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November 13, 2013 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-11-13

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Wednesdav, November 13, 2013

hi Week in History Professor Profiles n t E Tw
erkeley ,emploees plan strike

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Enpkryees at the University of
iBerkeley have nade
plns to hold a 24-hour strike oni
Nuv. 20, The Daily Californian
repor ted Friday.
Employees who are a part
o the American Federation of
State, County and Municipal
Iipktyces 3299 and workers
union say- that the University
coerced patient-care workers
.hring a previous tunion-led
strike in May.
The University's adminis-
trntfion issued a staterent in
r' sporuse to the impending dem-
oi! rtixnttihat said the union
is Ising "patients and students as
bargpining chips".
lihe Union, which represents

more than 22,000 employees
across the 10 University of Cali-
fornia campuses, has stated that
it will release details about the
strike sometime next week.
Yale student group cam-
paigns against divestment
As Yale University prepares
for a Nov. 17 referendum regard-
ing the university's policyon
fossil-fuel investment, a new
student group is arguing against
potential divestment measures,
The Yale Daily News reported
Despite the heavy support
for divestment on campus, the
Students for a Strong Endow-

ment argues that the proposed
measures could seta danger-
ous precedent for university
While the group agrees with
the environmental principles
behind divestment efforts,
founder Alex Fischer argues that
the Yale's long-term financial
viability shouldn't be put at risk
in order to argue a political mes-
The group, which currently
has 15 to 20 members, formally
submitted a statement against
the divestment efforts on

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VIRnIs eeLaNmw/airy
Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain performing at the
Michigan Theare Tuesday.

Pitch a tent Shhh1!


WttERE: Nichols Arbore-
W H EN: Monday at
11-rrirt 9:45 a.m.
wtAT: Arboretum staff
rpor ted three subjects
carping in the A rb, Univer-
site ypolice reported. Whest
Oicers arrived, they were
not able to locate the camiip-

WHERE: Shapiro Unde-
graduate Library
WHEN: Monday at
about 12 a.m.
WHAT: A ssubject was
disturbing patrons in the
library, University Police
reported. Upon locating the
subject, officers arrested
him on an outstandingwar-
rant froui another agency.

Panel on music
and evolution
WHAT: Discuss the inter-
sections of biological evolu-
tion and music in a panel
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Today at 4 p.m.
WHERE: Biomedical Sci-
ence research Buildinw

Hagen quartet
WHAT: Though they last
stopped in Ann Arbor in
February 2012, the Hagen
quartet is back for a 30th
anniversary performance.
The group will perform its
Beethoven cylce.
WHO: University Musical"
WHEN: Today at 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Rackham Audi~

Ethanol, once heralded
as the next source of
clean energy, is causing
major environmental dam-
age, CBS News reported.
Farmers hoping to make it
big as ethanol farmers have
destroyed habitats and pol-
luted water supplies.

Matthew Slovin Managing Editor mjstovin@michigandaily.com
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The Michigan Daily (IssN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and
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The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.

Not your la ptop Worse than

WIHERE:Hatcher Gradu-
aie Library
WHEN: Monday at
about 12:15 p.m.
WHAT: A weoman left her
laptiop unattended and
returned to find a man
using it, University trolice
nported. The stan fled and
is described as a 25-year-
old black male with a fcavy
build and a pink sweatshirt.

tooth decay
WHERE: School of
WHEN: Monday at
about 9:45 a.m.
WHAT: A subject was caus-
ing a disturbance while
scheduhing an appointment,
University Police reported.
Staff resolved the dispute.

Kahn Auditorium torium Jerry May, the Univer-
sity's chief fundraiser,
Write a resume International is in charge of man-
aging the $4 billion Victors
workshop studies Q&A for Michigan campaign. In
essence, he's selling Blue to
WHAT: Geared toward stu- WHAT: Students consid- get the green.


dents who already know the
basics of resume building,
this workship focuses on
tailoring resumes for spe-
cific jobs or internships.
WHO: The Career Center
WHEN: Today from 6 p.m.
to 7 p.m.
WHERE: Student Activities

ering a major or minor in
international studies can
attend an orientation led by
the program's director.
WHO: Program in Inter-
national and Comparative
WHEN: Today from 12 p.m.
to 1 p.m.
WHERE: School of Social
Work Building

After a typhoon struck
the Phillippines, the
,U.S. and Britain are
preparing to send aid to the
island nation, BBC News
reported. The United Nations
estimated the country will
require $301 million in aid to
recovery efforts.

