it chooses to do
so. It also has dozens of spe-
cial monitors watching prob-

lem countries and major issues
ranging from executions to
drone strikes.
Britain, France, the Mal-
dives, Macedonia, Mexico,
Morocco, Namibia and South
Africa were also elected to
three-year terms.
Human Rights Watch noted
that five of the new council
members - China, Russia,
Saudi Arabia, Vietnam and
Algeria - have refused to let
U.N. investigators visit to check
alleged abuses. China, Russia
and Algeria have 10 or more
unfulfilled requests for visits by
U.N. experts, some dating back
to 2000, the group said. Saudi
Arabia and Vietnam each have
seven outstanding requests,
they said.
"Countries that haven't
allowed U.N. experts appoint-
ed by the council to visit have

a lot of explaining to do," said
Peggy Hicks, global advocacy
director of the New York-based
non-government group. "It's
like hiring someone, then not
allowing them to enter the
Across the street from the
main gate of U.N. headquar-
ters, pro-Tibet activists hung a
huge banner saying "China Fails
Human Rights."
Seats, allotted by region,
are sometimes contested
and sometimes not. All 193
members of the General
Assembly can vote by secret
ballots, which were collected
in wooden ballot boxes from
Geneva-based UN Watch, a
frequent critic of U.N. rights
practices, denounced what it
considered the worst new mem-

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