2A - Friday, October 4, 2013
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
2A - Friday, October 4, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandaitycom
LEFT Rackham student Lilly
Fink Shapiro participated in a
doughnut eating contest at the
University of Michigan
Sustainable Food Program's har-
vest festival at the Matthei
Botanical Gardens
Wednesday. This is the second
annual UMSFB Harvest Festival
celebrating its first growing sea-
son at the gardens. -~
(Allison Farrand/Daily)
RIGHT LSA junior Vinny Sheu
practice for GROOVE, a percus-
sion perfromance student orga-
nization on Thursday. Their next
performance is at G-Fest on
October 18at the Power Center. _
(Tracy Ko/Daily)
See more Photos oftthe
Week on our website,
Lock the doors Car wash
WHERE: 800 block of needed
Hill Street
WHEN: Wednesday at WHERE: Alumni
about 2 p.m. Softball Field
WHAT: University Police WHEN: Wednesday at
reported that a man acted about 11:15 a.m.
suspiciously outside of a WHAT: A car was
house and then entered. An accidentally sprayed with
officer found and arrested foam when parked by a
him. The subject was turned construction site, University
over to the Ann Arbor Police. Police reported.
Skateboard Bike thief
traffic control WHERE:-2200 block of
420 Maynard St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327
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WHAT: This film screen-
ing is sponsored by Prof.
Youngju Ryu. A lecture will
follow the screening and
lunch will be provided.
WHO: Nam Center for
Korean Stuies
WHEN: Today at 12 p.m.
WHERE: School of Social
Work Building
WHAT: Viktor Yushchenko
and Kateryna Yushchenko
will discussing modern
Ukrainian society, its people,
and their values.
WHO: University Library
WHEN: Today at 2 p.m.
WHERE: Hatcher Gradu-
ate Library, Seminar Room
1ABC Hews reported
that West Point Military
Academy had to combine
some classes and cancel
others due to the government
shutdown. 1,422 civilian
instructors ywere furloughed
as well as 132 faculty
Michigan football will
play Minnesota for
the 100th time this
weekend. In the first-ever
matchup, Minnesota won
14-6 in 1892. Since then,
Michigan leads the all-time
series 72-24-3.
According to NBC
News, the National
Transportation Safety
Board is not investigating a
bus crash in Tennessee leav-
ing eight dead and 14 injured
because of the government
shutdown furloughed all
highway investigators.
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The Michigan Daily is amember of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.
Real heroes Alumni music
WHERE: The Diag
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 6:45 p.m.
WHAT: A subject reported
a foot injury because
another subject lost control
of his skateboard, Univer-
sity Police reported. The
skateboarder was issued a
Hubbard Street
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 9 p.m.
WHAT: University Police
reported that a bicycle
was stolen between 8and
8:57 p.m. from outside an
apartment. There are no
WHAT: Firefighters,
police officers, nurses and
more heroes will come
and be available to answer
questions or to have casual
WHO: Center for Campus
WHEN: Today from S p.m.
to 7 p.m.
WHERE: Pierpont Com-
WHAT: UM music alumni
will pay tribute totheir teach-
ers and will share their expe-
riences with current students.
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Today at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Hill Auditorium
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Stock market continues to fall
amidst government shutdown
Palestinian farmers take
back previously owned land
Investors fear neither
party closer to
reaching compromise
NEW YORK (AP) - Inves-
tors sold stocks across the board
Thursday as a U.S. government
shutdown dragged into its third
day and the nation inched closer
to a critical deadline to raise its
borrowing limit.
Stocks opened lower and fell
steadily throughout the morn-
ing.The Dow Jones industrial
average slumped nearly 200
points, but later pulled back
from its slide.
Investors fretted that Repub-
licans and Democrats were no
closer to ending the budget
impasse. In a speech, President
Barack Obama said there was
only one way out of the shut-
down: "Congress has to pass a
budget that funds our govern-
ment with no partisan strings
Investors also got some disap-
pointing economic news.
The Institute of Supply Man-
agement said that sales fell
sharply, new orders dipped and
hiring weakened at U.S. service
companies. The report covers
industries including retail, con-
struction, health care and finan-
cial services.
The stock market losses on
Thursday marked an accelera-
tion of gradual declines from
the last few weeks. Stocks have
fallen nine of the last 11 days as
investors grow nervous about
the political crisis in Washing-
ton and the hit to the economy if
it continues.
Republicans in the House of
Representatives, pushed by a
core of tea party conservatives,
are insisting that Obama accept
changes to the health care law
he pushed through three years
ago as part of a budget bill.
Obama refuses to consider any
deal linking the health care law
to routine legislation needed to
US ,
extend government funding.
The U.S. Treasury Depart-
ment said Thursday that the
economy could plunge into a
downturn even worse than the
Great Recession if Congress
failed to raise the debt ceiling
and the country defaulted on its
debt obligations.
The U.S. missing a debt pay-
ment could cause credit markets
to freeze, the value of the dol-
lar to plummet and U.S. interest
rates to skyrocket, according to
the Treasury report.
The head of the International
Monetary Fund called it "mis-
sion-critical" that the fight over
,the debt ceiling be resolved as
soon as possible. IMF Managing
Director Christine Lagarde said
if Congress fails to raise the debt
ceiling, the consequences could
be severe not just for the U.S. but
for the global economy as well.