MORE ONLINE LoveCrime Notes?
Pet wore onine at &ichirgandaily.com/blogs/Tl 'Wire

i. . . . r . : i. , , ,. . .. 'F . . r : . k ..i .. Y

al el deems One World Trade
enter tallest U.S. building

Israel halts plans to explore new
settlements in the West Bank


Needle elevates the
skyscraper above
Willis 'oweP r
NEW YORK (AP) - They
set out to build the tallest sky-
craper in the world - a giant
'ist would rise a symbolic 1,776
I et from the ashes of ground
Thtose aspirations of global
supretnacy fell by the wayside
iong ago, but New York won
- consolation prize 'Tuesday
lihen an international architec-
tural panel said it would recog-
rize (ne World trade Center
the tallest skyseraper in the
U tited States.
h'le Counicil on 'alt iBuildings
and Urban abitat, considered
world authority on super-
id skyscrapers, annunxced
decision at simultaneous
rews conferences in New York
Ind Ch icago, hIonie to the 1,451-

foot Willis 'Tower, which
is being dethroned as the
nation's tallest building.
Measuring the height of a
building would seem to be a
simple thing, but in the case of
the new World Trade Center
tower it is complicated by the
408-foot-tall needle atop the
skyscraper's roof.
The council's verdict rested
oil a cttrclusion that the needle
should be counted as part of the
tuilding's total height. Without
it, the tower would be just 1,368
feet tall, the same height as the
original World 'Trade Center.
That would make it smaller than
not only the Willis, but also a
1,397-foot apartment building
being built a short subway ride
away near Central Park.
Speaking at his office in New
York, council chairman Timo-
thy Johnson, an architect at the
global design firm NBBJ, said
the decision by the 25-member
height committee had more.

. e. f
.4" L .T e

"tense moments" than usual,
given the skyscraper's impor-
tance as a patriotic symbol.
"I was here on 9/11. t saw the
buildings come down," he said.
over the past few months,
the council had hinted that it
might be open to changing its
standards for measuring ultra-
tall buildings, given a trend
toward developers adding
"vanity height" to towers with
huge, decorative spires.
But the council also has a
history of disallowing anten-
nas in height calculations. The
Empire State Building's land-
mark 204-foot needle isn't
counted in its height measure-
ment. Neither are the two TV
antennas atop the Willis Tower,
which had been the country's
tallest building since it was
completed - and named the
Sears Tower - in 1974.
But in the end, there was una-
nimity on the committee that
One World Trade Center's reach
for 1,776 feet - a number that
echoes the founding year of the
United States - was an artistic
architectural expression.
"This was a quest to put
something meaningful and
symbolic on that site because
of the horrible history of what
happened on that site," said
Antony Wood, the council's
executive director.
Tourists photographing the
skyscraper Tuesday mostly
agreed that when it comes to
height measurements, this
spire should count.
"For any other building, no.
But for this one, yes," said Cary
Bass, of Lake Mary, Fla., as he
waited to enter the National
Sept. I1 Memorial at the new
skyscraper's feet. "Those peo-
ple deserve it," he said, refer-
ring to the attack victims.
"It's a special building," said
Paul Schlagel, visiting from
Longmont, Colo.
When architect Daniel Libes-
kind won a public design compe-
tition for the World Trade Center
master plan in 2003, his original
vision was for a twisting, angular