A default "would be so cata-
strophic and such a self-inflicted
wound that you can't imagine
we would let it happen," said
Maury Fertig, chief investment
officer of Relative Value Part-
ners. "But the fact is that every
day we get closer to it the possi-
bility increases, even though it's
The Dow fell 136.66 points, or
0.9 percent, to close 14,996.48,
its biggest decline since Sept.
20. It was down as much as 186
The Standard & Poor's 500
index dropped 15.21 points, or
0.9 percent, to 1,678.66. The Nas-
daq composite fell 40.68 points,
or 1.1 percent, to 3,774.34.
Stocks pulled back from their
some of their losses in after-
noon trading after the New
York Times reported that House
Speaker John Boehner told his
party that he wouldn't let the
nation default. The newspa-
per attributed the news to an
unnamed House Republican.
Lawmakers must periodically
raise the nation's borrowing
limit to keep U.S. funds flow-
ing, but the once-routine matter
has become a bargaining chip in
battles over the federal budget
Lawyer says proof of
Palestinian ability
to reclaim land
BURKA, West Bank (AP) -
Palestinian farmers on Thursday
reclaimed lands they had lost
decades earlier to an Israeli set-
tlement, celebrating a rare legal
victory their lawyer said illus-
trates that Israel's settlement
enterprise is reversible.
In the 1970s, Israel had seized
several hundred acres from resi-
dents of the West Bank village of
Burka to build the Israeli settle-
ment of Homesh. The settlement,
along with three others in the
West Bank, was razed in 2005,
in connection with Israel's with-
drawal from the Gaza Strip at the
However, Palestinians were
not allowed to return to their
lands after the 2005 demolition
of Homesh because the military
did not rescind the land seizure
order and prevented access to
the area, said attorney Michael
After more than two years
of court petitions, the military
agreed several months ago to
rescind the seizure order and last
week lifted access restrictions,
said Sfard of the Israeli rights
group Yesh Din.
The military confirmed it had
acted in line with the petitions.
On Thursday, farmers
returned to their land for the
first time. "I feel as if I was dead
and now I am alive again," said
Fathallah Hajjeh, 64. "I never
felt such joy. We are rooted to
this land."
About 500 acres of land were
reclaimed, said Emad Saif of the
Burka local council.
The return of the land shows
that "the settlement project is
reversible," said Sfard.
Since capturing the West
Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem
in1967, Israelbuiltand expanded
dozens of settlements that are
now home to more than-half a
million Israelis.
Palestinians hope to establish
a state in those territories, but
say settlement expansion makes
it increasingly difficult to draw
borders between Israel and a
future Palestine.
Israeli-Palestinian negotia-
tions on the terms of a Palestin-
ian state resumed in late July, but
gaps remain wide and expecta-
tions are low on both sides that
a deal can be reached.Experts
notethatNewYork'shigh annual
price tag is deceiving because it
reflects considerable pensions
and salary responsibilities, debt
service and the expensive fixed
costs. The DOC says 86 percent
of its operatingcosts go for staff
New York's system differs
from other cities in some other
costly ways - it employs 9,000
relatively well-paid, union-
ized correction officers, for
example, and is required by law
to provide certain services to
inmates, including high quality
medical care within 24 hours of
Ex-city manager pleads no contest
Former LA official widespread city government Spertus said Rizzo expects to
scandal after it was revealed in pleadguiltytofederaltaxcharges
pleads not guilty to 2010 that he was giving himself and resolve a lawsuit filed by the
an annual salary and benefits state attorney's general.
69 counts of fraud package of $1.5 million. His The lawyer said Rizzo entered
$800,000 in wages alone was the plea in state court to have a
LOS ANGELES (AP) - A double that of the president of the fair sentence and return to his
disgraced former city manager United States. family with his legal problems
accused of masterminding a When he was arrested, he behind him.
brazen municipal corruption was living in an expensive Rizzo could reasonably expect
scandal pleaded no contest home in the upscale oceanfront to be released on parole in five to
Thursday to 69 counts of fraud, community of Huntington Beach six years, he said.
misappropriation of public funds and owned a thoroughbred horse Spertus said Rizzo also plans
and other charges. ranch in Washington state. He to cooperate with authorities
Robert Rizzo was charged posted $2 million bail to get out still prosecuting other figures
with stealing more than $5 ofjail. in the Bell corruption scandal,
million from the modest, blue- Authorities said he paid most including his former top
collar city of Bell, where one in members of the City Council assistant, Angela Spaccia.
four people live below the federal some $100,000 a year, even But BP concluded it wasn't a
poverty line. though the panel meets only viable option because it could
"Mr. Rizzo is trying to send about twice a month to handle have made the situation worse
a clear message that he accepts matters for the city of about and hampered other strategies
responsibility for wrongdoing," 35,000 people. if it failed. BP said the capping
said his attorney, James Spertus. Rizzo, 59, is scheduled to stack that later sealed the well
"He made mistakes and he's be sentenced on March 12 and was specifically designed to land
trying to make amends for that." expected to be sent to prison for on the well system above the
Rizzo became the face of a 10 to 12 years. blowout preventer.