Netanyahu asks
housing minister
to "reconsider"
constrution aims
el's prime minister on Tues-
day abruptly halted a plan to
explore the potential construc-
tion of thousands of new homes
in West Bank settlements, say-
ing it had created an "unneces-
sary confrontation" with the
international community that
threatened to weaken his cam-
paign against Iran's suspect
nuclear program.
The plan announced by Isra-
el's Housing Ministry earlier
in the day had prompted a Pal-
estinian threat to walk out of
U.S.-brokered peace talks and
drew angry criticism from offi-
cials in Washington, who said
they had been blindsided by the
In a statement, Prime Min-
ister Benjamin Netanyahu said
he had asked his housing min-
ister, Uri Ariel, to "reconsider"
the plan. He noted that Ariel,
a member of the pro-settle-
ment Jewish Home Party, had
drawn up the plan "without any
advance coordination."
"This step does not contrib-
ute to settlement. On the con-
trary, there is damage here for
settlement," Netanyahu said.
"This is a meaningless step -
legally and in practice - and an
action that creates an unnec-
essary confrontation with the
international community at a
time when we are making an
effort to persuade elements in
the international community to
reach a better deal with Iran."
The statement said Ariel had
accepted the request.
The issue of settlement con-
struction has been at the heart
of a standstill in peace efforts
in recent years.
The Palestinians claim the
West Bank, east Jerusalem and
the Gaza Strip, territories cap-
. .

tured by Israel in 1967, for an
independent state. They say
Israeli settlement construction
on occupied lands is a sign of
bad faith. More than 500,000
Israelis now live in the West
Bank and east Jerusalem. Israel
withdrew from Gaza in 2005.
The ministry refused to say
how many of these homes were
in settlements. But the anti-set-
tlement watchdog group Peace
Now, which closely monitors
construction activity, said the
plans included nearly 20,000
apartments in the West Bank
and 4,000 in east Jerusalem.
In all, Peace Now says
Netanyahu's government has
given final approval for nearly
3,500 new homes in Jewish set-
tlements since taking office last
March. In addition, it has pro-
moted plans for nearly 9,000
additional homes.
The international communi-
ty rejects settlements as illegal
or illegitimate, and the reaction
to Israel's plan was swift.
The chief Palestinian nego-
tiator, Saeb Erekat, said that at
the instruction of his president,
he had contacted the U.S., Rus-
sia, the European Union, the
United Nations and the Arab
League to voice objections.
"I informed them that if
Israel implements this deci-
sion, then this means the end of
the negotiations and the end of
the peace process," Erekat said.
In Washington, State
Department spokeswoman Jen
Psaki said the White House
had been caught off guard and
demanded "further explana-
tion" from Israel.
"Our position on settle-
ments is quite clear - we do
not accept the legitimacy of
continued settlement activity.
We've called on both sides to
take steps to create a positive
atmosphere for the negotia-
tions," she added.
Peace talks resumed in late
July after a nearly five-year
break. The sides have set an
April target date for reaching
an agreement.

Under heavy U.S. pressure,
the Palestinians dropped a
longstanding demand for a
halt in settlement construc-
tion. To lure the Palestinians
back to the table, Israel agreed
to release 104 of the longest-
serving Palestinian prisoners,
all convicted in violent attacks
on Israelis, in four phases.
The Palestinians also say they
received assurances that set-
tlement construction would be
Both sides have said the
negotiations have made no
progress. The situation dete-
riorated further two weeks
ago when Israel, responding to
its release of a second batch of
prisoners, announced plans to
build thousands of new homes
in the West Bank and east Jeru-
salem. Those plans remain on
In an interview broadcast on
Israeli and Palestinian TV last
week, U.S. Secretary of State
John Kerry said continued
settlement construction raised
questions about Israel's seri-
ousness about pursuing peace.
Erekat, the Palestinian nego-
tiator, said there have been no
negotiations for the past week.
Israeli officials had unsuc-
cessfully tried to play down
Tuesday's announcement. They
said the government was merely
beginning a long-term feasibil-
ity study and no new construc-
tion had been approved. Any
construction that does take
place, they added, would be
years away.
The Housing Ministry said
it had published bids seeking
architectural firms to look
into possible construction of
some 600,000 homes nation-
wide to ease a chronic housing
In recent days, Netanyahu
has feuded with the U.S., his
closest and most important
ally, over the troubled Mideast
peace efforts and attempts by
the international community
to curb Iran's nuclear pro-


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